Can you be poor in a 1st world choice for any other reason than bad personal spending habits?

can you be poor in a 1st world choice for any other reason than bad personal spending habits?

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Getting no inheritance from your parents and being fucked over by modern jew-corrupted education.

Who doesnt have one pair of expensive goth boots?

Got no inheritance and no familiar support in 30k personal debt with a family of 4. Still really not so bad.

200$ on shoes means the person is rich

200$ is nothing m8

$200 is what an average person makes a month

Being lazy and stupid

That's like 1000 packets of ramen, though.

Three years worth of food.


>eating nothing but ramen
>concentrating yourself

hot. ugly hair however


as a poorfag, i must say, she has no idea what it's like to be poor. live off of cheap grilled and fried chicken as well as cheap steaks. it's really fucking cheap to get decent enough food in the west.

i notice a lot of people on the left have a poor and oppressed fetish

Finnland, please. Even in Russia people make more in a month.

>beliving in fresh vegentable jew
Yeah, those farmers aren't gonna feed themselves, right?

He's lying, even colombia's minimun wage for full time job is higher than that

Fuck off

no, Mr Shapiro.

living in cousin fucker land

>100$ for Polyurethane

Are you trying to say the system is gaming us?

that flag posts every single day user. While acclimating yourself to this website, its better to view the threads and discussions without participating in them. That way you can learn things like this without making yourself look silly.

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Yeah and its like five to eight years worth of boot

Again, nothing

if you're lazy, have poor health, are a single parent, have to care for an elder relative, are not smart and couldn't get a good education, poor social skills etc. etc. Many reasons.


Modern education has nothing to do with being smart, it's all about who throws more cash at it.
University was the greatest regret of my life.

Not joining the workforce sooner is mine. I'm 25 now and if I had been working none stop the past 9 years I'd have a house that was paid for and be able to work part time to pay gas, power and food. Which would total maybe $300 a month.
I fucked up.

A pack of ramen is $2 now. You can buy a week's worth of chicken for $3 at Aldi. I spend $30-$50 a month on food and eat very well. It is impossible to starve in America. Rent/property tax and utilities are kind of bad though, but not the worst.

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Of course you can buy that much chicken for that price at Aldi, it's mega boosted with hormones you dumb fuck. You're eating GMO out the ass. You're gonna get cancer in 10 years 100%

>A pack of ramen is $2
Where the fuck do you live dude? Go to dollar General and get a case which is like 8 packs for $1 if your going to eat that shit.

yes, having personal dignity in the job sector

yeah the university system has degenerated into pure bullshit. Particular in the humanities.

With ramen you cannot kick someone in the nuts .

>paying top dollar for food because you fell for jewish tricks
>dude just eat nothing but ramen its better for you!

please send me 200$ then

my paypal is [email protected]

i spend 150$ every other week on groceries

You can get a full hot meal at Taco Bell for $2.

There's Africa and Cambodia and India and other shitty places. Russia is like a luxury resort.

Pretty sure when he said 'pack' he meant 'box'

When did Harry Potter become a tranny?

It's a lot if you claim you can't afford ramen you idiot

I bet her parents bought her all that expensive goth stuff. Ugg, mom

>GMOs are bad
it would be no loss if you starved

how? i can last a month witht hat money in germany.
cant buy processed garbage and have to make every meal yoursel ftho


No, dude. That's fake ass pleather that will start peeling within a year's time. And it'll scuff and look bad before that. It's not even leather, you can't polish or buff polyurethane scratches.

most all stuff here is processed including tendies

Wot. I make that in two days. How shit is your economy?

>can you be poor in a 1st world choice for any other reason than bad personal spending habits?
Nope. Think about it. The single biggest health threat to our "poor" is OVER-EATING.
Nobody is left to starve in the US. Nobody is left without medical treatment. Even if you fucking murder someone, there are people waiting when you get out of prison to help you start your life over.

How do people think they have student loan debt for life? They can live with their parents and put their entire income towards paying it off until it's gone.

>all parents will let their kids live with them after 18

For Millennials our parents let us live with them as long as we want for free.

Where? India?

You can be if you're black and schizophrenic because blacks literally throw their mentally ill out into the street.

Nigga that is below minnum wage down here, let alone wherever this bitch is at.

>believing every successful person was gifted massive amounts of money from their parents
>picking a field that doesn't pay enough to cover your student debt

Turns out stupidity makes you poor too

I hate ugly women who pretend to be hot

>believing every successful person was gifted massive amounts of money from their parents
Never said that, but without a stable economic base from your family it's much easier to fall in poverty.
Also most rich people do come from rich families, this is what makes those who don't so exceptional and usually famous.
>picking a field that doesn't pay enough to cover your student debt
The only reliable one is medicine nowadays and it's still awful due to how poorly structured modern university is.

regardless it's wasteful to buy them if you can't afford basic necessities and there are alternatives available for 10 bucks

Yes. Many people just get fucked over in life and don't/are unable to pick themselves back up.

But, I do agree that most poor people have bad spending habits. For some people, even if they got 500k out of nowhere they would bomb it all on liabilities and shit they don't need, and then go back to being poor.

