Ubermensch Training General

Non-whites need not apply.

Let's go boys, strategies you are currently implementing to better yourselves.

Marriage status -no white kids? You're a faggot, degenerate, or young still

Physical training - cardio and weights should be standard, extra helps

Reading - what do you consume to improve your mind?

Hobbies - watching cartoons, collecting toys, and playing games are all for children. What do you spend your time doing?

Sex - habbits, tastes, struggles. Traps are gay and degenerate. Arguments for colonization of inferior pussy can be made, though I disagree.

Trade - what do you do to create wealth for your family or future family?

Faith and morals - what do you teach your children, what code do you find acceptable?

Music and film - what is acceptable to you, non-degenerate, and healthy?

Lets discuss the future of our people.

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ITT: OP is a pudgy little shit stain with 0 redeeming qualities and spends his days being obsessed with race as a way to piggy back off of the accomplishments of others since he's too much of a fat, stupid, repulsive incel to ever amount to anything.

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Yep, cringe and bluepilled

Post body and face or shut the fuck up with your larp shit.

Begone nigger

not an argument. try harder, mongrel retard.

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>Marrige status
7 years, 2 kids

>Physical training
Weights 3 times, cardio with my oldest on off days

Just reread art of the deal desu

Right now busy building a new room under the house for the kids during the day and me and missus at night

I'm married so no

Without much of an education because I drove myself to the city at 18 after growing up in a remote area. Got the highest paying factory job I could and it gave me everything I have in life. Now working for myself.

>Faith and morals
We are both agnostic but thinking of becoming Christian because Christian values are the glue that holds the west together. Whats happened in the last decade has made that painfully obvious.

>Music and film
Turned off by pedowood, music is mostly old rock and metal

There are plenty of women that want to be married and have children. Especially women that have grown up in stable family environments. Plenty are red pilled on niggers, kikes and shitskins - infact I have never been with any girl that was a leftist. They are easy to find lads. Have beautiful white children and raise them while teaching responsibility and respect.

Nice memeflag bud. But 2 kids, pure German wife, lift/run every day, read daily, hunt, fish, chess, speak Chinese(hideous barbaric language) etc. Not a larper, boomer

>Marriage status
not married. Health issues keep me from living a normal life. Being a half ass dad is unacceptable.

>Physical training
weights only, health issues again. I can't do much but I do what I can, which is ironically more than the average faggot american.

Military History. Philosophy.

see above. shooting. small amount of vidya.

Fucked plenty in my past. Don't care dot com slash org. Currently not dating and don't intend to.

extremely limited due to health issues. Working on some startups with a couple different companies, tech oriented.

>Faith and Morals
Sometimes I LARP. But deep down I don't give a fuck. We should destroy our enemies and show no mercy.

>Music and film
Instrumental music mostly. I avoid all Hollywood and Netflix garbage. It's propaganda and is cancerous. The fact that you include film as ok yet claim vidya is "for children" is fucking stupid. Film is a passive experience. At least with a game you can work your brain out a bit.

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Whats wrong with ya mate?