how come the strongest, most conservative, least PC, most anti-commie and based party in latin america is led by a asian woman?
>women can't be good lead-
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Women can't lead. They can however, be the figurehead of a movement.
Pic related.
but in this case she btfo her brother and is the actual leader of the party, not like that evita cunt in argentina
To be more precise, "woment can't lead" usually refers to combat.
Other than that, it is a bit odd, seeing as there should be no evolutionary reason for them to do so. Does she have kids?
amazingly, since most women leaders are evil spinsters, yes
She's fucked up here, she's just the opposition leader and she's not going to win any election because media portraits her as the devil, probably in the next elections she's going to lose all her influence.
i mean, she keeps losing presidential elections but she's still growing (very little, around 1% from 2011 to 2016 on the second round, but from 23 to 39 on the first) and goes very well in legislative elections + she has an iron grip on her party and didnt even spare her brother or cuck out to help her father
Nah, she has no probability to win, the left already fucked, the cocktails, lavajato and his father. I think in the next elections Guzmán is going to appear as a right side candidate and will deplace her and the apra.
which guzman? (not peruvian btw)
Also having a bunch of monkeys in the congress is even worse, there are problems inside her party like the albertistas and galarreta fucked the situation even more with his media law.