Why is Jow Forums so anti sexual liberation?
Why is Jow Forums so anti sexual liberation?
sexual liberation is newspeak for degenerate
It should be glaringly obvious if you studied your own country's history.
its not
Because giving women rights was a mistake.
It killed the nuclear family and is resulting in the white population plummeting.
my nigga
Why are leftists ONLY obsessed with sex and drugs?
True freedom? Nah, don't want that.
a huge amount of problems stem from it and has led to more unhappiness, less stability, worse physical and mental health
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>It doesn't wo-
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Jow Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
*sips tea*
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Jow Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>gays are people
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
nothing is more damaging to marriages and families than casual sex.
>hot devil girl doesn’t even have a cock
WTF I can’t fap to this shit SAGE
Because in sexual liberation most men are actually losers. Women will always find a partner, men won't.
You can be as much as a freak as you want as long as its private. Its fucked up to make your lewdness public, no one needs or cares to know what you do in the bedroom.
>Its not goy!
There is no biological equality between the Sexes. I promiscuous man will not suffer the repercussions that a promiscuous woman will, neither will he suffer the physical and psychological repercussions. The sexual liberation says otherwise, which is led to the destruction of the nuclear family and healthy relations between the sexes. Promiscuous women are typically less happy and less stable. And since the sexual Revolution has taken place borderline personality disorder and unhappiness among women has been at an all-time high.
It murders fetuses.
>tfw when you have a conversation or debate on politics, discussing the future and state of our country, race, species, etc. and the only response they have is "are you a virgin? who hurt you?"
For women, sexual liberation led to becoming single mothers because they couldn't tell which boy impregnated them nor do they know their (real) names. Single motherhood is the greatest thing tying most criminals together. Not only that, but statistics show that the more pre-marital sex partners you have, the less likely your marriage will work out.
For men, the free pussy might be good at first; but it becomes hard to trust a bitch or find a woman who'd be a capable mother.
It leads to a vicious cycle of men who don't trust women because they're all whores fucking them young and turning them into whores because the guy can't find one girl he'd keep it in his pants for.
Socities can express either high culture or sexual freedom, but not both at the same time.
Women shouldn't be allowed to make any decision more significant that how they decorate their cage.
Horned devil girls are my fetish
I agree with this. I don't need to patrol other peoples bedrooms, but I shouldn't have to stomach detailed accounts of it just for showing up at work.
Are you retarded?
This. Look at ancient Rome and Greece. Both had high culture and high sexual freedom, but never st the same time, and the former usually preceded the latter, which the latter lead to demise.
I know, right?
Trying to discuss Hayek and they're going on about fucking a guy in the ass.
What I don't get it being against abortion. Being realistic, in the state our country is in now, would you REALLY prefer minorities just popping out every baby they accidentally make? Furthermore, if any of you fucks actually get laid, its nice to know that you and the woman both agree that there sure as shit aren't going to be any kids coming from this no matter what.
i wish that was my room
*is being against abortion
The bible is more against divorce than it is gays (likely because the people writing it didn't really know gays existed).
Polyamory is a nightmare as well, and the vast majority of people engaging in it are not the right people to be engaging in it, and just want their dick wet from as many sources as possible, but will just end up bickering forever.
>one-line writing prompt
>pol is one person
>term "sexual liberation" undefined
>irrelevant and old image
dysgenics probably
>Why is Jow Forums so anti sexual liberation?
B/C it's Talmudic and gay. Also it destroys civilization. We might as well go live in the animal kingdom if this persists.
Start with some basic facts, then put them together to blow their minds
Here's the thing I agree, but practically speaking. If roe v Wade were overturned it would only just revert back to the States. Meaning red (white) states get it banned and non white states still have it, even more so ramped up without the current restrictions.
I'm torn
Sexually liberated societies die.
What are your thoughts on your own country in that respect?
Explain yourself.
Womens right are different from being scared of the human physique.
