How do I find a church that hasn't fallen to "progressiveness"? And which type of Christianity should I be looking at?
How do I find a church that hasn't fallen to "progressiveness"? And which type of Christianity should I be looking at?
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Orthodox or a traditional catholic mass. I just read my bible at home because prots everywhere.
>And which type of Christianity should I be looking at?
Look to your own ancient religions back in your homeland. Abandon the Isle of the Dragon, Xiao-Cho...Leave it to the whites, It holds nothing for you.
>inb4 fedora tippers
> even asking this question
user if you want to become a real white man and not a fucking cuck, then join
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
a.k.a The Mormon Church
It's the last cucked Church out there.
Our Holy Prophet of almighty God is a White Man from the Tribe of Manesseh (Usa) named Joseph Smith.
Mormonism is the largest growing religion in the Anglo-Sphere and Europe among Whites, not pisslam.
Mormons have atleast 10 kids total per family, and you can choose polygamy if you wish, althought it's not a requirement.
You will marry a noble, traditional, young White woman instead of these filthy degenerate roasties.
traditional catholicism, look for the sspx resistance resistance.
The church within you
Your body is the temple of God,treat it with respect for it is not yours
my motherfugging nigguh
Strait up this.
Mormons aren't even monotheists. Get out.
Doesn't SSPX have some weird unresolved doctrinal issues or something?
>Strait up
*Straight up
The mormons seem bad ass
Okay. Then what do the mormons count as white? Ethnically I am greek. Would I be accepted?
1ST baptist is best
Go in, listen to what everyone is saying and if anything sounds too liberal then move on, very simple
My beef with Mormons is that they send out missionaries to third world shitholes (and sometimes they even import these pieces of shit). Why do they do this? If you want to save some niggers or spics, just send them to my neck of the woods--DC.
Don't forget to pay 10% of your income as tithing, you fucking cuck.
Joseph Smith was a LIAR!
Mormon teaching is from SATAN!
A mosque
The Quran’s teachings regarding salvation are inconsistent. On the one hand, the Quran teaches that salvation is based on purification by good deeds (Quran 7:6–9). A Muslim can become righteous through prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and living according to the Quran. Yet the Quran also teaches that Allah has predetermined every person’s destiny, and one’s righteous acts may or may not affect Allah’s decision (Quran 57:22). It teaches that everyone, both the righteous and the unrighteous, will be led into hell by Allah, before the righteous will enter heaven (Quran 19:67–72). Therefore no Muslim can know his or her eternal destiny in this life. Even Muhammad himself was unsure of his salvation (Quran 31:34; 46:9).
Today, whenever Muslims mention the name of Muhammad, they always add the phrase, “Peace be upon him,” because Muhammad’s eternal destiny is uncertain, and the Muslim must ask Allah to be merciful to him. This contradiction between the Quran’s teaching of salvation by works and its teaching of Allah determining salvation, regardless of one’s works, results in Islam being the world’s most uncertain religion regarding salvation.
no, its the other way around, vatican city has the doctrinal issue, obviously.
Yes we are faggot
No, I recall hearing that there was a problem because SSPX hadn't fully declared their stance on some element of doctrine, or something. IDK though, it was a while ago.
Avoid christcucks
start with thinking rationally
Presbyterian (conservative) or any other Reformed denomination that is confessional
Beware the false gospel though:
I am. We won't survive without Christianity. There is a reason the left devoted so much effort to attacking the church before going full bore with the lgbtqwtfbbq, feminism and diversity shit.
Yes, you are part of the Adamic (White Race).
The Spartans are racial kin of the Judahites(tribe of Judah, Christ is from this Israelite/Adamic Tribe) as foretold in the Apycropha, the biblical books taken out by (((them))).
As Christ said himself, "ONLY go and preach my gospel unto the lost sheep of the tribe of Israel (Biblical Jacob and his twelve sons).
And where did his 12 disciples go when Christ ordered this command? They only went to Europe.
