>Auckland 'alt-right' event cancelled due to 'health and safety'
>An 'alt right' speaking event planned to be held in Auckland has been cancelled by the venue operators. >That comes as Mayor Phil Goff sent a clear message that the pair are not welcome at Auckland Council venues. >"I just think we've got no obligation at all - in a city that's multicultural, inclusive, embraces people of all faiths and ethnicities - to provide a venue for hate speech by people that want to abuse and insult others, either their faith or their ethnicity," Mr Goff told Newshub. >"These individuals who want to incite hatred against others are, in my view, not welcome here," he said. >He tweeted a similar message. Auckland Live, which runs the Bruce Mason Centre where the event was scheduled to take place, said the event was cancelled due to "security concerns" around the "health and safety" of the presenters, staff and patrons of the event. >That comes after Auckland Peace Action (APA) called on the Government to not allow the speakers entry to New Zealand. >"We stand in solidarity with the Muslim community in Aotearoa who are opposing these fascists. If they come here, we will confront them on the streets. If they come, we will blockade entry to their speaking venue," >APA member Valerie Morse said. "It is imperative that this type of racism is given no room to be promoted and encouraged in Aotearoa."
Ask Aucklanders if they like multicultralism and losing their city to Polynesians, Asians and Indians is going for them. How millennials cant afford to buy houses and the average rent is 700$ a week. Its hardly a utopia there. Every white guy i know hates violent polynesians and has no connections to Asians at all who barely even speak English.
Sad state of affairs for my home city. Massive taxes and white kiwis there are on the verge of becomming minorities just like in Britain.
Aiden Butler
Bump. Happy I moved to the US. Pity to see this shit, the state of NZ is pretty blackpilling.
Nicholas Smith
Have family in Auckland dating back 100s of years. I feel you pain friend. The South Island will become the last haven of man.
Matthew Price
This is unironically true. Buy up land now if you are really interested in an ethnostate but don't tell anyone.
Nolan Lopez
Yeah, I'm all 5 white people in Auckland will be devastated.
Boy those leafs sure are based. I wonder why they dont do this in Canada itsel... ah yes, not enough buyers for patreon.
Thomas Brooks
GO AWAY LAUREN! We dont like you now, we wont like you later, and just like you're father said to your mother a very long time ago; "Ill be right back, I just need to get some ciggarettes"
Hudson Long
>molymeme did a video together with Thoten Southern This is hilarious and sad at the same time.
Alex Jones and PJW both used to be critical of zionism - i wonder who paid them off spencer, peterson, southern, molymeme, sellner, pettibone, goldy and mcinnes (whos been redpilled on the holohoax) arent all ardent zionists not like Shapiro and Crowder people like pettibone and sellner dont even seem to give a shit about israel tho
Jaxon Cooper
We're pretty much the Sweden of the south pacific (without the industry or attractive people) so it should come as no surprise to anybody.
Robert Wright
Good, we don't need cucks stirring up the natives and slimes
Terror attacks in NZ = NONE
Elijah Carter
So you prefer slow death to the enemy going all out and making their intentions clear and hopefully in the process rousing the apathetic majority from their slumber?
Mason Martinez
>So you prefer slow death to the enemy going all out and making their intentions clear and hopefully in the process rousing the apathetic majority from their slumber? For fucks sakes cunt
Nathan Collins
Aaron Scott
fuck your granddad then
Owen Thompson
Slow death? NZ is 75% white. Maoris and Islanders are getting bleached to be honest.
Have to watch the chinese, but the thing is, the Maori are our biggest asset in combating Islamic/chinese growth.
The Maori communities are becoming increasingly resistant to their immigration and people can't call them racist for it.
The South island will unironically be the last bastion of white civilization in 100 years. It's just too cold for anyone else down there.
Isaac Brooks
It wasn't banned you are getting played by them for shekels and are too stupid to realise it because you are an Australian.
Is Lauren Molymeme's secret daughter? They look kind of related. Would make sense since he's shilling for her so hard.
Bentley Rogers
Also regarding maoris
In 60 years, most of them will look whiter and more like mutts, their Maori gibs will eventually get taken away as there is less and less full blooded Maori and it will also cause less of an impact on the system.
My biggest concern is staying a puppet of the US if the Dems win, but the other option is being literally bought by China.
We could actually be bought by 100% China, it's weird.
Aiden Ross
who cares NZ will be expensive as hell for most people on this earth, an elitist refuge, basically
Austin Jenkins
Haha, we don't want pov whites anyway hernando
Gavin Jenkins
Im ashamed that New Zealand is still part of our country. We should grant it independence along with its sister territory, Tasmania.
Jayden Clark
Juan James
Australians proving once again they are the more stupid of the pair.
Kevin Roberts
>Block Duginist Nazbol asset, Libertarian cuck >Somehow that's a bad thing I hate nu/pol/
Brody Thomas
The incoming census results will put us at least at sixty percent and thats including mutts. Its naive to expect maori to be anti immigration,they breed with anyone. Dont think that as they become less maori the gibs train will stop.