America is more obsessed with sex and drugs than we are, and we are way less prude than you guys. Please stop projecting.
Alcoholism. Financial ruin. Stillbirth. And lots more. Your statement is false.
This is how life works. If you do not take care of yourself, why would you deserve a wife?
I agree with this, yet being overly prude in public is unhealthy. Think about situations like skinnydipping in a beach, or shower rooms at the pool.
>I promiscuous man will not suffer the repercussions that a promiscuous woman will, neither will he suffer the physical and psychological repercussions.
The reason for this is not being confident in your body and having lots of sex. The reason for that is that people in your country put sex on a pedestal and pervert it. Sex is a very basic human behavior. Literally one of the most natural things to do.
>Mutts can't into contraceptives and sex-ed.
Anyone who replies after this post is admitting they are a faggot
Well shit, I guess I'm the fag
Go back to your prayer rug, Muhammed.
Agreed, but those days are long gone user. Everything is in your face. Fucking degenerate.
Hey look on the bright side at least pic related will be a reality soon
It's less about "anti-sexual liberation" and more "pro-nuclear family".
And history is proving right now that you can't really have both.
It's like taking a shit. Nobody wants to admit they do it, but we all know everyone does. When you start doing it or advertising about it in the street is when you've lost the fucking plot.
because it promotes hypergamy . and hypergamy means the end of society
sour grapes from thirsty virgins
>girl becomes a sloot after fucking 15 guys
15 is quite a lot lads. If I was courting I'd want the type of girl that's had a few boyfriends. Not 'fucked' lads.
They keep that secret you know, I promise you faithfully this is the truth as I've learned it. Learned not just from tomming but from being cheated on.
Look I was doing some maths. I probably could push a little harder for getting laid with as many women as possible if I was say a 19 year old millionaire with access to his daddies pre paid harem of escorts and nothing to do but Club Med all year round. As it is irl as we know it I've been doing this for years and I know the score as well as any man alive. I don't often see the same women twice these days, I used too but it causes so much pain - long story. Anyway this year not counting strippers and escorts but including one old flame I see once in a while (who I'm going for a weekend with tomorrow, yay) this is what I've been doing, 3 of these girls were in 18 days in April/may in mad places like Aiya Napa and in total it's 8 chicks (including the woman I'm with again tomorrow) that I've slept with all year. By Christmas I'd expect that to be around 12 or if I'm lucky 15 women. (15 is wishful thinking).
I don't hook up (feels like trouble) but I fuck whores as often as I can too I'm not counting them.
So say 12 non working girls in a year. I push the boat out nearly every weekend, I feel like a sloot myself not because I have more sex than daters (I have less) but because I go into auto flirt every day every time I get a smile from a girl like it's pathological.
I wouldn't want to date and form a relationship with a girl who is like me. I've done it before, my step sister was the worst, a genuine nymphomaniac that I was in love with and it's setting your self up for the worst pain apart from grief that a person can feel. Don't buy into this trope that anyone that swaps partners more than once a month is going to stop it because IMO they never do.
This. The only reason anyone has a problem with gays is because they act like faggots in public and expect everyone to accept their behavior as normal. If they could just have some humility and accept that they have an unusual fetish, then they could indulge in it in private and nobody would hate them. It's the forcing it down everyone elses throat part that fucks up society and that's why people hate them. It's the exact same reason that old /b/ hated furries despite having a bunch of weird fetishes of our own.
Hello Leaf.
I do not fuck men. I am not attracted to other mens bodies. But I am not going to judge those who do.
Are you frustrated because you can not point out a singly good reason why sex should not be demonized?
I'd fuck it.
There are worse things for nuclear families than being ok with the fact that the human species needs to have sex to survive.
The demise of the nuclear family has various reasons. Over the top promiscuity is only one of them. Being sexually liberated also is not equal to being a cumguzzling gutterslut.
