So if the legal process is easier than it is for illegals to get into the USA then help a bong out. I have had enough of this island, I want to move my family (me, wife and 2 kids) to the USA where freedom of speech is still respected and I would happily give up my British passport and citizenship to join the greatest nation on the planet with president Trump at the helm. I would be able to do basic menial jobs as I am sick (not dying), I have little money to get by, I don't know anybody personally in the states. Wife can do pretty much any standard woman job (shop keeping, nurse, cleaner), kids are school age. How easy would it be so I don't have to border hop and end up in one of them 'concentration camps' separated from my kids?!
Do some research, faggot. This isn't an immigration board. That being said, best of luck.
Connor Garcia
you'll probably die if you come here seriously all the memes about the medical care are true you can't do menial jobs and get by here while also sick
Brandon Watson
great so I'm stuck here forever certainly nowhere else worth living, they're all cucked too.
Jace Russell
Looks like you'll have to fight for your country, then. Make sure you raise your kids to be strong.
Levi King
you should stay and fix your land if I ever try to flee America I want to be shot in the back
Jaxon Brown
>fight for your country literally not worth it, I'd be locked up before I can even grab the nearest spoon.
Daniel Barnes
>Fleeing Pathetic
Isaac Parker
He's not even done a preliminary google, if he had he would know that he needs to marry a yank, own an American firm over the value of $100k or have $1million in the bank, they are not wanted in the USA they only want thirdworld wageslaves. Brits aren't even allowed on the green card lottery. You can also be sponsored by an employer iirc
Ian Davis
Call it what you want, I call it trying to save my kids from the inevitable Caliphate. We have no guns remember and you cunts keep putting Merkel back into power to let in more shitskins.
Oliver Morales
So hop the border is what you're saying. Gotcha.
Nicholas Brown
then you need money for insurance or you could learn to like Canada they like Brits right?
Eli Hall
You didn't manage to leave, remember?
Ayden Kelly
>Canada >Trudeau from the frying pan into the fire
Nathaniel Wright
Brexit is a complete joke m8, we will be forever cucked to the EU because the dummies of this country sat back and didn't wonder why a remainer was put in charge of leading us out. >give women jobs they said >women can do things better they said
pretty much just go on a tourist visa and don't come back, you won'y be able to leave (think paying for healthcare as you can't come back for NHS) but I think if you can prove you've paid taxes for 10 years you can then apply for a greencard. I may be wrong on that but I sure it's what the wives cousin has done.
Jackson Peterson
Your ancestors have lived on this island for thousands of years and you're going to abandon your birthright because of memes on an Assyrian stone carving forum. Blood and soil mean nothing to you. I'm not surprised the country is fucked if you're typical, which sadly you are.
Wyatt Bell
yea places with free health care all kinda tend to suck ass seems to be a theme there if you had more money America is great but insurance is fucking expensive especially with a preexisting condition you might have to choose between seeing your kids grow up in bongland and not seeing them grow up here
Grayson Morris
If you are not willing to fight for your own country, why would you think we would want you here? You are no better than the people immigrating from the shit holes to the south.
Jayden Diaz
and the places without free healthcare? USA, India, Liberia, Nigeria, Egypt, Libiya and so on and so forth whart's their theme?
Logan Cruz
>Fuck bongland, its finished Then I guess you're finished too cuck, because they won't let you in. And neither will the resistance with that attitude.
You're a coward. Yes, you'll probably suffer. But right now you're trying to scurry away like a cockroach from a light. Grow a spine and fight. Your descendants will honor you for it.
Gavin Lewis
>memes fucking hell you must live in a white village mate I live in a council estate and seen the absolute decimation and cuckdom of the country over nearly 40 years. This is certainly not the Britain of 20 years ago and definitely not the same as 30 years ago and my father wont even go into town anymore because he said he can't stand seeing the shithole its come to. We have had more and more Orwellian rules put on us, they now lock people up for reporting on fucking paedophile gangs. This place is absolutely fucking barmy and beyond saving. Because this place is finished and cucked to Islam, I can't even criticise terrorists and paedophiles without it being classed as a hate crime, why the fuck would I want to stay here let alone subject my children to a doomed future under the Sharia?
