40 years ago they were a 3rd world shithole, now they are way ahead of the West
Why is China so based?
Other urls found in this thread:
But does anyone actually live in those cities?
>building empty mega cities to keep your shit economy alive
ching chong ping ring why no economy work we no know what to do
The only way the west can overcome China is market/autogestionary socialism or national syndicalist economics. There is no other way.
All socialist governments fail.
> National Syndicalist Economics
kek, yeah, because that worked so well for Franco before 1958 when Spain was super poor and shitty
Deus Ex predicted this.
"The Western world, so afraid of strong government, now has no government - only financial power."
>now they are way ahead of the West
Some people say shit that's totally wrong, but don't even know how fucking stupid what they're saying is.
That's not you, Op. not sure why I even mention it.
>1 billion slaves
This. /Thread
Yes. The ghost cities shit is way overstated. People have been screeching about impending China bubble for 20 years
why would you want to live in a megacity
just goes to show you how ant like these people are
does china even have any art museums
No niggers or spics.
We keep telling you OP, stop letting your mum use the overpasses. We'd gladly send her to another country but we'd have to rebuild all the roads that got her the fuck out.
t. ching chong chang
As of a couple years ago, China's PPP GDP was 25% larger than the USA. Obviously with more than four times our population, their per capita is much lower. I am oldfag enough to remember when Japan was at this level of per capita GDP, specifically it was about 50 years ago (fuck that's personally depressing)... anyways, it took Japan about two decades from that point to become an economic powerhouse and then they sort of fizzled for various reasons. But the point is, in a couple of decades, China's economy is going to be easily twice and likely more than three times the size of ours. Size matters. China will dominate globally. Those who refuse to accept this are in denial.
their whole economy is basically based on building shitty empty towns and cities, its going to inevitably crash like spains construction meme-economy did but only this this time its going to be HUGE and its going to affect every single human being on this gay earth.
who knew those malnourished communist legs could kick the can that far down the road
they're running short of options for the next kick though
>Implying Franco applied national syndicalism
>implying that we weren't recovering from the bloodshed of the civil war
Nice goose
China is Market Socialist and its not failing. The fucking goal of China is to become the hegemonic power and then go full communist. Read Deng-Xiaoping works
>that picture
>actually believing that
I’ll take the bait. Have you not even peeped into Liveleak? The amount of videos of chinks getting killed because of cheap Chinese infrastructure failing is horrendous. The west very rarely has those kinds of deaths.
You know Chinese products are cheap and shitty, so what makes you think their infrastructure is somehow any different?
The Clintons gave them a ton of our technology in the 90s and assisted them in becoming what they are today, while pursuing policies that gutted every part of the US that wasn't already a major financial center.
Can you show me a mention of this China bubble from 20 years ago?
the west just censor those video user, china is actually more free that's why you see those videos
I think you meant "Ghost Towns"
This thread is now illegal for chinks.
Americans are brainlets, they're extra cities for their excess population. They think ahead, not short term like the Amerimutt.
chinks are infinitely worse than niggers
>Build 10 square kilometers of empthy concrete apartment blocks
>Pump and dump deeds to units
>Construction workers come back, plow 'city' down
>hope Turkmenistan approves Silk Road
>Count on new iPhone for revenue from Great White Daddy
>burn dog
>kick the shit out of innocent child sweeping in front of his Baba's shop.
>eat human kidneys left out in the sun too long after organ theft
>wash it down with a tall glass of gutter oil
All kino in the life of the day
checked and kekd
i had been saying this for a decade
china will unironically become a beacon of freedom to those that can see past the veil of "autoritarism"
You are out of your goddamn mind. Ive been to that country, its a shithole by comparrison, everything is literally a knock off. The only thing they have going for them is Hong Kong and they didnt even build that
Why would you want a mega city? City life is shit.
>40 years ago they were a 3rd world shithole
Still are,
no amount of blood is too much for a red world
Demography is destiny.
