Boomer hate thread

Are boomers really the bad guys or is it just (((subversion)))?

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if you participate in this viral marketing campaign without even being paid or getting college credits you need to kill yourself.

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I would pay to see this movie


if u say so m8

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No, boomers are a lot more right wing than most millennials I know.

Quit your crying and make something of your life.

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Are we still doing this Kremlin shit?
Newsflash Moscow, this made-up meme failed to turn the West against itself. Because you're a failure, Putin.

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to an extent the boomers were not old enough to have political power on the big thing which was the 1965 jewed immigration act
they did stick around and fuck the country up further, but a lot of this is because they were the first television zio-indoctrination generation
they split the blame with the greatest generation in terms of ruining the west
and keep in mind the greatest and bravest europeans were sacrificed by churchill and the jews to serve the jews in ww2

boomers are based
>hate niggers
>love guns

reminder that most people you call boomers are actually Generation X, the second silent generation.

Boomers get the blame when it was actually their parents that destroyed the country

they're civnat retards

>But who in these days could bear to bathe in such a fashion? We think ourselves poor and mean if our walls are not resplendent with large and costly mirrors; if our marbles from Alexandria are not set off by mosaics of Numidian stone, if their borders are not faced over on all sides with difficult patterns, arranged in may colors like paintings; if our vaulted ceilings are not buried in glass; if our swimming-pools are not line with Thasian marble, once a rare and wonderful sight in any temple-pools into which we let down our bodies after they have been drained weak by abundant perspiration; and finally, if the water has not poured from silver spigots. I have so far been speaking of the ordinary bathing-establishments; what shall I say when I come to those of the freemen? What a vast number of statues, of columns that support nothing, but are built for decoration, merely in order to spend money! And what masses of water that fall crashing from level to level! We have become so luxurious that we will have nothing but precious stones to walk upon.


Seneca goes on for a while talking about how spoiled people are today (roughly 50AD) and how everyone needs it all and how much better it was in the past.

Boomers gonna boom. People always complain about too easy today and how great we were in comparison. It's mostly because its true. Hedonistic tendencies are inherent in the decline of civilizations. Usually combined with declining birthrates.

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yeah roughly 50 AD when boys were being fucked by aristocrats and rome was on the verge of collapse
get that reddit smoothbrain horseshit outta here.

its real you fuckhead

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>that picture
This board is beyond any redeemable quality. Complete lack of understanding in any of those memes.

Jewish divide and conquer tactic.

Hate children.
Hate the elderly.
Hate freedom.
Hate law and order.
Hate your neighbor.
Hate the family unit.
Hate your own parents.
Hate everything that defines yourself and your nation and race.

Fight the Jews and their flying green monkeys, the Muslims.

Greeks, of which most believe in the "boy lovers" and homosexuality, contrary to liberal claims, the ancient Greeks had a zero-tolerance policy for faggots.

"Andreiotatoi" was the Greek word for ordinary brotherly love that had nothing to do with sex. Adult men would take young male proteges and teach them in a skill or trade paternally or avuncularly. The bond that formed between them was very strong, not unlike that seen between soldiers. Leftists are incapable of imagining how to care about someone without fucking them, so they chose to interpret this relationship as a sexual one, even though Greeks forbade that.
"Historians", who were themselves gay, misrepresented Greek history to normalize their own perversions by projecting them onto innocent ancient Europeans. Every deep male-male friendship in Greek mythology was suddenly transformed into lust, sodomy, and pure hedonism. All scholars who disputed the claims were outcast and silenced. Hollywood perpetuated the false narrative to the uneducated masses.

Plato considered it a weakness of non-Greeks that they did not employ the mentor-protege relationship described above and this is what he refers to in the oft-cited work where he discusses the topic. Plato also makes it abundantly clear that homosexuality is degenerate and forbidden. He specifically describes it as being against nature and a degradation of man's humanity. He writes"...when a man intercourses with a woman for reproduction, the pleasure is natural, but it is unnatural when a man intercourses with a man or a woman with a woman, and therefore these people are accountable for their shame..." Liberals never seem to mention these quotes when referencing Plato or his thoughts on homosexuality or Greek acceptance of the practice.

Both Aristophanes and Xenophon mocked and criticized homosexuals with common insults for them, like "wide-ass" and "pit-ass". The "Myth of Laios" depicts homosexuality as a curse. The most liberal of Greek city-states, Athens, had an incredibly strict set of laws against homosexuality. As revealed by Aischines, any Athenian even known to have associated with a homosexual was forbidden to become a priest or archon, attend religious ceremonies or civilian gatherings, serve in any social position, be involved in politics, or even to participate in public discourse. The punishment for breaking these rules was death. Another writer, Demosthenes, confirms these laws.

Of the 80,000 Greek pottery depictions found so far, just 30 can be interpreted to even in the roughest way as depicting homosexuality and, as such, are circulated constantly and portrayed as the norm to push this narrative of 'boy lovers' and other nonsense. Many are even deliberately misinterpreted to be homosexual in nature, such as Zephyros (the west wind), which shows a naked angel-like male pressed up against a man. Zephyros accidently killed the youth, Hyakinthos, and it is depicting him flying his spirit away to transform him into a flower. It is not a depiction of them fucking or homosexuality on display. This deliberate misrepresentation and even fake images doctored to fool public and swing opinion of masses that have no knowledge of history or the time period or what the images represent is far too common in modern "historians". You can guess the race of the people doing this.

So adamant was the common dislike of Ancient Greeks for homosexuality that there is not a single mention of support of it to be found in all the literature of the Minoan, Mycenean, Archaic, Classical, or Hellenistic eras. Not. One. Instance.

The problem was, is and always will be the fucking disgusting retarded normies and their overlords. Every generation is full of them.


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official boomer theme song

copypasting fagademic walls of text on a fast-paced internet forum isnt helping your case, mong.

I've never seen anyone over 30 drink this nasty shit.

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>that 23 year old boomer who posts boomer hate threads

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yeah, too bad the boomers are eating their young

also young people are fucking mostly spics. caucasians have finally turned majority trump

Boomers are the only functional members of society. You're just so poor because you don't work hard enough.

>Jow Forums
op kys

Check em.

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g8 post, leaf

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fuck Jews

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