Logan Wright
freedom freedom to own guns freedom to shit wherever you feel like it freedom to choose not to pay a jew for insurance and take your life in your hands if you think you have a better plan the freedom to do something stupid is more important to the health of a man then all the check-ups and flu shots you can shove in a secret bank vault
Brody Wright
How does ye fight with no weapons? At least the mudslimes have adult trucks.
Jeremiah Brooks
>resistance you mean 100 football yobs yelling shit and then going home to watch the footy and forget all about it while the neighbours daughter gets gang raped in the kebab shops they all buy from?!
>grow a spine and fight >reaches for spoon >goes outside >beheaded >arrested for my blood littering the street >charged with hate crime for staining the Muslims wrist when he was beheading me
Colton Walker
the Brits have trucks too the muslims are renting them someplace
Dylan Robinson
America only want 3rd world peasants to build the scum class if you want to join the scum class like beaners do you're welcome to do so by coming illegally like they all do.
Jack Fisher
That's not how it works. They won't want you if you have absolutely nothing to offer.
this we barely tolerate the ones with skills and shit
Aaron Ward
I’m fine with the bong coming here as long as he is white. A sick bong is better than 5 shitskins
Nolan Miller
but still not better than fuck off we're full
Jace Kelly
Hello Hope not hate, your demoralisation tactics are not working
William Walker
After Trump visits the UK he will open up refugee visas to whites escaping United kingdom of Muslims
Zachary Lopez
he's likely a shill
Nathan Barnes
I wont be in your way, I'll take a trailer park in the back woods, or be a farm hand right out of the way, some ranch that needs general house keeping and helping with the animals in return to live in a fucking barn or something.
white through and through m8, no chance of recessed genes sneaking through at any point.
Ayden Cooper
give it a rest dummy, you're the one with a meme flag
William Jackson
>1 post by this ID shills. the Jow Forums Gods will not have mercy on you
>2 posts by this ID /pol lightweights
>3 posts by this ID shitposters. reported for degrading the quality of this board.
>4 posts by this ID Jow Forums citizens. the Jow Forums Gods will have mercy on you
>5 posts by this ID powerful 4chansters
>6 posts by this ID Jow Forums demigods. able to enact judgement upon others.
I know, he's made a thrad like this already & he's posted in a couple more. But ignoring them never makes them go away, showing them they aren't working does.
>if I make shit up its true How about you hide my thread because you don't like a bong admitting this dump is finished?! Pull your head out your arse and go buy a porn licence for a tenner.
that still won't pay for medical it's not that you'll be in my way I have 38 acres of overgrown woods and haven't seen anyone but family in at least a week
if you actually want to move here you need a skill become a coder and go h1b become a day trader and jiggle your pocket change around the market till it gets bigger if you're offering farm help you sound healthy enough to figure something out
Carson White
you do realise the average family is 2.4 children hence the name of the fucking sitcom you utter fucking pleb?!
I'm sick as in I have physical issues which means I have to work at my own pace but will get shit done, just nothing where its "from 9 to 5 you need to have x, y and z done and be around lots of people" I am very much a recluse and have distanced myself from society because I can't stand this country, hence why I want to leave it. I just hate the people here, they're all fucking dumb as fuck Orwellian citizens who I can't relate to in any way so its made me socially awkward. I just feel like I'm living in a comedy show but there's nothing funny about it.
Logan Johnson
dumb massposter
Levi Miller
leave my thread you nonce, close it. go lick the Queens arse for all I care, I don't want to be here, you just don't like the fact I'm not a delusional fuckwit like you. >hurrr durr any day now things will get better It isn't, things have gone from bad to worse.
Mason Wright
If you don't mind saying, what is your sickness? It maybe curable (look at and Dr Eric Berg Youtube).
Justin Adams
Translated: >I have no valueable skills >I don't like my african country >Please let me in
Answering for the burgers on this board: FUCK OFF THEY ARE FULL
Michael Bell
Oh forgot: >Im a poorfag
Benjamin Brown
what you need is an online job I don't go places because niggers but I make enough money as a private accountant to own a few if that was still legal
Easton Sanchez
>Leave my thread you nonce, close it Awwww, poor coward.