China has a huge population of relatively smart, obedient people. They're bound to dominate, if they have smart leadership (and I'm pretty sure they have).
People focus on Russia, but Russia is basically just a military power that is almost completely powerless otherwise (although they do have natural resources). They don't want to dominate, just be left alone. China is the big deal. While Europeans are dealing with the "refugee crisis", China is basically colonizing Africa, and it's a matter of time before they have significant military assets over there.
I don't know enough about China to tell what a Chinese global order would be like, but I suspect we'll have to resist it. Unfortunately the US are increasingly irrelevant, and for the same reason: demography is destiny.
>making up numbers
how about the 6 gorillion jews you killed?
ughh im so sick of this 'China will become the new superpower' meme. china's GDP is pathetic. the only reason its large is because they have more people than anybody else on the planet. but per person, the individual economic buying power of the average chinese is 1/5 of that of the average american. on top of that, china is obsessed with large GDP growth but without regard to quality. so you have a quantity vs. quality test, where china is building millions of abandoned and unused houses that will eventually lead to a bubble. the place is a shithole where the overpopulated 'Han Chinese' regions are flooded with pollution and horrible infrastructure, and all of the other regions are sparsely-populated manchurian, mongolian, turkic and tibetan autonomous regions where these minorities absolutely hate the han majority. china's only 'power' is in buying enormous amounts of product in the west and sending its exploding population to populate canada, aus, and US. so let china build their stupid megacities, its the only decent part of the country. the rest are dilapidated shitholes being overrun by mongol immigrants. fuck china. the israel of east asia
Yeah. Back in 2014 it was really bad because those ghost cities were completely empty, but now they're finally starting to fill up since 2017.
They're gonna be packed by around 2020. Everybody will want to live in them because buying property is not worth it in China when the government can take it away after 90 years.
GDP per capita means nothing when you're facing a country that has several times your population. In american terms, imagine that you were to shoot up a school using an Assault Rifle 15 but there were 17 guards with pistols waiting for you; that's how retarded you are. Pretty rich that you think the idiot is the other guy.
i fucking hate people that abuse animals. animals have no way to defend themselves, its worse than robbing an old man. fuck china, and fuck any of muh fellow arabs that hate dogs.
"Colonize" is the wrong term here, it would imply China is trying to populate Africa, that's not the goal at all.
China sees Africa as the upcoming China. Meaning that China knows that African economies will boom soon enough and it wants to have substantial control over African economies while the assets are cheap. China has done more good to the world in the last 30 years than the US has in the last 100.
A Chinese global order will be better for the world, because it would mean no more wars and bloodshed. Everybody develops trade and nobody imposes their political system on the other, meaning no more "bombing for democracy". And most importantly, no more refugee crises.
Don't forget they're supposed to build this by 2027.
no they think it will boost the economy by the slightest percentage point
there inhumane
>Trigger represents the nigger
>Pooh represents the ______
Dirt cheap tradies and construction workers. I'm amazed we haven't shitskinned ours yet.
China and the US are economies heavily due for a reset, they are in the same situation, never ending credit being printed, which is why Trump's so called protectionism has been so insignificant, and mass immigration hasn't been curbed at all. Fuckin pathetic.
I think China will win in the end. The US only knows how to hit hard like a schoolyard bully, and everyone is pretty sick of what an asshole he is. Wanting to sell out like a massive faggot whilst maintaining enough patriotism for people to care. All western countries are like that now.
>implying China would be colonizing the planet without the help of US and Nixon/R'feller since the 70s
Rockefeller/Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
would china be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology?
US is China's greatest ally. if it was not for the US, China would still be a country based on subsistence farming.
US literally created superpower China...
Nixon/Rockefeller birthed superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
china would not be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology
China's rise was due to a transfer of wealth from the west.
