Is Evangelion still the most redpilled anime of all time?
Is Evangelion still the most redpilled anime of all time?
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No, it's Fullmetal Alchemist.
what even qualifies as redpilled? is there a certain criteria for something to be redpilled?
yes. and its still the best anime out there
Majikoi Oh! Samurai Girls is the most redpilled anime of all time.
>not LoGH
Japan is a shit country where people have to work 60 hours a week with no time off and if you have any desire to do otherwise you're seen as a leech and a blight on society
Consuming entertainment from Japan is simply consuming entertainment formed from a long, long line of corporatist bullshit with no heart and soul going into any of it. Not to mention Japan as a country hates westerners with very little exception.
Consume good fucking art like high quality western drama movie or TV shows, and not shitty art with subtexts that you'll never understand
Try explaining Gatsby to a foreigner. That's basically what it's like for a westerner to watch anime; they'll never actually get it. And you fucking shouldn't bother with getting it because it's all fucking tripe
It is literally a commentary on Japanese nationalism and the West in the form of a harem anime
This weeb.