The Scattered Tribes of Israel would dwell NORT-WEST of Palestine.
What is NORT-WEST of Palestine?
Turkey (Galatian Celts lived there), and of course Europe.
The Israelites would dwell in coasts and islands North-West of Palestine.
France, Germany, Scandinavia, Britain, Ireland, etc.
Mormons believe people can become gods. It's in Doctrine and Covenants. If you believe in more than one god, you're not a monotheist, even if you only worship one.
>stays in the dark ages
That is legitimately pissing me off. The Byzantines literally never had the dark ages. That was a Western Europe thing.
You know why?
Because the kikes have been trying to infiltrate the LDS Church since the 70's when they started to push their Multikulti, universalist bullshit. The LDS Church leaders caved in and cucked to the Edomites.
The LDS Church only accepted Whites into the Church since it's foundations right up until the 70's.
They do this with all Christian Denominations, cuck them into their globalist agenda.
But many , and I mean many members in the LDS Church both in the top and bottom want to purge the kikes and reform the LDS Church back to it's pro-white roots.
Christianity all depends on your ethnic heritage, as an Anglo Irish amerimutt I have chosen angelican Protestantism.
Stupid fucking proxy
>How do I find a church that hasn't fallen to "progressiveness"?
*Breathes In*
*Breathes in again*
> not giving back to your community and LDS Church that actually uses this money to help members or young married couples to afford a home and earn a trade or career
You give taxes to the Government at the end of each year too, and this money goes to fucking Israel, you cuck.
>Christianity all depends on your ethnic heritage
t. dipshit
> false gospel
according to you?
There is a reason why the kikes fear Mormons
We helped out The Third Reich and Hitler during ww2 against Edomite Bolshevism and Communism, and many of us were members of the NSDAP.
Evangelines. although they're not exactly Christian, in the traditional sense, per se. A bit more difficult to explain, I guess.
LDS Doctrine is SATANIC!
Eastern Orthodoxy.
Welcome home, brother.
A Latin Mass catholic parish is the one you want
you can start here:
If you live within driving distance of one of these parishes your in luck, if not you can shop around for a good catholic church but alot of them will be progressive. You could also go orthodox but i think the ones outside europe/ME/africa are more progressive as well
There is a verse in the Holy Bible that does say that.
But The Holy Bible says that we will become celestial beings in Heaven alongside Christ.
start your own
fucking kek why the fuck do you larp as a leaf?
Good goy, take that man made religion like a good little obedient slave.
Remember to be on your knees to authority as it commands in the Bible
All of these degenerate fucking faggots are going to hell for spreading their degeneracy.
The article is a hit-piece by a literal Jew; posted on (((Bloomberg))) as well.
It's not like the American audience knows anything about the Byzantines.
The type that didn't sell Egypt, Iberia the Levant, North Africa, Anatolia, and the Balkans to the Muslims, and Italy, Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, and the Americas to the Jews.
>Believe in Christ as our lord
>y-you're satanic
>who would Jesus deport?
Mormons are the most cucked. They actively important non-whites because they are dumb and convert to LDS easily. Mormons don't believe in race realism.
They teach that whites are superior. While all churches even the based ones teach that humans are the same which is false, blacks are almost apes. This is my only problem with Christianity and I'm actually considering joining the Mormons.
>any kind of catholic
not with this pope
Those whom God effectually calleth, he also freely justifieth, not by infusing righteousness into them, but by pardoning their sins, and by accounting and accepting their persons as righteous; not for anything wrought in them, or done by them, but for Christ's sake alone; not by imputing faith itself, the act of believing, or any other evangelical obedience to them, as their righteousness; but by imputing Christ's active obedience unto the whole law, and passive obedience in his death for their whole and sole righteousness by faith, which faith they have not of themselves; it is the gift of God.
how much power do you think the pope has? most catholics dont even know his positions on migrants or anything else.
Mormons don't believe in the Trinity. It's heresy.
Ready for the LDS RED-PILL?
pope has same power as SATAN!