>murica transfer of wealth/technology/industry to poor rural china
>murica create power strong china
>murica claim a strong china a problem
>murica plans on fighting strong china with totalitarian TTP eroding more citizen rights
>not creating a scapegoat to implement totalitarianism
the power brokers transferred:
-literally all the financial funds of US workers to China,
-transferred technology and jobs to China
-hyperinflated the housing so that only the Chinese (recipients of western funds) could afford the housing
the transfer of funds was done involuntarily without the consent of the owners of the funds
the power brokers took western funds sitting in banks and invested all of that in China.
all that wealth transfer was from your pockets. the private funds in bank accounts, the housing assets, the jobs, all transferred by corporate USA without your knowledge or consent...
By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill
-Sutton 1980
"America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones"
This looks like a nice, happy family. Thanks for posting user, now I feel better.
>China has done more good to the world in the last 30 years than the US has in the last 100. You won't fare well with this grasp of history, Chinanon.
Chinks actually think they got this big by themselves. They were gorging on human flesh right up to the 70s because they didn't have anything to eat. We created superpower China, and we can destroy superpower China. Once we're done with them, they'll be a wasteland with nothing to eat but each other (for the 1000th time in their history).
you can thank the jews for this. Kissinger despised the American middle class and promised to undermine it, if not destroy it. This was accomplished through giving away our manufacturing base to China. There was a time when absolutely nothing bought in this country said made in China, nothing. Now you will be hard pressed to find anything that says made in America. It's a damn shame. We must be the only nation that laid down and gave our birth right away.
Chinas growing dominance is due in large part to the action and continued support of Western business and political figures rather than its own innate power.
chinks are literally nigger tier...the only reason they have money is because globalist yids transfered white industry and wealth to them to make our junk now they are like an international version of the beverly hillbillies
you have to rmember is that one generatiosn ago 90% of chinks were rice farming peasants. then (((globalists))) transfered our wealth to homo erectus pekingese. You cant thrust an archaic homo species into modernity, but you can't thrust modernity into the homo erectus pekingese.
Those filthy chinks already stole too much technology in the last few decades.
They must pay with blood.
>it would mean no more wars and bloodshed
Naive leaf
>there was no single millionaire in the 80s in China
now the locusts are buying our cunts with our own money stolen from us
thanks to ((globalism))
that money was once owned by whites and was transferred thru globalization
the issue is that there is an ongoing organized effort to transfer the private wealth of western individuals to the newly minted overlords of the east...and that this has been organized and planned by your own gov't and corporations
enjoy your serfdom, tyranny, and wars
They dont have niggers
>Rockefeller/Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
>would china be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology?
Wrong. Nixon used China to help him fight the Soviet Union. Brainless Americans used the "enemy of my enemy" logic without thinking long term and it backfired disastrously. You think Nixon opened up to China with no conditions? Both the US and China joined hands and threatened war on the USSR if it attacked Pakistan in defense of India. Yes, back then India was more of a Soviet Union ally than American one, and Nixon wanted the pro-US China to dominate over either India or USSR.
Western financial systems aren't subjective cultural elements, they're objective realities. Economic liberalism has been proven to be extremely effective. Why should East Asians shoot themselves in the foot and not follow this system just because Europeans thought of it first?
It's literally the same as saying "Europe only conquered the world due to gunpowder invented in China". The statement is true, but Europe doesn't have a monopoly on its inventions, and neither does China.
America stole technology from Europe for 100 years before finally becoming a tech leader in the late Gilded Age. China has been copying the West for 50 years and has already reached the technological level of the West, even gaining the lead in some technologies like quantum communications. Not so bad, isn't it?
I noticed.
It would be very interesting to see if life would be better under chink rule. At least they get shit done. Because I am living under tyranny right now anyway.
Dictatorship: We want bullet trains!
Then they get bullet trains.
Democracy: We want to fix the potholes...
Opposition: Woah woah woah there cowboy, let's talk about this.
China uplifted over 500 million people out of poverty and is investing tens of billions of dollars into African economies to make them boom.
