I believe the Roman Catholic Church is the one true religion, America is the land of the free...

I believe the Roman Catholic Church is the one true religion, America is the land of the free, fags and atheists burn in he'll, and modern feminism sucks. Who wants to argue?

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why clay animation?

Because Sam is the hero next door.

So out of 4000 plus different religions around the world, you don’t think that yours is right just because of your culture you really truly believe that your religion is the only true religion? Explain.

>Roman Catholic Church
If anything follow the teaching of Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost and just common sense. The religion institution is a tool of control and it doesn't help spiritual growth.

Shouldn't you be kissing some muslim male feet with your religious head?

The Roman Catholic Church was the original Christian religion. Was that proof enough for you? Definitely not.

one of four things wales has ever done for the world.

Why would I do that if I'm Catholic and hate fags?

>God exists

Well that's a nice little theory, but where's the evidence? Surely after several millennia of answering prayers and performing miracles, some physical evidence would be left behind which anyone could easily verify.
If there's no physical evidence whatsoever for you to point to -- despite the New Testament explicitly stating that God will move mountains in response to prayer -- isn't that indistinguishable from a world where God doesn't exist?
To be honest, I think religious people are of a lower intellectual calibre.

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>let’s have another divide and conquer thread

Physics. That's it. Physics proves that in a higher dimension, you would exist infinitely. If that's not proof of God...
Then I have nothing for you.

Being schismatic solves nothing. Christians need to stand united despite their differences, the differences between catholic and orthodox don't matter, but the differences between christianity and judaism DO matter, as do the differences between black and white, the differences between morality and degeneracy, the difference between atheistic nihilism and personal responsibility. We worship the same god, we can settle our differences later.

Original Christian religion key word Christian.

I don't hate other religions. Just atheists. As for other religions, I just try to be respectful.

because your pope did it and he's your infallible leader

That, and provide jokes of Americans secretly being the price of.

No. I want the Church to control the government so I can crusade and legally kill heretics.

The pope isn't 100% infallible.

No abraham religion in western nations.

so you denounce your pope for washing the feet of muslims?

I don't denounce him. I don't denounce (most) Muslims. I was stating the pope is as human as me and you.

Why do Catholics always want to argue? Is it in their genetics?

I am arguing because it is 2 am over here, and I have nothing better to do.

>believing in a religion created by Jews

it must be frustrating and disappointing for you to watch your pope kiss muslims feet and talk inclusively about homosexuals

>few will be saved
>narrow gate, narrow path
>a religion of billions
>yes yes just accept jesus and you have eternal life
>jesus preaches in the common language of the people not even in the language of scripture
>be catholics
>burn people for centuries for not preaching in latin (which is not the first second or even third language associated with early christianity)

Correction. A religion created by two former nudists.

i did not say he wasn't human. i said that he's supposedly infallible. which is catholic church doctrine, as you well know

>I believe the Roman Catholic Church is the one true religion
The Roman Catholic Synagogue is heretical. Return to the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church

>Greek isn't the language of scripture
Somebody doesn't know about the LXX

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Yes that 2 % is going to be right

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A little. But as an American I choose not to care.

>Greek isn't the language of scripture
what? Latin is the Catholic language
Jesus spoke Aramaic. He quoted Hebrew texts. It was translated into Greek. Only then does Latin come into play. Do not try and ignore the fact that Jesus did not care about what language it was taught in.

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You are confusing doctrine and dogma.

Oh, okay. Forget it. It appears I missed your point.

whats the first symbol?

is it not catholic teaching that the pope is the infallible vicar of God? that is not just someone's "opinion" or dogma

The Roman Catholic Church currently has a heretic as pope.

They know in their heart they are wrong , but God keeps blinding them

King James Bible
>Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

>there are lots of religions, therefore no religion is true!

Brainlet post

A pope once said killing cats was fine. I love cats. There you go.