Patrician taste my friend
sex should be controlled socially, a woman should not just go around fucking other men because then men wont be sure if she is carrying their child
>This is how life works. If you do not take care of yourself, why would you deserve a wife?
I take care of myself by promoting society and rules that benefit me namely advocating against sexual liberation. Your move.
>Are you frustrated because you can not point out a singly good reason why sex should not be demonized?
Lmao you're autistic. It's as simple as being territorial, women being "Liberated" is them not behaving and knowing their place.
If you support sexual liberation you're a weak cuck in denial.
>I take care of myself by promoting society and rules that benefit me namely advocating against sexual liberation.
So you sit at home all day and post on kasach knitting forums instead of going out into the real world and doing things.
Your postcount wont get you into any girls pants.
Sluts are sluts because they have issues. And not all women are sluts. The thot who sucks two dicks in a bathroom stall before dinner on an average thursday, is probably rarer then your dream white virgin waifu.
Having multiple sexual partners over the course of several years is nothing to be ashamed of.
The people who take it to the extremes are very rare and have deeper issues.
Because sex without marriage is degenerate, and the leading cause of the downfall of any society.
Sexual liberation is more restrictive than a "prudish" society
>Having multiple sexual partners over the course of several years is nothing to be ashamed of.
If you're a woman it is lmao. Those women are pump-and-dump disgraces who haven't behaved themselves and deserve their spinster outcomes.
It is a issue when the average woman has had at least 10 partners at 20 or is encouraged to slut around by the media and degenerative society
Societies are built on families. Encouraging women to be sluts (which is all you're doing) only serves to fuck up society further, as you can observe in all the great societies that fell. Women and men are not equal. Men requires effort to be a slut, a woman just needs to exist. All this ''sexual liberation'' thing only benefits women, and only in the short,feelings-and-thrills way. You're advocating for people to surrender to their animalistic instincts. Why would you do that? Sex is a need, yes, but not nearly as bad as other needs like food, shelter, and a solid family you can develop from. You won't die if you have sex, or wait to have sex, or have it sparingly. What do you have to gain from ''sexual liberation''? Promiscuity and chaos. Nothing more. You're teaching people to be animals and run from responsibilities.
because either both sexes need to be liberated or neither. Right now only women are liberated. Some people dont believe men's sexual liberation is possible, or a good thing, so they believe in returning to traditional values. That can restrict a person's sexual choices in order to promote stable productive lifestyles.
Good picture.
I try to push the shy boys to get over their anxiety. It's anxiety that stumps us all. But be warned, if you think gambling is addictive try getting a casual sex habit. It's a hell of a lot of fun and keeps me on my toes on the plus side, it costs all my money and I'll hit the wall then die alone on the downside.
But I'm not thinking of we do but what chicks do. They'll tell you all about their ex boyfriends, but if they get fucked habitually they keep it secret - you'll always want to believe them too. They may start out with every intention of being faithful but relationships go stale after a while and that's when she will go back to screwing guys like me on the quiet.
I guarantee you that not one of the girls I've screwed recently has mentioned me to anyone. Why would they? They'd look like whores. Some had BF's that I know of, I spotted one with her BF and his mate one night, set out to blag her away and succeeded in a place called Protaras on an island in the med. So just be careful. They described themselves as engaged. She's no way told him. She'll do it again too. Be aware that your fefe's don't control shit except you, and only if you let them.
Got to get my beauty sleep. Goodnight /pol. Be careful out there.
We tend to transplant our romantic images onto them. Try to keep an eye for reality. fuck sloots by all means but only date the faithful ones or you'll end up in deep trouble.
>t Weimar degenerate
divorce rates for women who have many sexual partners are catastrophic. the family unit is the cornerstone of a healthy society but we see rates of marriage crashing and huge numbers of divorces.
