It really bothers me that guys like this larp and get credit as the saviours and role models for modern men...

it really bothers me that guys like this larp and get credit as the saviours and role models for modern men... but its clear to see they dont give a fuck and are just making bucks off people in despair, people who often dont have support systems and have often been thru hell.

Peterson walks around in tailored thousand dollar suits and looks like the stereotype of a rootless cosmopolitian.

In reality, these guys dont wanna work, they dont wanna sweat.. I know the Joe rogan types.. they love to hit gym, have a fetish with their diets, and love to brag about their gains.. but they wouldnt work labor jobs, they think they are too good for it.

Idol worship has made these men who they are... yet the masses stay in the same place, they get a nice new stockholm syndrome to help them get by... but these dudes are laughing at the masses while they eat at five star restaurants and argue about the world as if they get to have a actual say in it.

the 10,000 credits Black mirror episode is the future, actually its already here.

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>depressed frog doctor
>zionist manlet
>soft-hearted homosexual
>weed lmao meathead
>autistic fedora
I think maybe these are not our saviors.

Shut the fuck up Spencie.

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All Jews or married to it.

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They are cultivating an audience for us. That audience is ripe for redpilling - go where they assemble and nudge them with facts.

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Escapism is like being a junky
You waste your life.

I like the cut of your jib but you need to be nudged to see the cancer instead of the coughing

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Whatever you may think of them, they are very good role models for the youth. Their whole platform is based on objective reason and logic, we need guys like that to undo the post-modernist crap shoved into every college kid's brain. You won't defeat the left with similar delusional statements like "da joos did everything" or "race war now"

>needing a role model other then your father
Top kek

Four of the six men are Jewish. That's really all one needs to see here to get the picture.

Are you ok

>meme image
>no sources

I have a very average IQ but i made an effort in college and now i have plenty of money. If you ended up in a badly paid labouring job you fucked something up.

Your government wants to create a second class non citizen worker and since there are now 30 million of them in the US and grass roots support for more near slaves i would say they have succeeded.

Fuck off, kike. Nothing objective has ever passed through the mouths of these snakes.

this was on r9k last night... and you did not write it.... or did you?

I haven't seen anyone as ridiculous as Jordan Peterson in such a long time. He is so preposterously sanctimonious. There isn't a single Peterson fanboy who hypes himself up as much as the guy himself, and he believes all of it. He really really believes that he's the chosen intellectual hero of our time who's going to save the world from teh evil collectivists. He should commit suicide for real.

I never heard these people say anything remotely intellectually provoking. But there’s millions of millennial goons that think they’re intelligent when they’re mundane retards compared to real philosopher.


>the goths are sacking Rome
Clean your room goyim.

>facts don’t care about your feelings

topkek shapiro obviously cant get any further away from rubin

Jones is in the bathroom standing under the hand dryer

One nudge at a time...

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>yes goy look up to these Jews so heroic and brave

Too bad they can’t even do retail jobs. They are not workers nor are they intended to be - they form the basis of a serf class, normalizing permanent government cash transfers.

Congratulations! Your movement just got infiltrated and hijacked by the (((tribe))).
I hope you enjoy when this turns into neocon 2.0, now with menes on youtube.
>b-but user, quite a few things they say are correct
This is the classic double agent trick during Cold War. Say just the right amount of factual information to earn your trust while telling lies to put you in the wrong the direction.

Wow, I didn't know Ben Stiller is redpilled.