Should Irish O'Mericans receive British gibs as reparation for the potato famine?

Should Irish O'Mericans receive British gibs as reparation for the potato famine?

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Other urls found in this thread: flag&oq=British Flag&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j0l5.4421j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

paddies too dumb to liberate themselves from britcucks deserve what they get

I’m happy to pay for them to have a few potatoes

Britain caused the potato famine?

fuck you foreigner
i have 2 tonne of spuds in my store
what have you

I wonder if Britfags here are old enough to remember the good old days of IRA bombings in English cities where warnings were given in advance and there were rarely any innocent casualties. A campaign waged by a guerilla nationalist group against the British occupation of Irish land.

I bet you lads that remember that wish you could go back to those good old days - unlike the modern day British millennial who only knows that Islam is a religion of peace and that frequent Islamic terror attacks and muslim rape gangs that target innocent British children are part and parcel of living in a diverse and vibrant multicultural Britain.

God help you Brits. I fear Ireland is only about 10 years behind you in terms of Islamisation.

No. If anything we should be receiving reperations from the taigs for helping the jews open our borders in 65.

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fucking this

At least we could reason with the bastards. The IRA were despicable but they at least had two brain cells to rub together. We've imported several million sleeper agents into the country now.
I've always hoped Ireland would be a counterweight to the liberal mania that has engulfed this country but your abortion referendum proved me wrong. How bad would you say it is in Ireland? Is Donnegal the last bastion of Irish conservatism?

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>i have 2 tonne of spuds in my store

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Norn Iron still Loyal

Yes - and we want gibs for being exiled to this desert island filled with grub-eating stick-chuckers.

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Ireland was part of the UK at the time, so yes. They refused to halt exports of food to England despite mass starvation/emigrarion. Thats why so many went to USA.

I'm still traumatized from it because it passed down in my genes

t. mikey no spuds

you're not even a legitimate country. you're the exiles of another

based bong

It was the Irish holocaust. Calling it a famine is propaganda. British government reoerarions when?

Yes, I think 100K would be enough reparations.
Me too, must be a genetic memory to store mass amounts of spuds.

Dumb fuck. I know what it is. So it was Britain who was responsible for crop failure?

>It was the Irish holocaust

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>Irish aren't even able to take hold of their island
>they are that inferior to the Anglo

you are a dumb fuck if you think the potato crop was the only thing growing there. They forced the irish onto the worst land that could only grow potatoes and exported everything else then the crop failed and millions died/left

>arent even to take hold of their island
>their island
oh america

They FORCED exportation? Or did the exports belong to Britain?

Parliament even stated it would be "immoral" to provide relief because "muh laissez faire".

not a holocaust because not caused by humans

Famines are man made

How could Irish cattle/chicken belong to britain? Yes they forced it under armed guard and arressted those who attacked the exporters. See: fields of anthenry

Ireland was producing way more than just potatoes, dunce. If English had chosen to stop exporting irish goods it would not have happened. Fact. so yes, man made.

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You had just perviously told me that at the time Ireland was a part of Britain. You then proceded to tell me that the British forced the Irish onto the worst parcels of land and kept the best crop growing land for themselves.


they werent part of britain, part of the UK. Different things. Britain is the island.

>who owned the land

How do u mean? Its Ireland. Or would you say English own modern Scotland and Wales since theyre in UK?

Fuck you, you fat bastard!

Ireland WILL be free:

Up the fucking RA

Tiocfaidh ár lá, fuckin shithole countries

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>It was the Irish holocaust.
Because it, too, didn't happen.

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Dumb fuck. Northern Ireland is not a Part of Britain?

How do I mean? Right I'll clarify


>Should Irish O'Mericans receive British gibs as reparation for the potato famine?

I come from a long line of Irish--Kellys, and I'm I look like a nigger too you? Reparations...blow it out your ass...We're doing fine, could be better, could be worse. Give reparations to the weak and useless.

Most definitely.
Well the Irish.
Not the Irish Americans.

>so culturally backwards you measure your wealth in potatos

Someone told me it only happened because they forgot where they planted them ? Not because they are thick or anything.

No it isnt part of Britain, mong. Its part of Ireland and part of the UK. Britain is the island of scotland, wales, england.

Why are you asking retarded questions?

What flag is this.

Attached: download.png (318x159, 2K)

the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

See how theres an AND?

Uhhh...the jews?

So true bono, never the less you could learn alot from our slide into Islamisation.

If you need us to smuggle weapons for you, only to happy to help.

Be nice Ezra Sheckleburg

Btw this flag came about when all of Ireland joined in 1801

>Not the Irish Americans.
Right my family immigrated in 1900-1901, so no reparations. That's a black people thing.

I live in Donegal and it's more based and conservative than the rest of the country but only just.

>Not wanting free money

>the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Really? Is that it's official name? flag&oq=British Flag&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j0l5.4421j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Apparently not. xD

My starving Irish ancestors fled to Scotland to seek refuge with Scottish cousins. Scottish cousins then get fucked by British cousins who were Lords wanting land and slaves. Then mutt breed of the three travel to Germany to start a new life. Then second world war comes and family secretly travels to America cause they loved their Führer and wanted to educate the masses only to see it all fall apart. Now family is "Americans" that live in the south surrounded by blacks and can't identify with any ancestor. But my pantry is well stocked in spuds!

