Why would the jews want to destroy the west?

Their only real supporters?Would they want to rule over a bunch of mud huts and garbage heaps?

Why would they want islam to spread?Arent they sworn enemies?

Why was an islamic prayer tower installed on top of the new world trade center?Was it just a whim of that muslim nigger president?Or something more sinister?

Attached: ahriman-in-911.png (991x518, 709K)

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They think they can control the drooling masses of brown people. In the US, it has been proven to work in southern Florida and California. Jews rule those places and the population is minority white. In Europe, I think they just want to wipe out whites with little other benefit, if any at all.

Is that a Dunmer?

Sometimes i feel jews dont have any real intelligence , they are not even conscious , how they rub their hands and gloat how they gonna destroy Europe,and when confronted they say nah it's just a prank bro stop being antisemitic,they are so robotic and predictable

What they do have is unmatched malice though,no wonder they got so far

No, it's a high elf/altmer

Someone used CHIM and made the Elder Scrolls more than fiction.

Attached: High Elves.jpg (632x377, 49K)

Attached: Skyrim High Elf.jpg (300x400, 29K)

got some baby blood? i gotta make mazza

because white people destroyed the jews 2000 years ago, and there haven't been any jews since, not real jews anyways
whats left of judaism, a bunch of mixed race faggots with questionable "jewish" heritage, a whole lot of converts, and a bunch of white people who think they can get ahead by larping as a minority . .... and what better way for them to spot thier fellow parasites then too for all of them to carry a convenient label.

show me a single man on this entire planet who follows the laws laid down by moses

show me just one jew who is actually 100% jewish heritage .... not 99.99 but 100% ... (99 out of 100 jews dont even have 50% jewish genetics)

the greatest trick the jew ever pulled was convincing the goyim that he existed

most jews are goyim,retarded but useful scapegoats

keep it up

So they can point at the Muslim dogs ant tell the boys that they are the true enemy, and then whites will leave the Jews alone and fight the Muslims.

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It all makes sense now.

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Add Las Vegas to that list as well. Female jew mayor, brown idiot majority. Totally controlled. If you live here long enough your soul will begin to die.

X predicted this.

Because they're ruled by Satan. God is a creator. Satan is a destroyer. Contrary to what some may think, Satan is not out to help his minions. He ultimately wants to destroy all of humanity with his creed: "Do what thou wilt". Ultimately, he wants to destroy everyone including his own. There's nothing "rational" about their thinking. Their primary directive is to destroy. Satan hates a good example.

Yea but who is he, really? Or should I say was? Isn't Ahriman more like an evil spirit than a mesopotamian god?

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They can't help it. Imagine a race of neurotic sociopaths who mutilate their dicks and have a law that only applies to one another, but can do anything they want to outsiders, while expecting outsiders to follow another set of law.
That's the Jews.
To the Jew, non-Jews exist for the profit of the Jews, nothing more. You're a resource for them to use up. And they'll just con their way into power over whoever replaces you.
They know they can't con anyone forever, so they use you up and toss you away and move on to the next group. Maybe they'll even come back to you later if you happen to survive and rebuild. They'll con your great grandchildren and use them up too.
This will repeat forever until they are all wiped out.

It has already repeated for thousands of years.

Absolutely, the list grows and grows. They know if they flood a nice area with shitskins, the whites will move out and they can take over with gibs.

Pretty accurate

I saw Satan's face in the smoke that day, and let me tell you it persisted for minutes. A lot of people think that was some lucky picture shot-no, that was the Devil himself appearing to all of humanity that day.

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How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

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Insurance, ritual who the fuck knows. Those mossad agents with that moving company pretty much proves jews did it. They said they where at Manhattan to document the event.. how did they know it was going to happen?

the more divided a society is the less their scheming becomes apparent.

Lucifer and Ahriman are duality personified

one holds wisdom , the other knowledge , but too much of only one leads to destruction,that's why Christ came to show us the middle path

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World wars never had heroes , only bad guys to begin with , revenge upon revenge,truly a cosmic catastrophe

fuck off and die:
>CAESAR'S MESSIAH The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus

>Cesare Borgia's image used as Jesus Christ

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That’s rubbish, for starter every party thought they are hero’s and objectively speaking ones motives were more noble and good then others.

