50 years ago niggers couldn't even look at a white woman. Now they can do this while beta whites look on in admiration. Why did you allow this?
Why are modern men failing?
pretty sure the nigger is a fag, also the white clerk has to smile or else it is seen negatively. But I get your point.
Paid whores have always existed. Interracial is more accepted today due to decades of propaganda. Saged for eye cancer.
I want to blame jews, but how they can do this all by themselves. They are to blame for corrupting the nation's agencies and media, but so are whites for wallowing in this degeneracy.
Bitch looks like a meximutt with those dark roots. Also agree nig looks like a fag, fake and gay. Sage for low energy bait.
>Why did you allow this?
Shut the fuck up and stop pretending any of us had a goddamn choice. Blame the fucking idiots who passed feminism and the civil rights act.
Wait until they start putting all of you fucks on trains to be gassed and burned alive. Like you fucking queers love to say, It's Happening!
That's a prostitute OP
>it’s alwaya muh Jews
what’s it like scapegoating a tiny minority for your own short comings?
>Like you fucking queers love to say, It's Happening!
Are you lost?
>Why are modern men failing?
Modern men aren't the ones who let women vote, gave them equal rights and ended segregation.
The only modern men at fault are white knights, and that includes the police officers who would arrest and punish any white man who rightfully strung those two pieces of shit from the nearest tree.
90% of women are one way or the other. At least in the United States.
Maybe it's only 75%.
>cigarette in hand
>literal faggot nigger
Fake as fuck. The clerk still should have thrown them out in an instant though.
Well said. Trips speaks true
>put a random man just doing his job into an obviously uncomfortable position
>make fun of him for responding in the only way someone confronted this can respond in a socially acceptable way
What else was he supposed to do
Boomers, Xers, WHY?!?!?!?
muh dick, basically. They had no discipline growing up, so shaming women became a bad thing to do.
All I see is a nigger and a stupid whore trying to be retarded.
Any self-respecting woman wouldn’t do this, so I honestly don’t care. Call it natural selection, if you will.
>act polite, tolerate it but dont encourage it = you're a beta loser
>tell them to stop politely or tell them to leave, they either call you a prick or ignore you and make you look beta.
>encourage it, show them up, act more rowdy, or do anything that would "save face" you;d lose your job
boggles my mind how boomers too fat to retain feeling in their left toes can still be so horny all the goddamn time. I mean they think its funny when they signal the sexual air thrusting motion as if its not the most pathetic site anyone's ever laid eyes on. Whats not funny is they valued the dope in their brain from their pee pees feeling good for a few minutes over the entire futures of their progeny. I dont know if I should contempt or hate them more
What should he do? Lynch the nigger right there on the spot and go to prison for life?
Who gives a fuck what some dumb worthless white whore does.
The power of money and women were always weak. Only thing that had change was euro cucks considered emancipation of women a human right without thinking of the consequences.
A pre-punched face
>Who gives a fuck what some dumb worthless white whore does
>dumb worthless white whore
>worthless white whore
>white whore
You let niggers debase your women, do nothing and expect people to call you a "man."
No. YOU allowed this.
Why do niggers allow their children to grow up fatherless and go to prison to raped? alphas can only look on in disgust.
>alphas can only look on in disgust.
These "alphas" are the ones to foot the bill for those children and in many cases adopt and raise them.
When a black man’s 10” ebony rod pleasures a woman in a way the average 6” white cock never could, her brain chemistry is changed
No joke in the past two days I've seen two niggers each with white women with white kids, I can't imagine how demeaning a reminder it must be of this half eaten plate than two beautiful blond kids looking into your soulless shit skin eyes. Poor kids.
could I get a paper on that
50 years ago women weren't masturbating on cams for tips either. It's the times we're living in. Accept it until the apocalyse sets everything right.
I swear 99% of the people that obsess about this shit, black dicks, black men fucking their wives, black men being superior are almost ALWAYS whites. Seriously yall got some problems. We dont give a fuck nearly as much as you do
Based black man
Boogie looks pretty good.
That's pretty hot tbqh famalam.
All white women should be subservient to black men.
the reason? the real reason?
some of us tried to kill the niggers. the people defending niggers tried to stop us. then, all the "moderates" tried to stop us from killing the nigger lovers. then, people more moderate than that tried to stop us from killing the people defending the nigger lovers.
there is only one platform, complete genocide. any opposition at any level deserves death. you cannot fucking aid people commiting a crime. defending nigger lovers is a crime
so mad
(lolniggers) (sage)
Life got too good, so white men decided to share those great accomplishments with others. It was a terrible mistake and not the first time for it to happen.
The saddest part is it could be the last.
Amerimutts. Simple
high test
low body fat
can dance, make jokes, flirt
known to have large penis
don't give a fuck attitude
contrast that the modern white male, a flabby skinny fat balding at 25 years old video game playing pale geek that would have an anxiety attack if he had to approach a woman
Based on that video it doesn't look like men are the ones failing...seems to be the women who have really dropped the ball.
poor little hapa
Tenda Lung Spencer EurasianTiger
They aren't, modern women are.
you spelled "kunt-reek" incorrectly,
>When a black man’s 6” ebony aids injector pleasures a woman in a way the average 2” jew cock never could, her KUNT-REEK chemistry is changed
Thanks for this. I'm tired of guys on here completely absolving themselves of any responsibility and pushing it only on women. Men are equally degenerate and can effect real change in attitudes and society if they actually live by their values and morals. Women aren't completely lost don't fall for the ultimate D&C.
and the second you get called out for coal burning you'll cry victim i'm sure
Umm, that dude is gay. Also, men are betas because they don't lift.
im busy suckin tranny dick
And the second you get caught burning the rice you'll say miscegenation isn't so bad I'm sure
Kek, but when I say it, i'm a greedy nigger baka my head
I would have paid to watch them fuck
this thread again
Fucking based.
