i was also thinking about nigger-loving whites who have been controlled and weaponized by jews
I slept like absolute shit last night because i was thinking about NIGGERS
wtf Jow Forumsacks, why did you make this poor little girl cry?
do you guys even have feelings?
Option 1 is that this never happened. Option 2 is that it did because these poor children are being psychologically abused by their unhiged parents.
she didn't fucking say that
And the school system, don't forget (((them)))
That's why at night, you push your problems to the next day so that you can sleep. Move out to the western half of the country and you will almost never have to see them, just avoid California of course.
>48 823 likes
>My first on Jow Forums
Look, like all politics, it doesn't really matter. All you can do is control yourself and influence small things around you.
You're not going to march on Washington.
You're not going to riot in charlettesville.
You're going to your job (implying), go home, and then shitpost on Jow Forums
If you are serously losing sleep over shit you CANNOT control, then you mind as well kill yourself now, because the, uh, jew problem, the nigger problem, the chinese shit, pizza gate, korean rooftop snipers, yeah there not going anywhere. No where anytime soon.
Deal with it.
Either take action and get off your goddamn ass and form a community with actual responcibilities, stop bothering yourself about what others are doing on the other side of the globe, or put a bullet in your brain to save yourself the grief of tragedy you will never see or hear personally.
title made me kek out loud, thanks murrican
Shut up, nigger-lover.