>True freedom
There is no such a thing as true freedom, shooring guns and not paying taxes has nothing to do with freedom
Sex affects female brains differently than male brains. Having many sexual partners diminishes her ability to for pairbonds with her male partners and eventually her children. This ultimately makes is difficult for a women to be happily married and often increased rates of depression. So OP, why do you hate women? So seem to want to damn them to a life of being miserable cum dumpsters.
Contraceptives are not 100% and a culture focused on sexual liberation will lead to inebriated sex which is not the safest of sex.
no way man that just can't work with a lot of people, myself included
Brazil bro here nailed it. It's about the family unit, the impact on kids and the wider impact on society. Degeneracy is NOT without consequences. It's also a slippery slope (not a fallacy) - it's led directly to the mass movement of glorifying self mutilation (trannys) and the next big frontier of "Pedosexuality". And history backs us on that, none of this is new. You look at any other civilisations where this shit happened and look at the results.
>Lmao you're autistic.
No. You are and here is why:
>It's as simple as being territorial
Comparing women to things and territories that you can claim is a very flawed comparison.
>women being "Liberated" is them not behaving and knowing their place
They are sentient beings. Half the population is female. Women chose what "place" they want to be in and which role they want to fit into. You are also assuming that this is about women only. Sex in general being considered as something evil and shameful on this board. No matter if its men or women having it. And this is downright stupid.
>If you support sexual liberation you're a
thats you buddy
please stop projecting
>in denial.
just stop already, this is getting ridiculous
You are overestimating how slutty most people are. Maybe in Muttland where you manage to have everything is extremely oversexualized, despite being prude when it comes to the act itself.
About half the amount of partners would be fine. 10 Partners by the age of 20 would mean that she'd have two partners a year, starting from the age of 15.
>Contraceptives are not 100%
Can always go for plan B if the rubber breaks yo.
And drinking is something that people learn.
Sadly, responsible drinking is nothing that the small Mutt learns these days. Just look at spring break footage :^)
It's easy, sex is the only mean we have to procreate which is the ultimate goal of all life on Earth, sex should be promoted only when reproduction is meant, between couples so they can raise children who will follow the same path, this is what a healthy society should do.
If we as a society focus sex only on pleasure fall on hedonism, this does not mean we should prohibit non reproductory sex, but it should be discouraged.
yeah, no
what he said
Because you're telling kids that it's ok to be an std ridden slut instead of letting them do what they want.
Also if you knew anything about your country you'd realise it was a significant reason that the nazi movement got so big, historically most people hate degenerates, especially after they realise you're going to be promoting it to their children.
Also it encourages this idea of women sleeping with whoever they want, then when they hit 30 and suddenly want to settle down with someone who was actually working hard to better themselves. But then they realise the person who worked hard doesn't want a slut for a wife so she blames sexism and slut shaming for her not thinking about the long term.
>Womens right are different from being scared of the human physique.
His point is that giving women the right to have a say in how society functions was a mistake because women have never run a functioning long lasting society. And these people aren't scared of the human phisique. They think that hedonism is bad and you shouldn't go around fucking anything that moves, if you do go around doing that they should have the right to tell you to go fuck yourself without being called a sexist or slut shaming.
>America is more obsessed with sex and drugs than we are, and we are way less prude than you guys. Please stop projecting.
The problem is that you only want freedom for sex, drugs and letting immigrants invade your country, instead of actual freedom e.g. letting me hire who I want.
Have you done any research on this?
>Alcoholism. Financial ruin. Stillbirth. And lots more. Your statement is false.
All fixable, can't change the fact that you were a slut and your partner shouldn't trust that you suddenly want a long term relationship.
>Sex is a very basic human behavior.
Wrong, having children is a basic human behavior. Excessive recreational sex is a rather recent development.
Everything you've said are opinions you fucking sperg.
Sexual liberation is political control
>Good christian girl
>short hair.
Something is wrong here.
>Comparing women to things and territories that you can claim is a very flawed comparison.
No it isn't.
>They are sentient beings. Half the population is female. Women chose what "place" they want to be in and which role they want to fit into.
