I see a Lawyer, a Doctor, a Scientists

I see a Lawyer, a Doctor, a Scientists ...

What do you see Jow Forums ... ?

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Are all of these guns real?


I see Trigger discipline

I see the Jewish legacy!
The nggers are the Jewish gift to USA to keep it down!

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I can only see how white men have oppressed these kings

I see the doctors and lawyers that will make money taking care of them after they shoot other niggers

inventor, philosopher, philanthropist, mentor, fathers.

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Several niggers.

Is that a rusty Mosin Nagant on the left side?

You think they'd steal toy guns?

whoever took this pic has balls of steel

i see at least 6 dead nogs in 10 years

animals posing with our inventions

Nice, all of them knows about no finger on the trigger discipline. /ourgoys/

I see

people of retardation

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Must suck to be that poor ass little nigger in the purple hoodie

I see the gang gang gang nigga! Fuck u talkum bout. They finna blow all yall asses out on fo nem grave.....

I see a water pistol a capgun and a nerfgun

I see dead people.

Ay! Datz ma niggaz Tyrone, Lamar and Jamal. Bout to kick whiteys ass.


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I see white women breeders

I seez my Daddy! Iz dat yu, Poppa?

Two Glocks, a loaded revolver and a mosin carbine. I'm not sure what the ghetto blaster is, or the far left pistol.

I see the father of my wifes son...and its beautiful. And thats a good thing.

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Pretty good trigger discipline, but they don't know how to wear hoods and make it look cool.
That makes me conclude they're "beta-niggers". Actually pretty smart, but want to be cool like the alpha-niggers so they emulate their behavior.

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I see america.

i see the future of civilization, and it is beautiful

>I think you ment far right pistol
A little .380 and a suppressed mac10

Idiots contributing to the Black crime rate and making life more miserable for other Black people.

I see proud Americans exercising their second amendment right to keep and bare arms

Same here Charles

I see "refugees" here to enrich us with their (((culture))). My (((banker))) told me so.

I see diversity. And it's beautiful!

what do I see? Terminal democracy, end game of freemason scum

Brave and powerful. Wow, just...wow.

I see surprisingly good trigger discipline desu

>What do you see
stolen georgetown sweatshirt?

I was shocked to see that as well...on every one of them too!

I see a NFA violation with that MAC10 pistol that has a forward grip. Instant felony.

kek i wonder how many brave nigger camera men
already died because of accidental discharge while making photos like these. it must have happened

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A bunch of niggers that are ready to chimp out with others soon to follow.
See what I mean?

all i could figure is the photographer somehow yelled at them all to take their damn fingers off the trigger while he was taking their picture
God knows any discipline didn't come naturally

>I see a Lawyer, a Doctor, a Scientists, Nobel prize winner

I see a memeflag.

Take it off you kike.


what if it's airsoft?

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>Imagine bumping this thread

Why are you so free to have guns while you're gonna go to jail for screwing a grip on it? What's that insanity about?

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I actually owned an MPA mac 10 clone. That looks like one of their polymer mags. I also own a glock and a .380 LCP that the guy on the right appears to be holding.
All of them look real to me, but airsoft can look really good, so meh I can't really say without seeing them IRL.
That revolver in his hand has what appear to be bullets in it, but maybe airsoft does that too? I bet those things look really good.


future tenants at the local cemetery

My neighbours.

on a pistol if you have a vertical grip forward of the magwell its now an AOW (any other weapon) and needs papers and a tax stamp to be legal. You can possibly beat it in court if you have a strap attached to the front of that mac10 pistol due to a loophole, but in truth that's just a defense in court, you're still likely to be arrested even in the most pro gun states.
MasterPiece Arms sells lots of stuff like that. It's legal to purchase those items, but they're intended for installation on one of the many available full auto Mac 10s or 11s, which are registered full-autos so everything is legal for them. Putting them on a semi auto is a huuuuge no-no and a real easy mistake to make if you're a noob or a stupid nagger

Nigger is wearing slippers

A nigger, a fucked up Garand that has never been cleaned since the 40s, a nigger, a slightly more retarded nigger, a nigger with a hard-on, the poor forgotten nigger who just really wants to be noticed amongst his friends but is always thrown aside, a nigger who is really trying his best to look natural while holding up his pants, and their crack dealer, who is intelligent enough to keep his face off of social media.