Whites are Adamites
God's Chosen people
Why do you think we look angelic?
That's where the word Anglo/Angles comes from
They thought the Angles were Angels.
Most niggers are to stupid to understand religion. Maybe some campfire dancing and cannibalism.
1. In 1838, Joseph Smith claims he was told in a revelation that the church should be called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Members of the New Testament church were called “saints” (see Acts 9:32, Ephesians 2:19, Philippians 1:1), which is why Mormons call themselves “Latter-day Saints.” As Gordon B. Hinckley, prior president of the LDS church, explains: “They were former-day Saints. We are the Latter-day Saints. It is that simple.” Hinckley adds that they are often called “Mormons” as a nickname given because they believe in the Book of Mormon as the word of God.
2. Mormonism has four written books of scripture: The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ (which claims to be a record of God’s dealings with the inhabitants of ancient America from 2000 BC to 400 AD), the Doctrine and Covenants (a collection of “revelations and inspired declarations” given for the establishment and regulation of the Church of Jesus Christ in the last days (1830 AD – 1978 AD)), The Pearl of Great Price (a selection of revelations, translations, and writings of Joseph Smith), and the King James Version of the Bible (“We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.”)
Yes we do
you kikes always push this meme
3. The LDS church teaches that as the Bible has been transmitted over the centuries it has “suffered the loss of many plain and precious parts.” They believe the Bible to be the word of God “as far as it is translated correctly” and that the “most reliable way to measure the accuracy of any biblical passage is not by comparing different texts, but by comparison with the Book of Mormon and modern-day revelations.” The KJV is the LDS church’s official English Bible, though it has been foot-noted in a way that interprets the meaning to compliment LDS doctrines.
The only red pilled thing about mormons is their family values, other than that straight up heresy
4. The Book of Mormon teaches that only fools say the Bible is sufficient and that other scripture is not needed (“Thou fool, that shall say: A Bible, we have got a Bible, and we need no more Bible.” (2 Nephi 29:6)). The Book of Mormon contains many linguistic similarities to the King James Bible, including entire passages duplicated word-for-word. For example, the Book of Mormon contains 19 chapters of the King James translation of Isaiah in their entirety.
5. The LDS church subscribes to the doctrine of continual revelation: “We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.” Mormons believe such apostolic revelation is inspired, but not infallible, and can supersede previous revelation, including that found in their scriptures. The only one authorized to bring forth new doctrine is the President of the Church, who, when he does, will declare it as revelation from God, and it will be accepted the church’s First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and then sustained by the body of the church.
Eastern Orthodox? Or some other kind?
6. Unlike Christian Trinitarianism (one God existing in three Persons), Mormons believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three separate gods. They also believe the Father and Son each have a “body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s” but that the Holy Ghost “has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit.” According to Joseph Smith, when Adam was formed in the image of God, it was a physical image. God the Father was once a mortal who lived on an earth. He died, was resurrected, glorified, and grew into his deified status. (According to Joseph Smith, there is a “God above the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”) God the Father is the literal father of all spirit-children, including Jesus and the Holy Ghost, whose divinity is derived from the parent-child relationship. Within Mormonism, Jesus is identified with the Yahweh of the Old Testament.
7. According to Mormonism, everything in the universe — including God —is ultimately governed by eternal transcendent laws and principles. In LDS teaching, all the Father’s children (including humans) possess the same potential to become gods (like the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost) since they are of the same species. Every human spirit once existed as a divine intelligence before becoming the spirit-children of the Father.
8. Prior to creation human spirits were literal children of heavenly parents. Although their spirits were created, the essential “intelligence” of these spirits is considered eternal, and without beginning. At a family council, God the Father told the spirit-children that according to his “plan of salvation” they would have to leave their heavenly home, take on human bodies, and be tested before they could progress to godhood. Satan rejected this plan and wanted to implement one that would have involved loss of moral agency. Jesus opposed Satan and offered an alternative plan in which he would take on human form and live a sinless life so that his spirit brothers and sisters could become gods. When his plan was not accepted, Lucifer is said to have rebelled and taken “the third part” of the hosts of heaven with him to the earth to serve as tempters.
