New Antifa Faggot Material

Is it me or does this guy act literally like a kid. Why? Single mother? Too much onions? Wtf is wrong with him?

Attached: protestormeltdown.jpg (851x527, 148K)

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Nice link faggot

here is the video link YOU FASCIT FUCKING PIGS

>Arms like a 10 year old girl
>Wtf is wrong with him

Pretty self explaining my G, soi has no test.

he's just a sickly little guy
forearms maybe thicker than upper arms
this is the look you must avoid at all costs as a man. even if you don't train or you are small. it just makes you look ill

Jow Forums censoring the word S.O.Y. with onions I guess....

They will probably be back

Im confused watching this, why would a guy like this hate the police, Its scrawny little kikes like this guy that need cops to protect him. I hope he gets robbed and 911 hangs up


>Wtf is wrong with him?
He is white.