Why should they? I'm possessive, my woman doesn't choose a fucking thing. And you know what? She's thrilled by it, when I grab her and lift her off to get her brains screwed out she's as wet as can be.
Sexual liberation is bad, because men in their right state of mind are possessive, and that renders female choice obsolete.
>thats you buddy
Deny it all you want, you're the one posting hyper-feminised anime girls, probably because you find it difficult to actually deal with real women in the dating world because it's an environment where you have to impose your will.
Sexual liberation has made women unhappy, because ultimately they want their lives chosen for them. My proof is in the fact that this man, in this role, was the most famous actor of all time, the most definitive Hollywood hearthrob. The movie is literally about a possessive and dominating Stanley owning Stella like property.
since you're german it's safe to assume you're a stupid faggot
It's easy for you to say, you live in an uptight society.
Over here I see hood rats everyday dressed like hoochies
They smell like weed, roasted pussy and cheap lotion. If they're not single mothers they will be or their "baby fathers" are low life imbeciles. This is what real life sexual liberation looks like. It isn't anime girls.. it's cheap ghetto skanks
This is why I hate liberals, they have no idea the shit they're supporting. They run their stupid naive traps on television and then they drive back to Mayberry to their middle-upper class neighborhoods. People talk about supporting terrorism, that's what they're doing: supporting the degradation of society by endorsing low life behavior. You stupid whites, you're good at being on tv.. how about you shut the fuck up and uphold the laws and customs that are already in place.
My people don't give a fuck, they waive flags of other countries but never an american flag, their loyalty lies elsewhere, use your fucking head
whats wrong with the hair? a short haired Christian girl with morals is better than a degenerate with long hair
literal bonobo
>Degeneracy is that limited in scope
Gay twister, that's why.
>tfw no devil gf
Am I the only one who finds this hilarious as fuck? Maybe the only one here who gets pussy. The key is to get the gays on board as a wall against the rest.
Rome, Greece, Germany.
>Are you frustrated because you can not point out a singly good reason why sex should not be demonized?
Std's, public trust, formation of long lasting relationships, effect this has on children, rise of pedophilia, increase in the amount of single mothers that can't raise children, destruction of morality and tradition.
Being sexually liberated actively encourages women to be cumguzzling sluts. It also says that it's fine to move the traditional social expectations of the society, which will inevitable contribute to it's death.
In Germany you can already see it's effects. The debt based economy is based on population growth, sexually liberated societies produce significantly less children in lower economically well off groups. To counteract this the country allows mass immigration of people that try to assimilate and a significant proportion that don't. In a few generations you can consider the society dead due to the significant change that happens.
The problem with sexual liberation is it makes women literally worthless to men.
You are probably also a virgin
Why even live? ;_;
>they can do this in public
>I may get arrested for carrying a gun in public in some states/cities
>nor can I open and drink a beer can in public
some freedom right there
wow quite the coincidence that they rolled the colors in such a way that allowed them to get into this exact pose.
Sexy twister never actually works, it always ends with all parties being unable to move and someones dick stick in someones nostril.
Because pol has been overtaken by non-ironic Trumptards (aka biblefag boomers).
get out newfag
>i have sex, believe me, so i'm correct
didn't even read your chains, just stop doing this cringe shit please
>Why is Jow Forums so anti sexual liberation?
Because to adequately display it you had to actually show a meme of a sexy devil bitch laying on a bed. It's hard to raise families and stay married to the devil. I tried.
It's not desirable.
You're an effeminate anime fag. When "Feels" was around I bet you were feelsposting away, the very idea that a man could mean what he says, that he could demand something, not ask, is totally alien to you.
So you rationalise it away by calling it edgy.
not that guy, but serious question. why is this such a big deal? I always type Jow Forums but its kind of a pain in the ass.
Why is the left so pro disease, death, pedophilia, negative things involved with sexual "liberation"?