I have just finished reading The Bell Curve. It has been used by white supremacist as an argument for their claims...

I have just finished reading The Bell Curve. It has been used by white supremacist as an argument for their claims, but from my general impression and understanding of it, it actually debunks the white supremacist narrative.

My question is why is this book used for the white supremacist cause, and why is it criticized for being white supremacist propaganda?

Attached: 220px-TheBellCurve.gif (220x330, 42K)

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It was co-authored by a literal Jew, the same Jew who gathered the results of Jews supposedly having higher IQ's. Very Jewy indeed.

>it actually debunks the white supremacist narrative
Would you care to lay out your arguments for this? No one can debate what you don't say.

Are you implying Jews can't be right about things solely by consequence of them being Jewish?
What about Byron Roth, who argues that even in spite of higher intelligence, Jews are occupationally institutionally overrepresented across America, and that most blacks and Hispanics shouldn't even be going to high school since it's a waste of resources?

Exactly, never trust a Jew.

This is a quote from the book.
“there is no convincing direct or indirect evidence in favor of a genetic
hypothesis of racial differences in IQ.”

He goes
on to make three arguments. First, the very concept of race is illegitimate,
given the extensiveness of interbreeding and the imprecise nature
of most of the traits that people think of as being “racial.” Second, the
division of races is recent, occurring only in the last tens or perhaps hundreds
of thousands of years, limiting the amount of time that groups of
humans could have taken separate evolutionary paths. Third, developments
in genetics demonstrate that the genetic differences among human
beings are minor.

But he makes points that virtually all of Jow Forums would agree with?

>there is no convincing direct or indirect evidence in favor of a genetic
>hypothesis of racial differences in IQ
Observe Africa. Now observe Europe.
Nuff said

That's a strawman, it implies a want to rule over other races and that our race is better*. The vast majority just want to be left alone. White nationalists would be more accurate.

*You could make a case that the white race is better at certain things. But it is certainly not better at everything, this goes for all races. For example if you value sprinting/running then blacks are clearly superior.