Does Lauren Southern look oddly different these days or am I just imagining it?
Luis Bell
>tfw no posh artsy upper class manic pixie dream girl Maori gf where do i find her lads
Bentley Cruz
>I wonder why they dont do this in Canada itself too many sand niggers and outright communists
Cooper Phillips
In another decade Auckland will be a city of Koreans, Chinks and Pajeets
You inherited basically a perfect society, a version of England in a beautiful location.
And now you've let asians move in and suprise surprise you get asian culture
Probably serves you right for letting women vote before anyone else.
Kayden Lopez
Youre in everyone of these. Do you not have much connection to your culture?
Brayden Walker
Peripheral. I'm from a chief line and have royal titles but it means nothing to me, wasn't raised in it.
Anthony Nelson
It fucking drives me mad daily knowing that small island nations like Ireland, Iceland, New Zealand etc have absolutely fucking polluted themselves forever until the end of time by importing niggers and chinks. Those genes will never leave the pool. It's done.
Just like Australia too. We had the advantage of a southern hard to reach walled off by sea utopia, with 99% white stock, loads of fucking uranium and no fault lines.
Instead of building nuclear reactors, extincting the abo's and getting on with being the dominant new super power and new cool kid country, we pissed it all away going limp wristed and fucking it all up importing muslims and thai and niggers and greeks and wogs and more.
Japan is the only place left that a possible Utopia can arrive, and even they are now on track to polluting themselves into genetic disaster.
Jose Nguyen
its business cunt, why do you think we are all in NZ not Britian
Isaiah Walker
Ever been over here?
Jayden Gonzalez
>posh artsy upper class manic pixie dream girl Maori gf IT DOES NOT EXIST
Austin Hill
Couple times, was shocked at how much I felt belonging in a place that was so alien. I got culture shock when I saw the McDonalds menu.
>lying on the internet
Jordan Peterson
>You inherited basically a perfect society, a version of England in a beautiful location. Mate what are you on about its was about 30 years of Trench Warfare against Maoris
Daniel Jackson
Yep, even though America has more nonwhites, there are still pockets of the country in the midwest and parts of the northeast that can remain white. The UK is too small to segregate and the whites will have to go to the US or germany. Its history is essentially over.
Charles Turner
>>lying on the internet yeah tell me about all those maori girls who went to Dio or St Cuths then
Anthony Ward
>I'm from a chief line and have royal titles but it means nothing to me nor does it to any other maori
Mason Murphy
it already is. i wouldnt be surprised is auckland is
Christian Howard
>Dio or St Cuths What are they? Private schools?
lol tell that to the old bastards on the marae
Sebastian Bell
Where do you see New Zealand in 10, 25 and 50 years?
Robert Taylor
Mcdonalds is different over there?
Samuel Campbell
They do know that suppression never works, especially when its such a half-measure right? It's a joke. "racism" another buzzword. It's all empty and meaningless drivel. how long do they seriously think that people can keep believing empty words?
Bentley Sanders
>What are they? Private schools? And they also are located in Remuera
Grayson Nelson
I can't remember exactly what it was, I think a chicken bacon breakfast sandwich. Out of this world. The KFC was different too, not as greasy chicken or chips in a worse way.
Chase Martinez
>lol tell that to the old bastards on the marae you are not royal unless you are Kingitanga but if then get fucked
Ryder Campbell
Well we are junkfood powered over here.
Julian Hill
It's the words they used in reference to me, like I said I couldn't really give a shit. I love my people but we don't have to defer to the time when we were cannibals for everything. Carving is cool though, some things should stay.
Liam Taylor
so are you or are you not Kingitanga
Juan Johnson
couldn't tell you, don't know what that is. sounds like king.
Hunter Torres
I'm asking you if you are related to to the Illiterate Ex Truck Driver from Huntly
Carson Gray
Not that I know of, everyone I've met has been university educated, on their way to it or a mother at home to a pakeha.
Gavin Harris
There will be no haven. We either reclaim our lands or lose it all. You think these people are going to just stop on their own when they've turned all our major cities into Detroit while we're living in peaceful little enclaves?
Logan Phillips
what's a kingitanga? google says some kind of maori land movement?
Gabriel Cruz
l will just take it you are in denial
Jonathan White
Holy fuck why do you speak in riddles
Eli Johnson
Hes insinuating you dont have real chiefly connections because you dont know about the maori king.
Brayden Perez
There was that greenpeace boat incident
Henry Long
They have the same pronounced jawline, I wonder if he fathered her...
Michael Nelson
I should have been more clear, I don't think their attitude to gibs will change, but like you said they breed with anything so in a few generations there will be less people who actually have enough Maori in them to qualify. I hope. Is what I meant. I'm a positive thinker though
Carter Stewart
As long as the threshold for gibs doesnt keep getting lowered there may be a chance fren.