>Two Glocks
The 9mm on the far left looks like the stainless version of the Ruger P95, a popular ghetto blaster from back in the day.

That's what I see.

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I see kings nigga, mufuggin bix nood


street artillery engineers

I was thinking it resembled my Ruger SR9 . A Ruger P95 sounds about right.
>surprised there's no Jiminez, HiPoint or other saturday night specials

Are foregrips on long weapons a felony too? I see those all the time on gun forums.

A flaggot with a garbage thread.

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mayor steinberg watches as his pet screeches

#1 I see proper trigger discipline.

#2 hopefully no one took the picture and they used a timer or something cause you shouldn't be pointing those at something you are not willing to destroy.

I see niggers not living past the age of 20.

urban youths
super predators

one good mortar will do the job.

asbzbirin rappers

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how did these niggers know where all those people would be to rob?


Target practice.

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i see dead people

No, becuase those are intended to be shot with both hands. Technically, you're supposed to only shoot pistols with one hand, and a forward grip means you're using two, which is illegal.
Yes, this means if you use a two handed pistol grip it is theoretically breaking the law, however it's not enforced.
Then you get into assault weapons laws in various states that prohibit forward grips on longguns like in CA and other strict states, and people will use those forward grips that look kind like a triangle since they're technically legal but will still most likely get you arrested.
It's so dumb, any little thing can get you in trouble, and the cop isn't going to argue about the law when he's looking at your firearms. They haul you in and let the DA think of something to charge you with.
I've seen the small arms on youtube in the Favelas in Brazil. Pretty neat, but fuck do they have a lot of wear on them.

A gangsta, a killa and the drug dilla

Obama's son

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4/5 using proper trigger discipline. Quite unusual.

I see seven black youths crammed into a corner of an empty ghetto apartment to take a pic to show off their gats just before they go out into the neighborhood
all of these boys will end up in prison and costing the taxpayer more than an average income to incarcerate every year
they will each father 3-10 children with various baby mamas who will live on welfare and cost the taxpayer nearly two average incomes worth of taxes a year to support
I see ancient, feral, farm stock that has long outlived its usefulness
they should be put out to pasture (Africa) or put down for the sake of humanity

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Yeah, it's retarded as fuck. All it does is turn law abiding gun owners into criminals because they chose to held their weapon the wrong way.

But at least those regulations prevent criminals from getting guns.

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I will commend them for their trigger discipline.

Best answer. These fools will accomplish nothing but paperwork for law enforcement and waste of medical supplies.

I see a target-rich environment.
I see a clusterfuck which can be taken out by a single grenade or a quick rip from a subgun.
I see...

I see young men who share my interest in firearms.

Trigger discipline, also niggers.

I see a hoodie stolen from a Georgetown student.

>I feel like I could buy a gun from a street kid in Brazil

Your feelings would be correct. It's not hard getting a gun here, you don't even have to deal with gangbangers. Gun renting is a thing too.

I've been offered guns before. You can get a 38 revolver for 500~1000 BRL depending on size and condition. Pistols from 700 to 1000 BRL, usually shit tier calibers like .380 and .22, but nines are also available if you have the cash to spare. To give you an idea, a legal .38 revolver costs around 3500 BRL - and that's after all the legal bullshit, IF they allow you.

was he paid to wear those headphones


humans of a particular sub-species

and beyond that i see just matter

but how do you know what degrees they have?

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I see one who had a good family and never wanted that life and still has a small chance at making it.

Animals with unloaded guns

That poor camera man.

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