Why Can’t American Women Cook Pol?

I’m a Britbong who’s been living in the States fifteen years and have shagged a couple of dozen American girls thank you very much...

I’ve never met a single one of your women who was capable of making bacon & eggs or anything in the kitchen which needs cooking, just toast or microwave garbage.

What gives Pol, why can’t the women in this country cook a simple meal for a guy, is this not something American girls learn anymore?

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I'm tired of the thicc meme. I want these girls again.

>Eats Kidney pie full of piss.
>says American women can't cook.
Rather have piss pie than apple pie, brit?
No wonder Brits are genociding themselves.

sunken chested nasty whore, look at this posture, disgusting

The get the word out to everyone to go through their houses and throw out all the flour, sugar, fruit juices, syrups, chips, potatoes and fruits until there is just meat and green leafy vegetables.

British guys can score chicks in America because women here love gay men

White women cook meth user.
All others do crack.

What type of cooking ya looking for?

Yeah, they think they're going to turn them straight. That, and gays are pretty boiz.

It's not just American women. Bitches here can't even cook rice.

>I'm tired of the thicc meme. I want these girls again.

We all do. That's why we need to bring back fat shaming. As for cooking, liberal American women are not usually taught at home nowadays.

And that's because there are so many illegal aliens willing to clean your house for next-to-nothing, AND throw in a home-cooked meal, that so many middle class families were able to afford household help in the 1990s, when these ladies were growing up.

These women were also treated like little princesses, and the entertainment industry and the media reinforced that stuff with the "girl power" meme.

So now we have a generation of "career" women, who are all basically pink collar workers in whatever industry they are interested in, or Instagram thots, or Twitch streamers, or whatever shit job they may have.

The only American women who know how to cook now are conservatives (although they have the "princess" phenomenon, too), or black girls who had to raise their siblings, or Christians, or liberal hipster foodies, or health freaks, or illegal immigrant women.

Pic related is attitude many American women have towards cooking today.

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If you look closer you'll discover that white men cook meth and white women fuck them for it.

Boomer women went to work and started the fast food for dinner shit and the skills and recipes that families had were lost.

but they can cuck

Some of my previous gfs couldn't cook shit. I blew their minds by being able to do basic recipes.

It was really funny to watch their reactions when I broke up with them and said that I felt burdened by doing all the cooking. Kek

They usually order fried chicken and purple drank for their bf's.

Their mom's never taught them

>I'm tired of the thicc meme. I want these girls again.

>Food in grams
>BS socket on the wall
>UK milk on counter

Just fly over here. I've shagged mainly Kentucky girls and they're absolute trash. People give our birds shit but they're nowhere near as entitled as yours.

This is shit tier boomer thread

Why don't you cook yourself?

she has nice nips, I wouldn't kick her out of bed. I would encourage her to do a few situps to fix that soon-to-balloon skinny-fat gut.

M8 brit girls are fucking disgusting.

You can learn regardless, I grew up without one and still manage. Instagram never taught them?

Go to America and try their birds. You'll appreciate what you have here more.

Show flag or KYS

>and said that I felt burdened by doing all the cooking.

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Can American men cook? From my visits I got the feeling that the memes are kind of true.. It's eating out/delivery, something instant OR a huge homecooked feast for some special occasion. Not a whole lot of regular everyday home cooking..

I swear men just make shit up these days to complain lmao like is this a joke

roast beef flaps already descending upon the thread

Cause the thots that cough it up so easily to a snaggle toothed bong probably didn't come from a traditional home where they spent time in the kitchen with their mother learning to cook. That, or they were shagging you as a one night stand and had no interest in a steady relationship... traditional girls are told early and often the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

American women are run of the mill gutter trash who can’t cook and get fat before the age of 22. They also ride a hundred dicks before marriage and typically divorce within five years.


i rarely eat out, cost twice as much for shit i could cook.better at home. especially with this new fad of outrage over tips.

Same. There ain't enough of them

Not a joke and I am complaining you silly slag, can you make me a sammich?