I'd be happy with you immigrating to the US but of course it's really up to immigration services to let you in or not. I know Jow Forums obsesses over third-world immigrants but there are also a lot of yuros moving here so it's definitely possible.
Oliver Turner
Bye then, hope the rest of you fucks do one as well. I'll be here, the last white man in Britain.
Sebastian Morgan
mainly psychologically damaged from being red pilled and just can't handle living in this country, I don't know if there is a name for it but I actually despise it, its wrecked me to just watch endlessly more and more Orwellian state measures come into effect and all people seem to care about is protesting against dumb shit that changes nothing and people continue to pay the TV licence and whine about propaganda on the television. Everywhere I turn its just thickos living in denial of how bad things have got. It's caused me to become reclusive and its affected my physically, nervous stomach, IBS, stress, come out in hives, panic attacks out of sheer frustration at times, have to take tablets to help me sleep, can't be the one who talks to people at the door or kids schools because I can't bite my tongue and call them out on their shitty libcuck brainwashing, I made a teacher cry because I told her to "butter up buttercup" when I told her tough shit that my daughter didn't show up in their logo printed blazer when it was snowing and sent her in a winter coat instead. Told my other childs school to stop brainwashing my kid with their liberal cuckolding Labour propaganda when they asked for £1.50 for the 'opportunity to visit a Mosque' told them to never talk to her about Islam again otherwise I'd tell her the truth about Islam, they knew what I meant so agreed to take her out of RE. I don't suffer fools easily, so I get myself into shit and would easily break many hate crime laws if a Paki looked at me the wrong way because fuck this country and all the dummies in it. Police are useless and corrupt, government is cucked and its now left leaning labour vs left leaning conservatives who both cuck to the Sharia. The NHS despite getting my meds for free is pretty much shite, schools are shite, housing is shite, people are shite. I don't want to bring my kids up in this country, its finished so now Trump is clearly the last sane man on the planet, USA it is.
I don't know anything about immigrating to the U.S., but if you're white (and not liberal) then bring the whole family down. If you're not white, you might end up as a Mississippi Wind Chime. Pic related. Best to stay in Bongland.
I wish it was that easy, I can't just pretend this country isn't fucked and getting worse and worse. In fact I'd argue that Jow Forums is far behind just how bad things are. Maybe there's a condition for somebody who despises their own country with a passion, If I didn't have kids it would be much easier but I have that responsibility to do what is best for them (had them before I was awake). Otherwise I'd just snackbar myself into Westminster or something.
Tyler Flores
Have you decided which state you want to move to when you get here?
Ethan Morgan
See coward? Yu get given help & you push it away. If you were serious i'd feel bad for your kids. Assuming they wre real too.
Unless you have a college degree or credible skills and substantial experience, you can all but gurantee that your ass will be working an unappreciated job for years to come with barely enough to get by let alone save for advancement. While you won't be arrested for your political opinion, you will still live with a target on your back no matter where you go because of the political divide.
If you really want to move here, think it over for two or three more years. By then we will see if the Trump economy can hold its course into the next decade.
Ian Green
Apply as a refugee
Alexander Ramirez
>mainly psychologically damaged from being red pilled oh for the love of shrek suck it up you cringy cunt all this whiny bullshit about being sick and you're just on the fucking rag? I had a professor who came back from nam with 3 limbs missing and guess how often he sat around feeling sorry for himself no wonder your country is in the shitting street get up and go do something useful for your own people and stop bitching to your Iranian spicy ketchup forum you tea-swilling wig powderer
Anywhere so long as its not niggerville or spic gangland. Something out of the way, small population, nowhereseville.
Jonathan Butler
I get where you're coming from but don't let them take your happiness away. I'm actually a dual-citizen (yeah I know Jow Forums hates that) that moved to the US a decade ago from Europe. I recently went back to my hometown and found that they had put in african "artwork" and carvings together with post-modern architectural elements when they renovated the 17th century church in the town center.