So your statement just shows a low IQ and and overt weak pacifist sissyboi mentality

Jesus took them all by stealth, for he did not appear as he was, but in the manner in which they would be able to see him. He appeared to them all. He appeared to the great as great. He appeared to the small as small. He appeared to the angels as an angel, and to men as a man. Because of this, his word hid itself from everyone. Some indeed saw him, thinking that they were seeing themselves, but when he appeared to his disciples in glory on the mount, he was not small. He became great, but he made the disciples great, that they might be able to see him in his greatness.

He said on that day in the thanksgiving, "You who have joined the perfect light with the Holy Spirit, unite the angels with us also, as being the images." Do not despise the lamb, for without it, it is not possible to see the king. No one will be able to go in to the king if he is naked.

So what?

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>Why would the jews want to destroy the west?
To create Grater Israel
>Would they want to rule over a bunch of mud huts and garbage heaps?
You don't care what your slaves look like
>Why would they want islam to spread?
Will make the west easier to conquer, the jews can just swoop in and save the day, no one will question Grater Israel after that, and all will se the jews as saviours

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>Why would the jews want to destroy the west?Their only real supporters?Would they want to rule over a bunch of mud huts and garbage heaps?
Better to reign in Hell made by jews, than serve in Heaven made by Whites.
>Why would they want islam to spread?Arent they sworn enemies?
Islam is just Judaism for niggers, it's easier to btfo mudslimes than whites.
>Why was an islamic prayer tower installed on top of the new world trade center?Was it just a whim of that muslim nigger president?Or something more sinister?
Jews trying to distract you.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

shut the fuck up and watch the video
did you not understand what you just posted?
they're not semites

there is no hell, and you're a fool

Attached: no hell.png (300x280, 5K)

>there is no hell
matter of time

You are in it dummy

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Thats some next level kikery, jew keeps subverting even when dead.

9/11 was about invading middle east, taking their oil and installing a federal bank.

Whats your nickname on nrg? Seems we might frequent the same forum

The maximise their profits from the put options.

Why are diaspora Jew so much more kvetchy and lacking a sense of humor?

Say whatever about Israeli's, but you cunts are just angry Woody Allens who got bullied by the local bull goyim.

dunno what that is sorry :D

he gets it !
they had two options to force gods hand so to speak. ether they turn earth into a paradise or turn it into hell... and they decided its easier to turn it into hell.

Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

id rather serve in the lowest rank in haven than to reign in hell for one day !



hence the word Jew(ish)

>the middle path is a buddhist concept...

Racial Jew and former religious Jew here, is right, the Jews believe that the messiah will come under one of two conditions: when the world most needs him or when the world most deserves him. Of course, making the world perfect in order to make the messiah come is too hard (after all, who can expect the filthy goyim to not fuck shit up for the Jews? Also niggers.) so Jews opt to make the world complete hell and destroy all those faithful to God so that God is forced to intervene.


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>who can expect the filthy goyim to not fuck shit up for the Jews? Also niggers
But your the antagonizers fucking everything up. You promote LGBT and Niggerism through rap music

Enslave, not destroy. Lurk the fuck more

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he already came

this walken look alike talks about exactly this in these two interviews.
i think its worth 2 hours.

you are putting the truth in boxes,quite the disservice you do for yourself

if that where so every living thing would have known it in an instant after arriving here.

He came and established the third reich

Amazing book, it's a quick read too. biblebelievers.org.au/israel.htm
Quote from this short book written in 1985

At this point, you may be confused, Israel and the Soviets are ideological allies—both follow the ideas of Karl Marx, so both are communist/socialist. Yet, the Soviets supplied military equipment to the Arabs—Israel's enemies; and at the same time, the Soviet Union's enemy, the United States, was arming Israel.

To understand the treachery which Zionist/Bolshevik Jews are capable and to understand the treachery which took place before and during the 1973 War, I must explain the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv Triangle. To do so, it is necessary to go back a few years in history.

A heavy migration of Jews from Russia to America started in 1831. Most of these were communist Jews. So many of these communist/Bolshevik Jews settled in New York City that New York has been referred to as 'Moscow on the Hudson'.

In viewing the 1973 War, most people, and it seems most Arabs, are of the impression that since Soviet Russia sold equipment to Egypt and other Arab countries, the Soviets were in support of the Arabs in the 1973 War. This is a false impression. To understand that this is the result of more deceit on the part of Israel and the Soviet Union, you must be aware of the Golda Meir-Stalin/Kaganovich Pact.

