Anti American Hipsters on 4th

I was at a bbq yesterday and a group of hipsters with face and body tatoos started ironically singing the national anthem. They stopped after a couple bars and me and a drunk guy went ahead and finished the song. No one joined in, and it clearly triggered the group. Pic related (we'll call him faggot) started picking on the drunk guy while his faggot friends snickered. The drunk guy was wearing a polo, so faggot asked him if he worked for radio-shack. I asked faggot if he had a job at all, to which he replied, 'no'. Me and the drunk guy laughed at him and walked away. God damn I hate anti American tattooed faux train hopper faggots.

Attached: hipster.jpg (1200x1200, 283K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>"B-b-bwitawn wuld be wunning the cuwntwee bettew anneway, stuwpid dwumpf!

>dear diary...

Yeah they're the worst. Will even have a party, dress up and grill like everybody else, except they don't waste a breath to shit all over America.

Goddamnit at least stop needlessly hating on this country FUCK

Oftentimes their parents are rich and are subsidizing their ridiculous lifestyle. Either that or they are taking welfare blood money. Then they have the obliviousness to shit on someone for having a working class job. I am filled with rage. It felt good to get him to admit that he doesn't work, making him look like a manchild in front of his harpy bitch girlfriends and faggy basedboyfriends.


The drunk guy came up to me later and commiserated about what a bunch of fags they were. He thought my question about his job was cool. Are you a bot or something? Try responding to something without regurgitating some phrase that has already been popularized within 'chan culture'
you too. fuck off or share some hipster hate.

Attached: pepe.png (300x250, 37K)

why didnt you beat him up

>I asked faggot if he had a job at all, to which he replied, 'no'.
So he was superior to you and your idiot friends. This sounds a lot like one of those "I told that X" stories.

Attached: CR3rmRhWUAA0i8b.jpg (600x333, 49K)

I don't know how to fight and I actually have something to lose. I'm working out and shit but I'd rather just make degenerates look uncool and take back white culture than act like some nigger or drunk chad.