Is it too late?

Do you think it is too late to save our countries from the replacement of shitskin?

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I don't know. I think anything done to save France or Germany would be extreme; as would anything to save the US.
Saving the UK? Those folks seem to want to exterminate themselves.
If it comes to it, the Jews have to go to Israel. Flat out has to be part of the solution.

Sorry bro, your country is already shit.

No shit Sherlock.

For some countries yeah. A good chunk of France for example is overrun with niggers and muslims. You guys are going to have to do something extreme to even put dent in the horde of invaders that are taking over your country.

Step 1 - Kick out the illegals and refugees
Step 2 - Kick out the muslims
Step 3 (the most important) - KICK OUT THE JOOS, once and forever - they are a plague on civilization, fucking parasites

Oh yeah, feel free to kick out the poos as well....some of them are really nasty anti-white dumb cunts and I despise them as much as the average frustrated white on Jow Forums does, that's for damn sure.

Nope. The future is rich huwhites living in small enclaves, while poor whites have to fight it out with the nogs. Just like in SA.

Poland fag here

>How does it feel to be the in one first country to save there country from abolishing your way of life and replacing it with a cucked islam shithole?

Sad but seems very likely. I think going atheist was the biggest mistake that the Western civilization committed because that essentially means that there won't be that religious unification force that brought the whites together (crusades) the last time their lands were getting invaded by the ever disgusting muslims and other kangz..also, bah gawd how much do I fucking hate the sewer scum that are the Jewish people.

Nope,the jews have survived all these years and they're basically inbred psychotic genetic failures.

Pretty sure this is just a way of killing off the weak (liberal) whites who shouldn't pass their genes on anyways.

IUt's actually a good thing too that the french and the british will be completely replaced, they were the lowest of the low in terms of Europeans. Maybe redhead British are the exception, too rare too lose.

Either way we'll be fine, eventually we'll get tired of the spics and nigs and DRIVE THEM OUT, then we can finally kill off who is behind this grand scheme...

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If you get rid of welfare of any kind, and affirmative action laws they will leave.

Every day we become more infected by the biological weapon of mass immigration

Certainly too late for South Africa - it will go like Rhodesia now

For the west, probably too late. The numbers are now sheer madness - Canada, USA, Australia, UK, France - and not dindus but it will be Pajeets and Chinks who take our homelands

Talking about biological weapon, could we create a biological weapon killing only non-whites?
Is it feasible?

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Not necessarily, they've been there longer than we've been colonizing the US. There are 5 million white SA, maybe 2 million fighting aged men- who are already racist as fuck and know that shits hitting the fan soon.

Don't forget that africans are pretty much worthless at everything, they can't plan or shoot for shit either.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if we see the whites totally take over Cape Town, steal gov resources, then bring the fight up to Jo(((Berg))).

Either way, what happens there will likely be the future for NA and Europe in 50-100 years.

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Take it easy with antisemitism, Pajeet.

The only thing to do now is WAR
Total war - a fucking race war.
It is to late if you don't start killing

You forgot to remove all the media and "education" professionals who are agents of this.

I'd also add removing anything in society that doesn't promote personal responsibility e.g. welfare/entitlements

Wrong. They're here for a genetic upgrade.

But how to start killing without getting caught is the question.

It's too late to do anything, damage is done and it will only get worse.

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Get the fuck out of here, Juden filth


maybe not your country, but you can at least save yourself and your family.

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Some sad facts:
> Whites cannot outbreed sub-humans.
This means that the only realistic solution is not to "make white babies" but to close borders and deport as many as possible.
You can also make them go away on their own. To do that it'll mean that you'll make their life in your countries not worth it.
How to do that:
> Cut them off the gib programs
This probably translates to cutting off welfare in general, which I perceive as a positive change.
> Pass & enforce strict laws against their religion / bad habits.
If they are Muslims, ban public praying, halal food etc. They'll go max chimping out but this will give you an excuse to deport them or just treat them badly enough for them to not enjoy living in your societies anymore.
> Remove any laws that are helping them indirectly (aka 'diversity quotas' etc)
This is mostly relevant to Americans. Again, the goal to make their life as miserable as possible.
Obviously, all these require a strong, right-wing government, which does not seem impossible for many European countries.

Nonetheless, the future of the white race is more or less related to Eastern Europeans who will continue to reject all the sub-humans.
The rest of Europe, will be either a "based" mutt version or a full Marxist Dystopia (which eventually they'll become failed states, like Sweden's most probable future).
UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, etc: No matter who they elect they'll never be ever again "white states". Unless ofc they go full extreme (aka genociding sub-humans) but I highly doubt this will ever happen.
A right-wing mutt ex-European nation is still better than full-fledged Islamic Caliphate, so it's not that bad, in the end.