America has started dozens of wars, killed millions upon millions of people outside its borders and continues to destroy every single country it disagrees with.
That's history.
That's a picture of Koreans defending their property from black and Hispanic thieves during the LA riots. What's the connection?
Xi Jinping has already said it himself, China does not export revolutions, nor violence or death. Those are American exports.
You can easily tell if a superpower is going to be violent by its past actions. Even before the US became a superpower after WW2, it already had engaged in imperialism and invaded countless countries in Latin America and East Asia. Who did the US invade in the last 20 years? Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. Who did China invade in the last 20 years? Nobody.
China will not have 800 military bases in over 90 countries. Trust me.
Wrong. China was at war with USSR. USSR wanted to ally with US to nuke China. China was at the edge of collapse, actively looking for alliance with US.
Nixon was clueless. Mao put projects in motion to establish contacts with the USA along any lines he could as soon as it became evident that Sino-USSR partnership would not be able to move forward as it did. USA, if anything, rejected his advances initially, and he made several attempts until he hit with higher ups like Kissinger.
If Nixon didn't give the economic key to the western world, thus subsidizing Chinese economic growth, China would probably have collapsed
Sino-Soviet split was a thing
they hated eachother and soviets wanted to nuke sinos with the help of US
but Nixon/Rockefeller decided to transfer the wealth of the west to Sino, instead
Funny how the US built up China to counter Russia during the Cold War Era but now China is the threat and the US is trying to get Russia on our side. Oh, the irony.
Because globalists funded their whole operation. Facebook in China? Implications???
Why the fascination with shit tier industrial jobs that are on their way to obsolesence?
I sure as shit don't want to work in a factory pouring plastic into molds or breathing solder fumes or whatever shit tier work they are doing in China.
Americans should be working the jobs of tomorrow, the ones in China's 2025 plan. That's where the danger is. When all of a sudden your kushy 6 figure office job gets handed to a guy in China and you are standing in a line pouring plastic into a mold for far less money.
ask the Uyghurs, Scythians, Tocharians, Ainu or just go to Sydney, Melb
chinks are buying up land in the west, and sending their people here. Their students and their Confucius Institutes. Their artificial islands, their corporate and industrial spies, and their growing power. You best not tweet about Taiwan being its own country if you work in an American airline, or you may find yourself without a job.
They're taking over western countries, and China has a vast number of surplus men. They build some bases here, send some workers there. They're doing this in Africa, and I can imagine they want the rare earth minerals and more. What's with the mock european cities in China? The ghost cities too, it's all strange. Don't tell me when all the white countries are burning, or already gone china will let the french for example come live in their fake paris? Another concern I have is "undocumented immigration" open borders bullshit. Whether legal, or illegal I can see chink "immigration" being a problem as there is just so many of them. They could take california, since any human is allowed to live there as long as they please without question. So to sum it up, they can demographically replace us, steal our inventions and resources, influence our culture/economy/governments, project military strength, and more. The Jews really want to prop these rice farmers up don't they? Without the transfer of western wealth, thievery, and most importantly backing of the jews you have to wonder if they'd be anything more than a developing country still. I mean think how many millions still are dirt poor over there. Sure they have their fancy cities propped up overnight, but is there any soul to any of it? It's all so artificial. Could be why the merchants want china to be their new host. A billion consumers, and workers who will never try and fight back as whitey did.
this ebook is required reading
Also this.
service jobs are the "jobs" its not sustainable to continue to make sandwiches for people and think you have a country. it all comes crashing down when china stops accepting american dollars
manufacturing jobs is real jobs
their wages are increasing and their growth is 3-4x higher than america
With an economy that is 80% services, as I believe John Hewson put it, the entire country is basically sitting around serving each other cups of coffee or, as the Chief Scientist would prefer, smashed avocado.
the deinndustrialization of US started with Nixon/Rockefeller's globalist shift to China and also Taiwan/Korea/Japan. the steel belt became the rust belt in the 70s due to their policies.
the clintons continued rockefeller's policies (including NAFTA)
the "Rust Belt" is a term that gained popularity in the U.S. in the 1970s, resulting from Rockefeller's globalist policies.