I'm describing it from the Jewish perspective. The reason they push degeneracy is because they find it inferior and disgusting, and see it as making perfecting the world an impossibly. This makes them think it is instead the perfect tool for making the world hell so that God finally sends them the messiah.

I converted to Orthodox Christianity a long time ago.

Inferiority complexes
Mental illness

that's not how it works,if you are full of ego you wont see anything but yourself as god

and that is the state of humanity for a major part

found the person whos never actually had matzoh

matzoh is pretty great to be honest.

Every kike scam is either the destruction of their host Nation because they think it gives them more power and makes them safer. Or is some kind of wealth redistribution scam that they get a cut of. You need to understand communism and Jews are the same thing in the end. It's a Ponzi scheme designed to make them as rich and as possible until it collapses. Then they move t a new host Nation. I'm beginning to think some kind of mass victimization event at the point their bull becomes unsustainable is actually a part of their Scripture too. They are a nationalist people who live in other people's countries and act in their own self interest.

There's an old Greek saying. A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.

Jews are the polar opposite of that.

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Jews are parasites basically
But they smart enough to not destroy their hosts

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I think they have just had the benefit of strong hosts.

you are right about the ego part !
but do not underestimate the divine spark that breathes life into dead matter my friend.
have some hope user.

You’ll have to read the bible to understand the synagogue of satan.

It’s all spelled out clearly.

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>he doesn't know about the michigan blue hell

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Picture on the left looks like a face from vanilla morrowind

Lol but hell already has its rulers dummy.

see Mumbai

>Their only real supporters?Would they want to rule over a bunch of mud huts and garbage heaps?
>Why would they want islam to spread?Arent they sworn enemies?
>t. has not read 1984 or knows anything about marxism or (((them)}}
lurk moar, faggit

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Another hivemind parrot

if you have no thoughts of your own please stop posting

They are trying to make their problem our problem so goys will die for them creating the greater Israel.

Jews are as bad as muslims when the jews decimate the arabs and moslems we need to decimate them

we're not really trying. but they keep making it so easy.

That looks like a dark elf from morrowind

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settle down beavis!

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>A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
great quote, when will the goyim get fed up with these parasites again?
how long until the next diaspora?

100% accurate

It’s like asking why bears hibernate.

Because war makes GREAT business.

They are filled with psychopaths that only want to really win but the fake emotion and try to deceive people with their faked empathy.

>stir up shit with islamic inbred retards
>piss off the west
>deus vult
>oh no someone blew up the mosque on top of the second temple
>oh look, a red cow
>oh look, new temple
>oh look, god came back
Messianic Jews my dude.

Because le chosenites. Everyone else can have diversity and multiculti.

Did you mean 1831 or 1931? Sounds very interesting.

>Sometimes i feel jews dont have any real intelligence , they are not even conscious
Something on this level. I sometimes doubt that they actually are human at all. I wonder if Jews really are a form of biological robots created with advanced technology. Their creators are either long gone, or living somewhere far away, maybe another dimension?


Rudolf Steiner and the head of Ahriman in wood

deep occult shit


its literally the devil

Attached: rudolf-steiner-ahriman.jpg (745x480, 68K)

could that head be some kind of petrified fossil?

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my mothers side of the family was jewish, and i see that aswell in the community, they try to just work for their own sake and they only seem to care about themselves, at first you trust them , but after a time, you can start to read their every move.

That's what they do!
they destroy civilizations! that's their purpose in life

the have destroyed:
Phoenician Empire
Ancient Eygept
Persian Empire
Roman Empire
France (the French revolution)
Russian Empire
Astor Hungarian Empire
Third Reich
South African civilization (the Afrikaners and Boars)
and now, the Anglo-American Empire

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Because they aren't real Jews. They are Khazars. Real Jews are Shephardic and Hasidic.

>Real Jews are Shephardic and Hasidic.
If you read the Bible carefully, both the old Testament and the New Testament it is clear that the Jews already back in those days had become distorted from the original, and the Original Jew, Isacs son Judah and his direct descendants Onan etc. weren't exactly the best of the Israelites.

>The Scorpion and the Frog
It is (((their))) nature, user