Joshua Thompson
England is probably going to make it, but I wish you could come here. I’m proud of my country, such as it is, and it feels very good.
You don't get medical care in the UK either. A family member (EU national so has right to access the NHS) went to the UK for half a year, she got sick, and ended up just taking meds from a pharmacist for the duration unil she got back here because it took her like 3 months for an NHS appointment
Also, unless we forget > Be british > Child needs medical care > Panel decides he should die > try to take him out to people willing to pay for him > Court and Police stops you > Your kid dies
Christopher Ward
fuck yaself we aint helpin you if i saw you i'd shove a drongo up yer arse
Mason Thomas
you're late OP turned out to be just another depressed tumblrfag who's too redpilled to do Normie things like work to survive and wants to run away to the circus
James Rodriguez
Maybe if your classism wasn't more important to you than the raped girls you would care.
Besides, why do you even care about the rape of those girls, they're just chav girls amirite?
Anthony Myers
You can always come to us. oh wait...
James Phillips
As a part of that ex-British Empire, get your shit in order faggots
Blake Gomez
Stop being such a whingeing faggot pussy and stay to defend your homeland. Things are just starting to heat up. We are in a cold war - patriots nationalists and right minded folk vs the globalist traitor class and the immigrant horde. You don't want to miss it when it all kicks off. Also a lot of shit you hear on Jow Forums is exaggeration and hyperbole. I'll be the first to admit the shit state our country currently finds itself in but there's plenty of nice places to live here. London or Birmingham is not representative of the UK as a whole. Move to the Isle of Wight or somewhere and start stocking up on essentials and begin preparing for the inevitable civil conflict and collapse of the current order because its coming. You will live to see balkanisation and sectarian conflict on the streets of Britain. Cities will be fucked. Countryside will remain relatively untouched.
Austin Rogers
I’m hoping the RAISE act is brought back soon.
Aaron Cruz
I can't, this place is finished, I don't think you can relate which is why you don't understand it. I actually despise this country, it isn't even my country anymore I'm a second or even third class citizen and can't relate to nothing about it. I feel like a fish out of water. It kills me man, it is killing me every day, I was homeless at 15 and tried for the last 20+ years to 'blend in' and I just found myself becoming more and more aware that I simply didn't fit and that it feels like im in some fucking nightmare where I can see the shit on the horizon and people blindly keep walking us into it.
I can relate my woods are in Washington state or as we locals know it california 2.0 these factors should be a drive to excel not an excuse for failure I hate my state but I'm not leaving let the liberals leave
I'll say it one more time and then I'm going to bed if you wan't to survive without the queens tit in your mouth you're going to need to cut this chump shit and get yourself moving n the direction of a career that can pay for your own weight otherwise you're the reason your country sucks >long soulful womp womp in the distance
I only like stamps so I can punch the Queen in the face when I send a letter. I hope the entire lot are wiped out by Russian poison.
Christian Fisher
This. Defeatist shilling is everywhere at the moment. Always the same "give up there's nothing we can do goys" shit. It's the latest strategy of certain NGOs that see the rise of populist nationalism as a threat to their hegemony. Groups like hope not soap, ISD and t@vist0ck are most likely behind the recent up-spike in demoralisation and defeatismpost shilling. Good to know that some anons are wise to it.
oh yeah because we're right on fucking track to escape the cuckening aren't we. this fucking hag is the best Britain could find to lead us out of Brexit and shes a fucking remainer, says it all when the 17 million brexit voters cant fucking protest a remainer taking charge. Fuck me I wonder why Brexit is going so wrong, its almost like she wants it to fail or something, what a country of absolute fucking numpties.
Commie Corbyn next, hopefully I will have gone by then. Sharia May is going to show you all exactly what I mean in this fucking retarded country later today, mark my words. And what will Britain do? NOTHING!
Levi Parker
The UK is absolutely fucked. It's like Pol forgot operation Blackpill happened. The demographic situation in this country is the worst in the western world. Africanization is extremely aggressive and demoralizing and despite being only 56% the USA has critical freedoms needed for a last stand.