Statue of Liberty climber released

>U.S. Parks Police evacuated Liberty Island after the woman, identified as 44-year-old Therese Patricia Okoumou, of Staten Island, climbed to the base of the statue in an apparent protest.

She was only charged with 3 federal misdemeanors and faces a maximum of 1 year in federal penitentiary if convicted. Her attorney is pretty sure that all charges will be dismissed against her.


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dont care abot this retard. LOCK HILLARY UP

damn, she's fine

only virgin incels would pass up prime pussy

>Country welcomes immigrant from war torn shit hole
>Shits on country during country's independence celebration
It's great. More redpills for normies. Shit is going to keep going our way. Hope more niggers do this.

>Her attorney is pretty sure that all charges will be dismissed
>Her attorney
They lie, bitch gonna go to prison.

she looks like a crack whore
t. known plenty

Just another nigger that should be hung

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Wait... that shirt, that goblina attorney... holy shit. Murica!

Is there a better way to describe how much like apes niggers are than one of them climbing a statue because they're mad?

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Tucker Carlson's segment on her was fucking brutal. Straight out of Jow Forums !

Maybe she was confused and thought it was a tree.

I can hear her now
>aie don wan no whait mayn represenin me. Get me a woc.
>officer: but mam, you do want the best attorney right?
>you hear wha I saying cracka?
And that’s how her go fund me money was wasted and the reason she’s going to prison.

The glory above the head probably looks like bananas to ones with poor vision.

Like honestly you can't get a more succinct example of what these maniacs are doing to our country than an African literally climbing the statue of liberty on Independence Day.

Have we lost our minds? How can there be people out there who support this nonsense?

She probably thought the guards were going to cut her hands off.

Agreed, the normies are the normies because of subversion via the kikes. That subversive shit is the reason why our country is really divided. JFK pointed this out in his secret society speech which anyone can google. Those who commit or participate in this stuff need to be hung for treason. Freedom of the press, and freedom of speech have been taken advantage of by these people ultimately.

eh dont see a reason to jail her, wasting taxpayer money.

just hire another guard or two on the island.

the monkey mistook the statue of liberty for a tree and when she realized her mistake she decided to look less like a fool and claim that she was protesting.

blm is terrorism too fuck niggas

nigger cunt that hates white people, commits a crime and puts people's lives in danger but see's itself as enlightened due to its mental instability, or, a Democrat.

Checks out.

I dont think she understands white supremacy.


>commit crime
>get put on a pedestal, cameras shoved inyour face and treated like a hero

She was trying to mug Lady Liberty.