Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

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Nigger studies degree, obviously not a finance major

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you're not supposed to make minimum payments

any person with 2 brain cells to rub together knows that minimum payments are exactly how you get fucked in any type of loan situation

>Why is this allowed?
Bitching about repaying your debt as well as the interest you agreed to pay when the bank took a risk on your broke ass should absolutely not allowed.

student loans seems like a good way to redpill normies on the jews desu

im sure this is white people's fault somehow

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Doesn’t make much sense if it’s a federal loan since the interest rate is 3.2% (just went up to 4.2).

>pay minimum interest
>wtf why is it taking so long to pay off my loan

Redpill me on interest, Jow Forums. Is it a kike scam?


>paying back (((debt)))
Leaked my SSN and all identifying information a while ago. The fbi wanted to know why their are a dozen of me walking around. Its surprisingly easy to beat the jew debt

I wonder what kind of degree she got out of this

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Jews` usury caused Antisemitism - speech by PA Chairman Abbas


I'm going to get a lot of shit for this but Trump should promise to pardon student loans when he runs in 2020. Pretty much every swing state would go red and we're already in billions of dollars in debt so it's not like we'll ever pay it back anyway. As long as the US remains a world superpower it doesn't matter how much debt we're in.

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>sign contract with hogh interest rate
>complain about high interest rate

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.>sign (((contract))) with high (((interest))) rate

Here's a little math you can do for any loan you take. Take your monthly payment, or whatever, multiply it by the number of months you have to pay that amount for you to have paid your debt fully. Divide your initial debt by the new number you have, multiply it by your monthly payment, minus your monthly payment and then multiple it by -1. Here's what you pay in interest monthly, on average, throughout the payment period. Of course, the interests are higher at first, and lower later, but that's on average.

I feel no pity for her at all. She has made her bed. Before they give you student loans, they make you take a short and stupid financial literacy test to make sure you have some idea of what you’re getting yourself into. All of this is explained in the paperwork they give you to read about your loan. They’re not reading it and are asking their friends for the answers. I’m a older millennial and it’s been wel known to all college counselors how bad student loans are for well over a decade now. These people are stupid and willingly made themselves slaves

why would anyone loan out money if there was no chance of ever getting any money out if it?


>I'm perfectly okay with flagrant Jewry as long as the people getting jewed are people I don't like.
>moments before this post was made.

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But your education system is too expensive. How come that some east Euros like Poland that a lot of people mock can afford public higher education, despite having a fraction of US economy?

>blacks discover usury
Good, now let them discover who is behind it.

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>not living in Scotland and getting your college/university 100% free


Good goy.

Anyone got an alternative to usury which would still incentivise investment?

Interest on student loans?


I agree, women should remain silent

Because their education system isn't full of niggers who go through the motions and then never get a job to pay back the loan. The US education system is at best a cargo-cult, and for most people just a Ponzi scheme for attempting to get into the labor aristocracy.

>This totally factually happened because ze tweeted about it

Fuck off. Saged and reported.


then what's the fucking point?
with jews you lose

>Taxpayer funded things are free
I'm personally all for certain public services being funded with public money. But I think anybody who calls them "free" should be denied those services.

Sure are a lot of fucking kikes in this thread

>black womyn most educated group in us
>they all got shit loans with shit interest cause they are nignogs
>in debt forever with useless degree unable to pay the loan ever back

letting black womyn go to college is the ultimate opression of nignogs

>this kills the libtard

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Jews. They invented usury. Thisnis usury. Never use a credit card, never get a loan.

Because loans are so easy to get for higher education the institutions got greedy and raised it to a premium. Thx Obama. Well I payed my computer science degree around 10k dollar all 4 years no loans needed even in Brazil. Loans here have a rate of 30% yearly even retards won't take it for education

out-jewing the jew system
I like it

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It's funny how it's the exact same scheme as the subprimes by the way.

>not being able to afford college out of pocket
Maybe you shouldn't have gone to college. Fucking niggers, I swear

If you're are needing to borrow someone else's money, then you should agree to repay it on their terms. Best thing to do is save and pay in full for stuff. I'm guessing the person in OP paid minimum amount each time, which confirms they are stupid.

Lmaoz enjoy your serfdom

>Why is this allowed?
Cause she signed it.
She takes it like a surprise or deception but it's nobody's fault she didn't knew/forgot what she was signing her name on when taking some cash.

why doesn't the gif end with just the nose visible?

This would be a good argument had kikes not lobbied to push financial literacy out of the classroom in exchange for "tolerance education" and other Wiemar degeneracy.

This is allowed because the education system does not educate people, it just churns out semi-employable idiots who do not understand the concept of interest on a loan.

T. Boomer

Not reading the terms of the loan agreement...

Because of usurers and Boomers making dozens of bullshit administrative positions that don't do shit and wasting money on non-academic programs to jack tuition.

Trump should do a debt jubilee and then restore bankruptcy to student debt. Then stop subsidized loans.

Broke ass Affirmative Action beneficiaries go to expensive, prestigious schools and bitch about how in debt they are. Your fault for going to a school out of your league. It's like kids who buy a BMW as their first car and can't afford the upkeep.

It is kind of sad because local laws here have forced lenders/retailers to start adding "Cost of borrowing" to their loan estimates and yet people still fall for this shit.

I don’t hate this strategy my dude.

Are you baiting for (you)s?
What our free education allowed is it demolished any value from higher education. People with experience after school are getting paid more than people with high education because students are fucking useless. When universities are free, they have little value since everyone can get there.

I want to disagree but it could honestly explode our economy if we got rid of all this retarded debt.

> free

You pay for that in taxes. If I worked in America I'd be taking home around 50% more than I do here. Mass immigration will ensure it doesn't last since the vast majority are coming to take.