9. Mormons believe in a universal salvation for everyone from death (this is what they refer to when they speak of “salvation by grace alone.”). But after the body is reunited with the spirit, humans go to different places:
The LDS red-pill is very hard in the beginning
But overtime you start to realize that it's the only thing that will save our people and countries from nonwhites and kikes.
I still don't get why any white man would not become a Mormon.
Only beta incels turn the other way since it requires real men to raise a white family.
Search for anything gnostic.
they ordained some priests when they werent supposed to, which is a big no no
This pope is a wolve in sheep's clothing. He is no shepherd.
You are SATANIC!
what's more cringe? being a grown ass man who believes in sandnigger fairy tails and invisible friends or relying on science, evidence and hard facts?
Also which God? which religion? Oh I bet you follow the one that is relative to where you were born and what your family believes coincidentally, and everybody else is wrong and following the wrong religion conveniently.
*tips your silly story book full of contradictions into the bin
What is Mormonism?
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as Mormonism, is an American religion founded by Joseph Smith Jr. in Fayette, New York, on April 6, 1830 and later established in Salt Lake City, Utah in the middle of the 19th century. In addition to the Old and New Testaments, the Latter-day Saints affirm other texts—The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, The Pearl of Great Price—to be revealed Scripture. While they claim to be a “Church of Jesus Christ,” their theology is so far removed from historic Christian orthodoxy that every major Christian branch (Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox) does not recognize them as “Christian” (see details below).
Mormons are known for their strong, large families and hard work-ethic. They are vigorous in international missions and as of today there are about 15 million Mormons worldwide. While there are several smaller Mormon sects, the vast majority of Latter-day Saints (98+%) are associated with the Salt Lake City Church, which originated from the followers of Brigham Young. Because of this, this essay will limit its focus to this branch of Mormonism.
A Brief History of the Origins of Mormonism
No history of Mormonism can be told without reference to Joseph Smith Jr. Born in Sharon, Vermont in 1805, Smith was known to dabble in treasure-hunting as a young man. Raised in Palmyra, New York (east of Rochester), he was deeply confused religiously due to the intense revivalism of the period as well as the competing views of the various denominations. His confusion subsided after a decade-long series of religious encounters—including visions, revelations, angelic visitations and a visit from John the Baptist. During these experiences, Smith claims to have been led by God to reject all current Christian denominations as apostate and become the prophet of a new movement that would restore the true church of Jesus Christ. Mormonism can thus be categorized as a radical version of the Restoration movement.
If you're looking for a church, go Russian, Serb or whatever ethnic based one is nearby w/ English liturgy (stay wary of Greeks).
Antiochian is okay, OCA if you must.
Smith claimed that in September 1827 the angel Moroni led him to the Hill Cumorah near Palmyra to unearth golden plates inscribed with a divine message that had been lost to humankind since they were buried there in the 4th century A.D. With the aid of special seeing stones, Smith translated the message found on these plates (which he claimed were written in “Reformed Egyptian”) and published it as the Book of Mormon in 1830. The book, which has become the foundational document for Mormons, relates the story of the descendants of an Israelite family (Lehi), who fled Jerusalem in 600 B.C. and subsequently immigrated by boat to North America. The turbulent history of the civilizations that descended from these immigrants is detailed, complete with warring populations, prophets, divine interventions, and a North American visitation by Jesus Christ, which took place after his resurrection and ascension. After a long period of decline, the final remaining descendants of these civilizations fall into idolatry but not until a faithful record of God’s people in North America has been compiled by the prophet Mormon and his son Moroni, who inscribed the message on golden plates and buried it in 384 A.D. It should be noted that archeologists do not find evidence for these great civilizations as they are portrayed throughout the hundreds of pages of The Book of Mormon. This book, together with other Mormon Scriptures (Doctrine and Covenants, The Pearl of Great Price), are understood by Mormons to supplement the Old and New Testaments. They also became the theological and historical foundation for Smith’s unique religious views.
