Dat food makes you sick

You want to know why US americans are so dumb and fat?
It starts with basics like nutrition.

Just look at this for example

And not to mention the infamous chlorine bleached chicken.
You americans are gross!

Attached: FatKids.311155840_std.jpg (468x331, 51K)

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That child is a symbol of American superiority, he will crush any malnourished Europoor with his superior American physique.

you dumbass... this boy is not american, the photo is from asia.
Can't even read.
Just proves my point. Have you ever tasted US meat? It's fucking unnatural, all those synthetic hormones are going into your body.
Thats why you americans have those man tits. Even healthy americans have tits.


Meat doesn't need to be natural when big mac sauce is worth more than its weight in gold

Most shit we Americans. Consume isn't even fit to feed a dog.

We're. Being turned into mindless consumer pigs and I do means pigs quite literally.

I work at a big box stores and the fat fucks we get are literally the worst fucking degenerate filth I've ever seen.

I can't wait for the economic collapse so these fucking Obeast can die off.



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Yes, ignore the problem.
You know exactly that your elite is NOT eating that shit. They wouldn't buy hormone induced milk, or chemically processed lasagne that gives you tremors.

But you do

Anyone who has eaten real meat from a local farm that is free range can tell you what you get in the store is not meat.

It's barely digestible shit. Mass produced cow meat is the most disgusting thing you can imagine.

We are mindless consumer slaves the kikes got us by the balls.

We should push for a ban on importing gene modified food. Russia has it. Many others have it.
In the EU regulation is not consistent. Production is illegal in many countries.

This was my biggest wake-up call. Bread is the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity. It's the source of obesity, diabetes, and dental problems. It's really fucking hard to get fat on meat and vegetables alone, you have to absolutely stuff yourself with sausages to achieve the same result as a few slices of pizza. HFCS is definitely a villain but wheat carbohydrates are worse.

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American cuisine is literally the height of culinary achievement, food so great literally impossible 100 years ago.
If it wasn't for Us the whole world would be starving.

Retards like to push "genetically altered" as a bad thing because they don't understand it, and GMO is actually a buzzword that just means selective breeding. Genetic modification of food is a good thing, you can grow more food that contains more nutrients with less space and resources. Theoretically, GMOs are the solution to world hunger. It just gets jewed the fuck up by the USA and we end up with corn in EVERYTHING because there's subsidies to grow it.

>the infamous chlorine bleached chicken
don't worry, the peroxide wash is worse

"it breaks down into nontoxic substances"

yes, so you're left with standing water on a substrate free of competitors

perfect for salmonella, e. coli, etc.

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This man knows what he’s talking about. Listen to him.

the sad truth is that farm food is prohibitively expensive for poor people, but opening farmers markets to nonwhites ruins them

the minute they started accepting food stamps, the entire market became swamped with elderly chinks so now it's not even possible to visit some stalls

agreed except it's very expensive and now there are endless chinks trying to haggle over offal

Russia pushes the anti-GMO purely because of protectionism against the West, because their domestic market literally cannot compete with the US in terms of output. France does it too. It's all economical and has nothing to do with them not understanding it. They understand it fully, in fact they have a research agency dedicated to studying and approving GMO foods.

The GMO scare has been one of the funniest things in the 2000s, almost as funny as the anti-vaccine movement. Just stupid retardation by people who don't understand science, and governments take advantage of that fully by exploiting that fear and idiocy and turning it into profit.

You’ll never be able to convince me that these fat kids aren’t Mexican

amerifats NEED BURGER

>their domestic market literally cannot compete with the US in terms of output
I know Russia is FUCKING HUGE but I'm curious how much of that land is actually arable? Or is their shittiness just a result of their history?

>eating meat with hormones
Yeah, if you go to walmart

I've just bought meat raised, killed and processed in austria.
I don't really know if it was free range and/or organic. It doesn't say much :/
Except that it's born, raised nd processed in austria by austrian law standards. Ok, there are no hormones and the animals have some rights, although they are not that great in austria (compared to britain for example).

But who the hell knows what else went on with this meat? Who the fuck is going to tell me?

I would love to see more information on the label.
They write exactly the amount of information they are required to. These assholes -.-

don't blame the food it's the shitty parents

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Chlorine chicken doesn't make you fat you fucking retard.

I am not totally agains GMO, if it's studied long enough. It can be very dangerous.
And NO, you american, it's not "selective breeding" -.- Go to bing and search for the technique of "gene modifying"

Less than 10%. Russia's portion of the black earth region is some of the most productive farming land on the planet, but most of Russian land is either steppe or arctic taiga.

Yeah, our ingredients are worthless. Its because the market is driven by fat trashy rednecks and hoodrats.

>peroxide wash
oh fuck I just got sweaty goosebumps...
Although it's restricted, in the EU, look at all this shit where it's used

and of course A FUCKING AMERICAN COMPANY is pushing against the strict regulations.

P&G ... death straight from the toothpaste.
Why do you americans can't just accept our laws? "Don't kill" says even the bible!

>death straight from the toothpaste
If you had a proper diet you wouldn't need it

over 70% of all US american food has a LOT of hormones in them. In the US, milk made with hormon induced cows (so they produce more) are not required to be labeled even. Who knows what we are consuming?

*meat ... sorry, over 70% of meat. Not all food

that's the first time I saw this info Very very interesting :/
I've always wondered how peoples teeth survived in the stone ages for example.

Falling for the carbs are bad meme.

Just look at Americans from 50 years ago or longer. Everyone thin. Portion sizes were literally half the size of what we eat now.

You can literally just eat sandwiches and be thin if you dont overeat.

Denmark supposedly has a very high proportion of man tits.

>jealous Eurotrash flings shit at USA as always
>gets response regarding fat kid at McDonald's
>DERR that kid isn't even American! Look how dumb you are!

There's literally nothing wrong with the pink slime, you silly austrioni

That kid is a metaphor and a picture -.-
Your companies on the other hand are a real danger to our lives:

You’re the dumb one. Look at your picture, fatty. That’s not English in the background. So the next time you take pictures of your fat family, don’t blame us dummy.

Look at ... I swear to god, you are so stupid you don't even listen to what people say. You have an opinion (if patriotism counts as opinion) and every fact you hear is just going through the space around your brain

GMO is not selective breeding you absolute fucking mooooorrrrrooooooonnnnnnn. Fucking shit you dumb fucking piece of mutt, stop pretending you know anything you stupid fucktard! FUCK

You are what you eat, not revolutionary shit
If it's a child though it's the fault of the parent for not raising 'em right