You men why women are allowed to make decisions that have impact on the long term future? You are right, they should not be.

She must have put it on forebearance for years

you’ll like this one

It's basically free for all regular people

If you're rich or a kike, yes you will pay more in taxes and no I don't give a fuck

Kys kike shill

Should have gone STEM. I graduated with a bio degree and now I'm working as a test engineer.

>forgive retarded debt
>borrow stupid amounts of money again to replace the void
This is exactly what would happen

Interests are necessary because they cover the opportunity cost of giving your money to someone else, paying 60% of interests is not though.

if you're too fucking stupid to understand how interest works, you probably shouldnt be allowed to take out any loans, yet alone go to college.

The time value of money is real.

Tfw gi bill

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>taking a student loan
that was your first mistake

Yeah, except subprimes weren't impossible to shirk on and niggers just dipped out when they got tired of having less money for crack. It is 100% impossible to get out of student loans, with a few very specific exceptions like becoming permanently disabled. You can file for bankruptcy and all your creditors are told to go pound sand, but not sallie mae.

I'm pretty sure the banks take no risk when loaning out money.
A loan is just a piece of paper and only has value because you agreed to pay back real money.
Banks risks nothing, that debts on you and you alone. They sell the security of that debt and make money, the buy insurance on the loan incase its not paid to prevent loss and of course they re-claim/repo goods to cover the loan, getting something for nothing. Not counting any interest they get.
The Federal Reserve gets it funds back and the bank makes money no matter, risks and banks are a meme.

If you can't afford to get a $50,000 degree you probably shouldn't fucking get one. Go to a community college for your associates, transfer to a small University for your bachelor's, and apply for grants along the way. It's what I'm doing, and I haven't paid for a semester in years.

>I didn't read the agreement I signed

Yeahhh, used to be that literacy was a requisite of higher education.

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Nah, just don't see why people go into debt for degrees that teach no skills and then complain about the money they owe rather than their poor decision regarding their degree.

>Going to college in 2018
>Getting in debt to go to college to get a useless meme degree, when the situation with student loans has been obvious for decades


No, genuine curiosity Zdeněk.

Not at all. It solves the problem of incentive. For what reason would someone want to give you money?

shut up whitey. give them free college. do not expect them to take personal responsibility or think for themselves. reparations are coming anyway.

You probably work as a computer geek whose only purpose is tabbing between your cuck tab and reddit tab while the boss walks past your cubicle.

These are the only people who have significant pay scale difference in USA

(((lending on interest)))

fellow whites, we must stop our usury!

I hope this is bait
If this is not bait this world is done for.

It's allowed because the majority of loans are overseen by Jews.

B-b-but I won't get the big university experience if I do that! D=

And meanwhile they blame white people instead of the real enemy, Jews.

>test engineer
aka lab monkey making $12 an hr

Because Goyim are stupid. They honestly deserve it for falling for such brazen scams.

You need to get your gubmit to cap those interest rates. Yeah, the retards or their retarded parents vuluntarily signed the paper, but the deal wasn't fair from the start - you had financially illiterate citizens on one side and people who make a living out of getting other people to pay interest. The state should protect its citizens from predatory practices of the (((banking))) sector.

The federal government doesn't play around when it is owed money

When will the general population wake up and understand how retardedly good interest is?

I'm getting 10% on my investment with a generic ETF. That means my investment doubles every 7 years. My investment literally earns more money for me than I earn for myself and I'm a simple wagecuck who came from a poor ass family. And the best thing is the government "only" takes 25% of the profits when it takes 40% of my wagecuck income.

Thank god I found out about ETFs a while back. If I can keep this up my grandkids will literally be BILLIONARES when they're in their 30s without ever having to work for it

I'm aware the limits already exist, just meant they should be increased.

Actually 65k/year you salty child

>Jow Forums will defend this

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I know you're not allowed to say it, but you're kiked

usury and inflation, also yes.

Funny thing is, fannie mae and freddie mac were EXACTLY what sallie mae is, but when clinton signed the CRA, he never put the kinds of protections in place that they do on student loans and everything imploded.

> uniroincally defending student loan interest
It shouldn't be legal. Fuck the cucks in this thread defending lending institutions and their (((interest payments))). Obviously you have to take responsibility for your actions but millions of 18 year olds were never taught about interest, were told they'd have great paying jobs when they graduated, etc. Many can't afford to make payments greater than the minimum and are now trapped in a cycle of indentured servitude forever. If you defend this, you're retarded. "Free" college isn't the solution but we should abolish student loan interest, put a cap on tuition, and tell the lenders to go fuck themselves.

We need to make the universities assume the risk so they stop gouging and start pushing legitimate degree programs

i wonder how long it'll take the alt-left and the alt-right to realize their common enemy is the boomer, grandma's fat SS check she stole from you is the reason you're paying that much for school etc and there are no resources for you.

I hate to agree but I guarantee it would secure his position in 2020.

I hate that meme. All the roastie who claim it have been living the "college experience," getting drunk and gangfucked by chads for years anyway.

Same here. I'm actually making profit by going to University due to grants. I will probably emigrate to avoid paying taxes for other cunts to get free schooling though.

To be fair, when I was growing up they didn't debate the pros and cons of college. I was drilled about how you have to go to college and if you don't you'll work at McDonald's for the rest of your life. They had speakers saying how you'll make a million dollars more in your lifetime if you do, don't worry about loans Goy, etc.

The economy didn't tank yet when I graduated high school, but nobody ever seriously informed me and my classmates about shit. They just shilled for college so they can say that their district has X many college bound alumni and Y students got into Ivies.

If this is still going on, and I assume it is, then this shit needs to stop.