It's True

Trudeau is now hurting the liberal party's chances by remaining in charge of it.

Attached: its true doh 2.png (276x256, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off, meme flaggot.

Attached: cuck.jpg (960x814, 159K)

he was larping as weinstein when he did the grope

Attached: 1521246211177.png (385x382, 158K)

GOOD, death to all liberal commie faggots

Attached: when_the_redpill_hits_you_trudeau.png (485x546, 412K)

Meme flag but he isn't wrong. Trucucks shitty way of handling the liberal party is exactly why Doug Ford steam rolled Ontario a previous liberal strong hold. This faggots level of retardation woke up a whole bunch of people.

i read something on metacanada about the liberals calling an early election before their approval tanks even further.

castro jr may be an equal opportunity molester, or perhaps journo looked like an effeminate boy

Attached: tariffs.jpg (2000x1000, 575K)

Go Doug Go:

>Doug Ford Blaming Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government for creating illegal immigration mess, ending co-operation with Ottawa on resettlement

>Is completely incompetent
>Other World leaders obviously take advantage of his retardation
>Couldn't be more a parody of a parody of a hapless boob politician
>turns Canada into a laughingstock, since people think all Canadians are as cringy and retarded as this idiot
I can't imagine how he could be hurting his political party

I'd like to believe so but as long as he turns up to a couple of fag parades in the month before the election he can easily scrape together enough muslims, women, and milennials to forget his long list of complete fuckups and get the 38% of the vote he needs for a 'majority'. We're going to be stuck with this retard for the next decade.

he has been avoiding gay parades

i think his security got wise to sending him amongst a bunch of wellbuilt men who will suffer at the hands of his pro-islam policies.

plus he's an optics kuck

what do you expect

the man was always an unqualified piece of shit who got by on his daddys name and 'DUDE WEED' votes

Ezra levant:

>I remember at Sun News when I reported on Justin Trudeau going up to strangers and kissing another man’s bride on her wedding day. I was struck by the ferocity of Team Trudeau’s response. It’s now clear why; they didn’t want the lid opened on 25 years of Trudeau groping women.

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The scary thing is that he's probably going to get reelected anyway and that 30% of the vote wants something even further left.

Nominating (((Scheer))) was such a colossal mistake. This upcoming election is Round 2 of 'darling of Rolling Stone and Vogue magazine' vs 'rice cake'. And we all saw how well that worked in 2015.

his image isnt the same as it was when he first ran.

He can't even keep it straight whether he apologized or not.

Attached: cant keep it straight.jpg (637x394, 57K)

Trudeau doesn't care because he's a dancing queen.

Attached: trudeau eyebrow 2.jpg (629x398, 23K)

He might be a cuck but at least he doesn’t cuck to Jews like Harper.
Fuckinf Jew lover filth
Fuck that kike Harper

Attached: BEBCF4E6-699D-4414-B191-5AFC3C18BA37.jpg (276x183, 18K)

what year are your memes from? that's vintage

Non nigger Canadian’s apologize for everything like fifty times a day .

Attached: AEA58BC0-6F3B-47ED-AE84-EA77039C568D.jpg (430x315, 56K)

how long you been on the force?
those are rcmp memes

So is this Jewish neo conservative shill thread to reinstate ZOG

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I feel like Justin CasTrudeau could have been a good Prime Minister if he wasn't so badly cucked by liberal values. As much as I hate the man, my respect for him shot up a little bit by just damaging the Liberal party.

Attached: realeyebrows.jpg (2864x1640, 2.74M)

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why are you being antisemitic?

His cuck status dropped when we hit trump back in the face for acting like a greedy jew

i wonder how many other victims of his will come forward

Do you know where you are kike?

answer the question officer

Attached: 12BDC2F3-8603-4B37-9B8D-1A4F7FB7C9F8.jpg (600x400, 189K)

Nobody apologizes for something they didn’t do... so if he didn’t act inappropriately, what is Mr. Prime Minister apologizing for?

Attached: 1530205247617.jpg (339x472, 95K)

>His cuck status dropped when we hit trump back in the face for acting like a greedy jew

Canada puts a 200% tariff of many American goods that come across the boarder. Trump counters it by raising their tariff's from Canada by 100% in protest until they could come to a better trade deal. How is that acting like a greedy Jew?

Turdeau will capitulate like the pussy that he his when the US bans shipments of fake eyebrows to Canada.
Watch pussy Turdeau dance here

Attached: trudeau eyebrow.jpg (480x275, 12K)

Jews have infiltrated the Canadian Conservatives and I want no part of them

Attached: EFF1AC76-2D1F-43D4-BA66-CE75161D63D5.jpg (2909x2068, 2.88M)

So which is it?

Apologized in the moment for something "not negative";

Apologized the next day for the same;

Reflected on doing nothing, so nothing must have happened;

Had no recollection of any negative interactions?

highschool shoplifters keep their stories straighter.

Attached: 149623532954.jpg (500x375, 41K)

No shit, that's all any of these people do

Jews in Israel bot farms clearly have never been to Canada.
We apologize hourly

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whereabout in canada are you?

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why dont you make a thread why are you in mine?

Why hide your kike Death Star flag?
You can’t pull your games here jew we know how you operate here

the reason why you are posting in threads not making them is you're not allowed to make threads.

prove me wrong by making one and linking to it.

Truth hurts huh?
Want me to dial it back a bit and cool it?