Since the 1960s, the expansion of Rockefeller's worldwide free trade agreements have been less favorable to U.S. workers. Imported goods such as steel cost much less to produce in Third World countries (china) with cheap foreign labor
Beginning with the recession of 1970–71, a new pattern of deindustrializing economy emerged.
Nixon/Rockefeller China project went to full swing in the 1980s.
Nixons China policy resulted in gradual expansion of the U.S. trade deficit with China in the 1980s. In the ensuing years the U.S. developed a massive trade deficit with the East Asian nations of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan. As a result, the traditional manufacturing workers in the region have experienced economic upheaval. This effect has devastated government budgets across the U.S and increased corporate borrowing to fund retiree benefits.
China is building mega cities, sure, but they are all collapsing in 3 years time. They are having a massive housing bubble that puts the one that the US had to shame.
globalists are thrusting the west to destruction yet again
China is the dream of the globalist. Full totalitarian despotism and pro-censorship of anything the government deems 'hateful'. Oh, they would just loooove China.
It even has all the starvation, shortages, famines, fake food and corruption they love too!
protip: Rockefeller created China
US Middle Class Still Suffering from Rockefeller-Kissinger Industrial Transfer Scheme to China
founded by non other, than our Mr. John D. Rockefeller III in 1954
>China was at war with USSR.
>USSR wanted to ally with US to nuke China.
False. This never happened. The US used China to counter the USSR, not the other way around. The USSR and the US were death-bound enemies, two rival superpowers. Back then, China was a weak third-world country with a smaller economy than California.
>China was at the edge of collapse, actively looking for alliance with US.
Wrong, by then, China had come out of the famines of the 1950's which killed tens of millions of people and survived the worst. China was starting to recover, not collapse. China was seeking an alliance with the US to counter Soviet influence.
>Nixon was clueless.
Nixon wasn't clueless. His plan was perfect, perfect for the short-term that is. Nixon destroyed any hope of China ever warming up to the USSR on the common grounds of communism. Nixon was so successful that China threatened full-blown war on the USSR if it attacked the US near India.
Due to Nixon's success, the USSR lost all influence in East Asia despite the fact that communism was winning. This is very important, because the Western world was united behind the US, while the communist world was divided between the USSR and China. Hence why Nixon did good. But his focus on the USSR gave China the chance to seize that influence that the USSR lost instead.
>but Nixon/Rockefeller decided to transfer the wealth of the west to Sino, instead
Transfer wealth? It was geopolitics. The US open up relations with China and began trade to polarize the USSR and divide communists. It worked. The US didn't just hand out free money to China.
>Funny how the US built up China to counter Russia during the Cold War Era but now China is the threat and the US is trying to get Russia on our side. Oh, the irony.
This is true. Seems like Trump is going for the Nixon plan, but wants to ally up with Russia instead against China. Won't work.
On the surface I have rather negative views about china, but thinking deeper I feel the west and china need to work together but respect each other spheres of influence. Perhaps merge in the future. West brought order through centuries of chaos and developed civilization, the chinese culture with a focus on collective is something we will need when we advance AI and technology. Our military strategy is sharp through centuries of conflict in europe and near east, we should use our might as international peacekeepers and chinese culture can lift the masses out of poverty we failed to do sucessfully. The west innovation and order merged with asian collective could bring a future of great peace needed for exploration of other planets. The west has failed at re aligning cultures but we can keep peace well and innovate, asia can align foreign cultures to the west that resisted the west.
No, retardo. USSR requested to that US support them in attacking and nuking China.
The only reason Asians have any power is globalists offshored industry into these countries to reduce labor cost. Never would have happened without capitalism and by the way, Russia wanted to nuke china.