Tough to tell with all the makeup, but I think this is actually a hot woman pretending to be ugly (and doing a good job).

>ignoring the 400 dollars womyn spend on bad haircuts

How the fuck do you justify spending 200 dollars on shoes and let alone more, you snob faggot.
My shoes are not glamour, are practical, made of genuine leather and i got them off the internet for 30 dollars.

A haircut for a man is 6 bucks where i live. How much is yours?

She doesn't have to be poor to vote left you cucks

We dont know if she bought it. Maybe it was a gift

I was raised poor. My parents gave me nothing. Now I hate them and live comfortably while they will die in squalor.

She can eat this dick nomsayin

Are you kidding me? If you live in a major city like NYC or LA absolutely. Real Estate is out of control, they are able to push rents up to the absolute limit, and because of the rush to cities for jobs due to the falling manufacturing and retail labor demand (not to mention the devaluation of all creative fields), there is no shortage of people willing to pay and therefor no way for competition to lower prices to occur.

I must be in the 1% since I make a little more than that in 1 day.

Sorry, this is for the USA only. Europe is much different. I am American who moved to Germany because I work freelance in a creative industry and had a horrible quality of life in NYC even working for A-list clients.

Normal people

24, no inheritance or any family support. Have a mortgage on a comfy little house in a comfy little town. 1 sports car (owned), 1 daily driver (owned), a boat (owned) and a sports bike that I sill have like 1k left in payments. And a bunch of guns.
Also have 6k in the bank, which is really low for me actually.
The trick is to never stop looking for a better job. I switch jobs about once a year, picking up new skills along the way. You can be a wage slave and still live super comfy. 40 hours ain’t shit. Just do it lol.

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But it's not just shoes! The so-called "poor" also have phones, TVs, microwaves, and even refrigerators!

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we are animals


Holy shit you blew my mind. Is it true?

It's virtually impossible.

Why do poor people need TVs?

My boots cost ~5 euros and they've lasted me 3 years. I can also last a month on 50€ of food if I really need to and rent could go as low as 400€ if I wanted to live in a small apartment. There's NO EXCUSE for living paycheck to paycheck if you live in a 1st world country and you're employed, just spend smart and you'll have plenty of money left at the end of every month.

>There's NO EXCUSE for living paycheck to paycheck
what about lack of purpose
poverty is a state of mind. they're being encouraged

problem is not the poors and their attitude, humans are easily re-contionned
It is encouraged, it is the system thats wants to create value from thin air and sacrifices the vulnerable



Maybe it's just me, but I truly do not understand the consumer mindset. Why do they feel such a need to impoverish themselves, or even get into debt to buy things they do not need? Why do they do that to themselves? I can wrap my mind around substance abuse, since drugs actually make you neurologically dependent on them, but buying things like new iPhones every other year? What's the appeal?

>he's poor

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What are your shoes?

are you ok looking
are you white
are you male
don't mean to be offending or cliche but to understand the consumer mindset you're going to try to feel a little more desperate than that
have you even ever tried to imagine what kind of woman you'd have been ?
to understand things, no need to boast about you're own doings. Better spend your time on something more suitable if that's the general strategy
empathy isn't everyone power


I got a pair of Dr martens for £45, they lasted me 10 years.

Meanwhile my younger sister comes home with a new pair of shoes every fortnight.

No you're right, having $200 shoes doesn't mean a person is rich. It means they are a fucking moron
when they have no money afterwards to spend on the cheapest food

There's no appeal, it's majorly their inability to deal with mental stuff without looking for an easy solution, and consumption does a good illusion of hiding neurosis and challenges. Why do people have ocd? If you say it's purely neurological too, then the buying is too. Doesn't solve the problem though.

also is everyone so simple minded to realize that this woman is middle class but only trying to fit in some crowd by waving a board that is no way related to her actual experience of life

No inheritance and no debt here. Also a business owner started with money saved from working minimum wage. Your excuses are meaningless.

>he doesnt wear brand new, white New Balance sneakers

So they can be advertised to

200$ is enough for a big bowl of noodles every day for a year or more.


>are you ok looking
Not really, probably pretty average but I can't really judge male looks since I'm not a god forsaken faggot.
>are you white
This isn't an advantage in my 99% white community.
>are you male
Yes, though I fail to see the relevance
>have you even ever tried to imagine what kind of woman you'd have been ?
Yes, and I've concluded that if my mind existed in a female body I'd probably act largely the same way. I've met women who feel almost the exact same way as I do about consumer culture. They're few and far between, but so are men who think like that so I don't think gender is all that relevant.

Anecdotal evidence is not evidence.

>be me
>American by birth, Southern by the grace of God
>below the average white IQ
>below average white work ethic
>still own a house 2 acresults of land and 3 vehicles.

America, where giving a 4/10 effort still gets you a sweet life.

Living near a Hasidic run city I can vouch for this, if your town is taken over by Hasidic Jews you will not succeed.

No. In the USA, you can on,y be poor by being terrible with money, or, a nigger, and they’re terrible with everything by default.