In America you have white guilt pushed on you and here traitors and liberals have convinced a lot of people that we should let in "refugees" and such because Irish people emigrated all over the world they say even though no Irish people ever went to the shitholes where these so called asylum seekers and refugees come from. It's fucking insane and a lot of low IQ Irish fall for it.

What's the craic, with Cork City... Boeeeeeeeeey

just stop, embarrassing

Stop what?

Your stupidity?

So you concede Northern Ireland is a part of BRITAIN?

Stop what?

Your stupidity?

So you concede Northern Ireland is a part of BRITAIN?

Soldiers guarding food being loaded into ships while like 4 million starved or left. I know this is Jow Forums but come on.

>I come from a long line of Irish--Kellys
>My starving Irish ancestors

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>americans making a fool of themselves once again.
like pottery

Part of the UK, not Britain.

They weren't keeping the food from the Irish. They were protecting merchants goods. The food belonged to the merchants who's business was commercial farming. Simple law enforcement. You don't steal what does not belong to you.

Then why do they fly the British flag? By the bye the proper name for the flag is The flag of Great Britain.

I don't know where your fairy story name came from.

there's a difference between the british flag and the uk flag you fucking mongrel

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I know it's weird, but I'm not into either historical moral relativism, or revisionism. And...everyone was trying to build an empire, so won, some lost. It was the 19th century, were now in the 21st so if anything I want a free ride at Oxford or Cambridge, knowledge is power....

Mongrel? xD

Tell me then Pierre Bochetti, whats the difference?

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Dumb fuck. Which one of these is The flag of Great Britain?

>rape the resources of the land siphoning all the wealth and reducing natives to a serf class
>muh merchants

Is that what you told the nstive americans too?

this has to be bait...

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I've been questioning my Irish identity recently. First time in my life. I just can't get over how spastic people here in their 20s and 30s are.

What's worse is they are adopting the smug nature you see emanating from the American libs. Can't stand it ladss.

I love my amerilard friends and especially appreciate Irish Americans. But unfortunately I must level this criticism against you I'm sorry.

What can we do to fix this bros?

I hate the brits. But I hate gibs. But if I get brit gibs does that make the limey fucks destruct faster...

Fuck it. Gib me Gibs, you proddie cunt hairs.

>>I come from a long line of Irish--Kellys
My grandfather still had an accent until he died.

As I said. This is Jow Forums.

Its one thing to be called a nigger another thing to become one

>taking him seriously.
Its your time to waste.

Can you not answer the question?

>adopting the smug nature you see emanating from the American libs.

I will kick your ass you fucking pikey

Id have robbed and starved the brits given the chance too so I dont hold a grudge.

If someone owns something they have the right to do what they please with it. It wasn't the English that FORCED thew exportation of goods.

You gotta admit though Irish love being in denial about what happened lol...imagine still calling it "the famine" like the taytos were to blame. Sad!

The Irish sold us the food and we paied good money for it.

No offense taken m8, smug hipsters deserve to hang from a meat hook

the irish werent in control of the land. British absentee landlords

Yes it was exports went up as millions died

Blaming people for things their ancestors did is retarded. Most brits were serfs. The royal family on the other hand...
>Around Monarchs, never relarx.

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Show me documented proof that the English FORCED the exportation of goods. Best of luck. xD

>My grandfather still had an accent until he died.
Feel free to head on back there hyphenated "American." We have no room here for divided loyalties even if your skin does happen to be pale. Beyond that all immigrants are cancer, especially papists. Have you done anything for America other than take advantage of what other people have built?

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Something that the anglo sphere seems oblivious to and I only learned recently, Scandis and the French had a potato famine around the same time. The scandis even had the same economic policy.
>if the farms fail, everyone should die.
It of course led to hatred of monarchs and large land owners and rebellion all across Europe.

Stop mercantalism in the 1800's? Madness. You couldn't even stop it today.

I dont think humans are more enlightened now. What we have now is that we are making and dumping so much food that not handing it out to people who are now starving and in the future might be potential customers/workers is foolishness.


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whiter than you paddy

It did you stupid anglonigger. Too bad Churchkike cost your entire empire. Now you're the colony.

So its like the niggers complaining about their cotten getting exported off the plantation?

>if the farms fail, everyone should die.
What sort of practical alternative would you propose in hindsight? How exactly would you go about preserving and then redistributing the potato crop on a massive scale in an era before refrigeration? Keep in mind that you have to pay everyone involved every step of the way but you have the benefit of hindsight so it should be no trouble to formulate an exact logistical model that takes into account all the limitations of technology in the era. Then explain to me why those resources weren't needed elsewhere. Considering communism wasn't sustainable in the 1980's much less back then you'll have your work cut out for you.
>You couldn't even stop it today.
Everyone seems to hate mercantilism these days but they remain oddly silent on why it is working so well for the Chinese right now.

We are not making food. Commercial farmers are. No one is in business to give away things for free.

I want to buy a BMW 8 series. I'm obligated to give you things for free?

Klaus sure isn't going to give up that motor for free.

How would I ever accomplish my personal goal?

Not as a direct question, but as a supposition.

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whiter than you Tyrone.

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