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Jews in Canada
Pic related

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I think the party has the writing on the wall. They might replace him with Freeland or some other woman.

Diversity is strength, so Jews in the Conservative party actually just makes it stronger

and what's with all the 'we' stuff? he's the one with the problem

what's this fucking guy got a twin?

>We don’t think that would be appropriate at all
>this lesson that we are learning is,
>we have to respect that and reflect on it

>They might replace him with Freeland or some other woman.
Oh god lets hope, that cunt is dumb as a stump

Attached: soros_freeland.jpg (480x270, 33K)

women having been exposed to jewish feminists and the electric Jew are now garbage
Only Trad women are wife material now
She was just a gold digging whore the man is clearly drowning in pussy and has a hot wife he isn’t going to play grab ass especially with an ugly Jew reporter

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The conservative party needs to be replaced.

Freehand is a fucking Jew.
I don’t think so.

>and has a hot wife
Make up and camera tricks lmao

Attached: weedmans_wife.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

This exactly

Attached: trudeau_soros_freeland.jpg (598x239, 24K)

she's a goblina

If the Ontario election was any hint, Liberal's might crash and burn nation wide, NDP is no better position with that carpet head leader they have.

Has he ever actually played a Canadian?

>NDP is no better position with that carpet head leader they have
tfw NDP thought mulcair was too conservative

Attached: mulcair.jpg (620x465, 31K)

I can show you an ugly picture of any woman
Her titties and thick ass isn’t going to be affected by lightning and expression

Attached: justin_trudeau1.jpg (2440x1627, 3.35M)

Looks like barny

he's larping as a guy who scared of $100 billion in investments in 2017

No pure race catholic

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>Has he ever actually played a Canadian?

He played all of Canada.

They forgot Sailor. I was so mad this day. >Cuts Military budget by 8 Billion dollars
>Cuts tax breaks for deployed soldiers
>Shows up on base for surprise visit a week later
>Makes us all go for 5k run with him so he can take selfies and show how much he cares after fucking us
>Comes accross the brow wearing our jacket hung open, gay turtleneck underneath, improper footwear and pants, no headress, hippie hairstyle.

Our quartermaster should have never let him accross. We're allowed to chew out the Captain if he comes aboard looking like that, and I have more respect for him than this clown.

Attached: Prime-Minister-Justin-Trudeau-arriving-at-CFB-Esquimalt-e1488517320168.jpg (1065x1540, 201K)

He's going to win again. No matter how bad Trudeau is, most Canadians write off the conservatives immediately due to the social conservative portion of the party

>My favorite clip is when Trudeaus wife tries to get him to cuck openly on TV, after he finishes telling a man he thinks he's cute:

Attached: I_need_to_find_a_girl_that_looks_at_me_like-justin_looks_at_this_brown_guy.jpg (640x480, 121K)

Why the fuck would they put a sikh as their leader?
Don't most Hindus/Muslims hate Sikhs? They'll just jump towards the liberals in the minority areas in Canada.

Conservative majority 2019, liberals disappear for a bit to do some soul searching.

>Liberal communist

Haha wow I'm gonna laugh about this one with my gay catholic priest

yeahyeah and the liberals had Ontario on lockdown

Actually Canadians WILL do that it's a cultural thing. We even have laws to prevent apologizing being an admission of guilt in Ontario.

And total Jew control

i like to imagine they'll lose official party status

he keeps changing his story you numbskull he's fucked

I'm just correcting you fuckface memflag

no you arent.

Recycling Jew
Just go back to human organ trafficking and fuck off out of Canadian politics....or we will find you and make you.
You already fucked us
And you know it

that sounds like a threat

People said the same exact shit about Kathleen Wynne:
>Patrick Brown resigns due to CTVNews accusations (later withdrawn)
People say PC are done for, Kathleen Wynne majority
>Doug Ford wins PC nomination instead of Christine Elliot and Caroline Mulroney
People again say Kathleen Wynne just got her majority
>Media makes up asinine campaign nomination scandal
Again, talking heads say this will lead to minority kathleen wynne government

Attached: das it.jpg (586x560, 52K)

they never learn

It’s a promise

you are attempting to extort me

extrortion carries what kind of sentence in canada? up to life?

you are out of control

Deep down I bet Jews are good people....That’s why the Germans dug all those huge pits for them.


>Merkel loses her grip on power in Germany
>Trudeau gets exposed as a massive sex pest

I'd love it if these two things happened in quick succession

>Ontario and Quebec learning what it feels like when their "allies" economically stab them in the back

world's smallest violin. If the choice is to pay more for American or support some eastern faggot hellbent on cockblocking O&G I'll pay more for American. They're doing more for us than our own country ever has.

Go choke a terrified baby farm animal for entertainment you pedo moustache mom jeans wearing faggot high heel embroidered boot meat farmers

Sounds like we're living pretty spaciously in your head rent-free there, Jean-Etienne-Thierry-Francois :^)

Why do your women dress like men ?
Don’t you like women?

Fucking traitor
Back stabbing high school drop out coke head
I’m glad fort Mac burned and Calgary drowns

he should put his money where is his mouth his and resign, he kicked two cabinet members out of the liberal caucus without any sort of investigation

Is a salary of 300k good in Canada?

What's the tax on that? Probably a lot.

Attached: 1516631249195.png (650x520, 181K)

Mr. Dressup.

A 300k salary is quite good, but in a city like Vancouver or Toronto, it's still only going to get you a medium sized apartment.