Q predicted this.
Overcompensating homosexuals
Calling this faggot alpha fucking kek
Girls will literally shove anything up their vagina, even dog dick, if they think they can get away with it and not get socially scorned by people. This is what happens when you let women do whatever the want, they take that freedom and run 10 miles with it in the wrong direction.
>nigger is a fag
Picked up that vibe as well.
As for the clerk, yeah what else is he suppose to do besides maybe kick them out for being disruptive.
That thing's built like a tank, look at the way it moves...
I say let these bbw "whites" burn the coal, its one less weak willed white gone that isnt needed to begin with.
Uhm, if a woman is an adult she's free to make her own decisions, kay thanks.
Best post Ameribro.
They should have freedom to do this but we should be free to go MGTOW and encourage more of us to do that until we find someone who totally meets our standards. Then they don't reproduce the dog fucking genes. Trans people should be encouraged to go trans because it sterilizes them and stops the trans gene from spreading.
>Uhm, if a woman is an adult she's free to make her own decisions
right, that's the entire problem
Women shouldn't have any more say, or power than a dog.... so this nigger is more redpilled than a good majority of you are already.
No. They need to show themselves so the ones who do that don't breed.
A fucking leaf
That black guy is obv gay
He's low IQ and animalistic so he deserves to be purged from the gene pool.
Women are a valuable reproductive resource. If you get rid of every woman who's a slut with her freedom, you won't have any women left. It's much more straightforward to say women shouldn't have freedom than to say you should just give up on all the women who would become sluts with freedom. Libertarianism is for men alone.
so when IS it the jews? name one thing that is the fault of jews.
>ass tattoo
I'm a eugenicist. If most are purged it's for the better. Quality over quantity.
Man I met a girl at the bar last night who kept making hitler jokes and doing the nazi salute. I thought she was a thot too.
Blacks and women have a lot in common. They like the same music, love fashion, superficial and simple people for the most part where as white men are burdened with this shit for the sake of sex. It only makes since they would associate given free reign.
You cant save everybody. Its better when you can see a person's demons.
It's literally instinct.
Guns Germs and Steel?
White people conquered the planet at one point because instinctually, deep down inside, we have this drive, this instinctual almost sexual like drive to kill anything that might compete with our genes. It's why we colonized and killed off the natives of almost every single country and colony that we founded is because deep down were so intensely sexually xenophobic it's almost an obsession for us. Where as most people want to breed with everything that walks, instinctually we have a lesser fertility rate, and want to KILL everything else that might outbreed us.
There's your redpill for the day.
I'd tell them to either leave this instant or I'm calling the police.
JEW on the left and JUNGLE ASIAN on the right.
*saved thnx op.
Shit was hilarious af.
She was gettin it.
This. That is a faggot nigger for sure!
kek story on this?
Even better to eradicate them...
Okay there shlomo
Mental health and neuro-psychological assessment of the typical politically incorrect poster.
Pepe Frog, MD, MPH, PhD, Wojack Feel Guy,MD, PhD
University of Meme,Kek State
Behind all the hate.Behind all the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone sheeit comics,gifs,demotivational pictures, and webms - pol/ users secretly admire the Negro.Every three or four threads created on the board you will find one discussing them.The raw brass confident masculinity that they possess which they are quick to compare to a feral animal,and yet at the same time acknowledge is what women truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.Their intrinsic ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical activity that they enter.The amazing sense of rhythm that they naturally seem to possess that they liken to ape gesticulations and yet are oh so majestic to witness.Then there is the stereotype of the black man's sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a bodily protuberance of myth and legend.There is a reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and Blacked generates anger and solemn disdain.For where the asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a threat to be taken with utmost seriousness,for there may be a kernel of truth to it.Is it a coincidence that of all the races of men it is the black man whose masculinity has become a meme? Based on our assessment,Dr. Wojack and I have thus concluded that pol/ is a board populated with manic depressive autistic shizoid individuals afflicted with a sort of Jungian-Pavlovian psychopathological negro-complex.
Xer here. Honestly, me personally? No Internet. I really thought most of the kikes were white, and even though I had this growing sense of alienation and unease, thought it was just me being a directionless faggot, and I should drown myself in more degeneracy to hide it. Without any information to go on, and the mass media propaganda circus the only major information source, and 0 way to mass communicate like now, what do you expect most of us to have done?
>hurt durr you were retarded, I'd have known.
Yeah, keep larping zoomers that you're all perfectly raised in little NatSoc enclaves. There's a reason all this shit only really started to take off after the Internet did, and people could talk & compare notes. I had 0 clue there even WAS real NatSocs at the time.
Shit bait, here's your (you)
my nigga dank ayyyyy
How do we regain control over our women Jow Forums?
Or do we rightfully turn our backs on them and breed asians?
pic semi-related: the offspring of coal burners
literally looks like little monkeys
The 90s media showed a lot about inner city crime. Gangsta rap was huge. Where were you?
>black man with a white woman both do something stupid
>"this is so immoral we should butcher them in broad daylight"
Day of the roastie soon.
The only based feminist was Margaret Sanger. I admire her for so many reasons. Long live Planned Parenthood. There are too many people in this forsaken world.