Russia wanted to ally with US and nuke China, but Nixon was a Rockefeller lackey and decided to transfer the industry, jobs, wealth and future of the west to insectoids
This is a well known fact. Go do some reading.
BAKA china doesn't like paying their workers an average wage of 4,700 USD per YEAR. Instead they smuggle worker slaves from neighborhing countries.
I agree with you almost 100% user.
We are in deepest of shit but there is a shift to help people understand. Keep it up. I will have to restart my Perfidious Chan posts soon.
I don't hate chinese people but I hate China and it's ant-hill, mercantilist ways enabled by our fuck-all politicians.
>way ahead of the West
Go to China, anywhere, and come back, and tell me if it's not still a third world shit hole.
Bonus Points: Hong Kong doesn't count.
as a result of globalism (NAFTA, transferring industry to China, mass migration, h1bs, open borders, free trade) the US economy has been in a depression for the last 20 years, creating the opioid and suicide epidemics. Median wage gains have been stagnant for decades. The U.S. labour force participation rate remains at multi-decade lows. Even our own light-hearted Big Mac deflator suggests that the U.S. economy is in a depression.
There, too, by a variety of measures—ranging from petroleum consumption to consumer goods production to the Cass Freight Index—the U.S. economy appears to have not grown much, if at all, since the turn of the millennium.
OP the U.S. pic is from shitty Apple Maps 3D mode which caught shit for looking like ass when it came to bridges or complex objects. You tard.
Samefagging to say I stand corrected.
Population density is less than half of Netherlands. They can grow to 4 billion and still be fine.
That's where you're wrong
Based aussie
>No, retardo. USSR requested to that US support them in attacking and nuking China.
Are you legitimately retarded? I'm asking unironically.
>USSR requested to that US support them in attacking and nuking China.
Here is what your source says
>On August 20, the Soviet ambassador in Washington told Kissinger of their plans and asked the US to remain neutral. Wishing to stop the attack, the White House leaked the story to The Washington Post.
Read your own sources you imbecile. Why are Americans so fucking stupid? Earlier you said "China and the USSR were in a war" and I said "True". Yes, that is true, and what happens when two nuclear countries are at war? Nuclear threats, not surprising at all. This is common knowledge. But where your retardation becomes apparent is when you say that the USSR was asking the US for help to nuke China. This is stupid and the Soviets would've never asked such a thing to their main rival.
>Russia wanted to ally with US and nuke China
Never happened.
>Nixon was a Rockefeller lackey and decided to transfer the industry, jobs, wealth and future of the west to insectoids
US companies only came to China in masse long after Nixon was gone, so what the fuck are you talking about?
>The only reason Asians have any power is globalists offshored industry into these countries to reduce labor cost
Why do you call them globalists? Why don't you call them capitalists? The whole point of capitalism is to make profit. I don't think you understand what globalism is. The capitalist businessmen that off-sourced jobs to China to make more profits were simply following the tenets of capitalism. Globalism is more political. Western corporations using cheap labor in China is entirely about business.
China laborers were treated like animals. There was no charity involved you tard.
The great thing about a military is that at some point, it becomes a liability and insanely expensive to maintain when the economy doesn't grow as planned. China will use the same strategy you used on the USSR.
Not true at all. Getting a greed card or working permit in China is quasi-impossible. The foreigners that come to China to start business are forced to share secrets with Chinese companies. China is strictly pro-Chinese workers and nobody else.
Fuck off, chink.
The reason the US is not really white anymore, and the reason the Chinese are out of the stone age, and the reason the Chinese will win against the US is very simple. The US is African tier corrupt country. It was African tier corrupt even with "white" murricans.
Who in the right mind imports subhumans for votes and for a % of distributing gibs? Who in the right mind modernizes a massive threat like China to fight an imaginary threat of failing Soviet Union? Who sells out to Chinese en mass. The US is beyond corrupt. Most US decision makers would cost the country billions to make a few grand. That's the mindset and that's why we are where we are.