A charismatic religious leader, Smith gathered a sizable following of converts whom he organized into a sustainable religious community. This community was persecuted wherever they went, forcing them to uproot and move often. A settlement at Kirkland, Ohio (where a group of Campbellites converted to the new religion), was followed by others in Missouri and other places, ultimately leading to the town of Nauvoo, Illinois, in late 1840. Smith’s turbulent leadership at Nauvoo—where he began practicing polygamy (he eventually married several dozen women), raised an independent militia, and began an official run for the Presidency of the United States—met with fierce resistance, and he was ultimately jailed and later killed by an angry mob in June 1844.
After Smith’s death, many Mormons found a new leader in Brigham Young (1801-1877), who led a large group of Mormon pioneers to settle in the Utah territory in the 1840s. There, Young brought more stability to 19nth-century Mormonism; he became the president of the church in 1847 and founded Salt Lake City. Young made polygamy a prominent feature of Mormonism (he had 55 wives), and prohibited blacks from participation in the Mormon priesthood and ceremonies. These two positions were later reversed: polygamy was officially abandoned by Utah Mormons in 1890 as Mormons sought Utah statehood (achieved in 1896), and the racism inherent in Young’s policies was reversed in 1978.
Is western orthodoxy a thing? What's the difference?
Smith claimed that in September 1827 the angel Moroni led him to the Hill Cumorah near Palmyra to unearth golden plates inscribed with a divine message that had been lost to humankind since they were buried there in the 4th century A.D.
With the aid of special seeing stones, Smith translated the message found on these plates (which he claimed were written in “Reformed Egyptian”) and published it as the Book of Mormon in 1830.
The book, which has become the foundational document for Mormons, relates the story of the descendants of an Israelite family (Lehi), who fled Jerusalem in 600 B.C. and subsequently immigrated by boat to North America.
The turbulent history of the civilizations that descended from these immigrants is detailed, complete with warring populations, prophets, divine interventions, and a North American visitation by Jesus Christ, which took place after his resurrection and ascension.
After a long period of decline, the final remaining descendants of these civilizations fall into idolatry but not until a faithful record of God’s people in North America has been compiled by the prophet Mormon and his son Moroni, who inscribed the message on golden plates and buried it in 384 A.D.
It should be noted that archeologists do not find evidence for these great civilizations as they are portrayed throughout the hundreds of pages of The Book of Mormon.
This book, together with other Mormon Scriptures (Doctrine and Covenants, The Pearl of Great Price), are understood by Mormons to supplement the Old and New Testaments.
They also became the theological and historical foundation for Smith’s unique religious views.
Western Orthodoxy is:
Alright. Can't really go wrong with Russian then? Thanks brother
Why not just read the Bible and interpret it as honestly and logically as you can, while not knocking other people for following the same God in a slightly different tradition?
A bit much to take in I know.
This. LDS is one of the synagogues of Satan. Straight up anti-Christ worshipping blasphemers. Run, don't walk run from LDS. They blaspheme Christ on a daily basis. Let God Burn Them.
The Five Solas are:
Sola Scriptura (“Scripture alone”): The Bible alone is our highest authority.
Sola Fide (“faith alone”): We are saved through faith alone in Jesus Christ.
Sola Gratia (“grace alone”): We are saved by the grace of God alone.
Solus Christus (“Christ alone”): Jesus Christ alone is our Lord, Savior, and King.
Soli Deo Gloria (“to the glory of God alone”): We live for the glory of God alone.
Because there's nothing many lty about being a Mormon
Mountain Meadows - Mormon pussies murdering white settlers.
Utah War - Mormon pussies robbing and stealing from settlers, had to put down a rebellion.
Mormons are useful for gov. They are too stupid to say no because they think what they're doing is ethical.
show me the secret handshake that gets me into heaven
Nice Work!
Thank you.
Repent and Believe on THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!