What the fuck happens here ?

>highest GDP per capita in the world, literally 150% of rank 2
>90%+ white
>never in the news
>2% islam
I know one of you is lurking in here with your stealth rare
Is this country the last bastion of Europe ?

Attached: file.png (1237x1197, 1.59M)

expensive byrocratic hellhole

don't think i've ever even seen a pic from there

we went over it briefly once, they are considered a post stamp country, incredibly small but good access to resources

Office blocks.
Hardly the bastion of europe.
And I know im a bong stop bullying me

The Netherlands has too many niggers to be the last bastion of Europe. The true last bastion of Europe is Iceland.

>The Netherlands

Attached: 1530375511840.jpg (640x628, 266K)

well hello there.

You’re right. Still, even Luxembourg is getting packed with Portuguese shit-skins. My previous statement stands. Iceland it is.

how is life in luxembourg ? richer than switzerland, that must be something