USSR met with Kissenger to allow a nuclear strike, you idiot. The US declined and warned USSR
These misguided, shortsighted policies continued even after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, this can not be excused. Bush, Clinton are guilty of treason for creating the chink menace and giving away our industry, technology and wealth to our enemies.
All because of Jews behind Bush, Clinton and Obungo giving China favorable status, they can sell anything to us with zero tax. Jews wants to drive US and white folks into poverty, this is one way.
50% of houses bought by chinks are empty. Used to stash money, while white folks now sleeping in vans and downsizing into “tiny homes” or living with their parents.
Come to Irvine kids, your eyes will open up like saucers, you’d want to smash chinks faces.
Chinks are literal cockroaches.
Because Bush, Bill Clinton and the Republican Congress let China enter the WTO in 2000.
18 years later and the US has lost over 700,000 factories.
In real terms (not currency adjusted, but rather the real amount of goods and services produced), China's economy is 25% larger than the US.
As just one metric, Chinese buy 27 million cars and trucks in a year. Americans buy 17 million.
NAFTA and WTO are explicit policies of wealth transfer and cultural transformation.
China Red Pills
No. Despite what most people are trying to lie about, Chinas ghost cities are almost completely empty, with several of them already starting to collapse.
Problem is they are way too expensive for most people to live in, and there are simply no jobs in them so people moving in have no way of making a living.
That and they've built more housing than people in China.
it's because the west is squandering all their wealth, like fucking retards
thats a CCP paid shill
USSR was an imaginary empire looking for support from a stronger US
Soviet diplomats told Washington of Moscow's plans "to wipe out the Chinese threat and get rid of this modern adventurer," with a nuclear strike, asking the US to support them.
But, he says, Washington told Moscow the United States would not stand idly by but launch its own nuclear attack against the Soviet Union if it attacked China, loosing nuclear missiles at 130 Soviet cities
Who in the right mind modernizes a massive threat like China to fight an imaginary threat of failing Soviet Union? Who sells out to Chinese en mass.
>USSR met with Kissenger to allow a nuclear strike, you idiot.
There's a colossal difference between "allow" and "help". The US allowing the USSR to nuke China would mean that the US wouldn't nuke the USSR in retaliation. The US helping the USSR to nuke China would mean that, both US and USSR ganging up on China.
The USSR never asked for help from the US in such a manner. It simply wanted the US to stay out while it could destroy China. Plan didn't work.
>These misguided, shortsighted policies continued even after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, this can not be excused.
Yet you were cheering and celebrating when the USSR quickly collapsed. Of course. you get mad and angry only when you realize that your short-term plans failed despite what you perceived to be complete victory.
>Bush, Clinton are guilty of treason for creating the chink menace and giving away our industry, technology and wealth to our enemies.
First of all, they gave NOTHING to China. China worked in slave-labor conditions to acquire those technologies and wealth. It was very bad and there was mass suffering, but the hard work is finally paying off.
Also, are Bush and Clinton really guilty? Back then the USSR was a superpower with the most powerful land army in the world, the second strongest economy and global influence. China was a poor thirdworld country with a smaller economy than California. You can't blame all those US presidents for not seeing the potential in China.
>they can sell anything to us with zero tax.
Wrong, tariffs go both ways.
>Jews wants to drive US and white folks into poverty, this is one way.
Why do you point your fingers at Jews when it's entirely the doing of white capitalists simply doing what they can to make more profit? Is Apple a Jew company? Is Walmart a Jew company? They build in China to make more profit, how the fuck is China to blame?
This fantastic news.
I lost
>implying a more recently war-torn West Germany wasn't outperforming you.
>implying that the Spanish Economic Miracle didn't start upon embracing free-market reforms.
Shut the fuck up pseudo commie
>Have cancer
>Inject aids to cure it
>when you max out your outer heaven