Dirty as hell but fucking mental.

White wimen dont cook, clean, or even have kids now days. The reason being is because of the jew.

Okay sir what would you like on it?(-:

Wife cannot cook, but she tries. Teen daughter is a competent cook with whole / real ingredients, and an excellent baker. My little one will learn to cook as well, because I will teach her. It is taught user, whether by father, mother, or both, it is taught. Your problem is dating girls raised by lazy fucking parents.

Why do you only attract useless women?

working class englishmen are the least feminine people on earth. silly burger.

I hope you die in five minutes

I know how to cook but I'm still a landwhale who eats out and cooks too. I'm addicted to food. I love butter. I love sugar.

I can cook you a meal from real, whole ingredients in a variety of styles that you would likely enjoy greatly.

They cant clean either. Seriously. Hand them a broom or a mop. They literally dont have the motor skills to use these tools

>can't even cook rice
Not even rice cooker?

Cannibalism is bad user.


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>My little one
This implies that the teenager is your wife's daughter. Top cuck

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I can cook but I'm a landwhale. I need to eat out because I'm addicted to food.

>Can American men cook
Ironically they're the one watching more cooking shows and trying it out, despite the genre being made primarily for women.

>Kentucky girls

I had a wonderful girlfriend from Kentucky. Sad to say I couldn't make the long distance thing work at the time due to being a complete arsehole. Sydney, if you're reading this, please take me back. I swear to be an honest and loving husband and father. I'll even go to church.

People are probably going to think I'm full of shit but I almost got trapped by a soulless harpie a few days ago. Green text time.

>meet super trad girl on POF, 0/10, extremely into each other
>lives 600 miles away
>we talk for a month
>we are 100% on the same page
>plan is to meet up, see how things go
>if all is good, she'd move here and we'd get married, start a family
>a few days before I go, she stops texting/calling suddenly
>weird but we had plans so I go anyways
>get there and it turns out she's been fucking some random guy for money and he bought her a car
>she planned on never telling me this and was going to move up to me when she was done with him
>only reason I found out is because I was stupid enough to go when I did and catch her in the act

She gave me zero indication she was full of shit. Her story was so consistent and seemingly genuine too. I'm a lucky bastard but holy fuck was that a bad experience for my fucking trust in women.

You are likely only "addicted" to a few ingredients, not food in general. Try dropping everything processed, grains, and especially sugar. Eat better, feel better, be satisfied.

Am female. Watch those shows because I love food. People say being fat makes you feel bad but it doesn't.

My good looks and promise of a good night’s shagging...ask your mother

I meant 9/10. No one is an actual 0/10 without being horrifically deformed. She was 100% real too which is the scary part. Almost had my life ruined but my own naivety saved me.

Very good, but really.. Shouldn't every adult be able to do this?

I like cooking shows too. Just something comfy about em.

I learned a few things from my mother growing up and I still revisit those simple country recipes. I can't live on it though and my own style is a blend of Asian and Mediterranean. Cooking is really fun if you are a little bit curious. If I am home in time to cook dinner, I always do the cooking. In fact, I have two shopping lists, one for things I will cook, and the other for things the girls can pull off reasonably well.

>throwing out potatoes and fruit
>still eating meat

My last girlfriend was a great cook and baker. It is a dying art though.

Current Lark Voorhies is best Lark. I want to read her novel but I fear I am too brainlet to comprehend such intelligence

You probably got them from shitty places like Louisville or Lexington.

All the good girls are in the mountains.

I love recipes with lots of butter and deep fried anything. I love cakes and cookies. Buttercream and cream cheese frosting. Chocolate frosting. Yum.

I tried salad but I don't get satisfied unless I put a bunch of ham, bacon, croutons and heavy dressing.

Yes indeed, they should. If you have real, decent quality ingredients, versatile seasonings, a hint of curiosity, and a modicum of common sense, you can cook a decent meal.

I've been to your filthy blan country, no bong is ever allowed to criticize another's food.

The ones who hide it really good are the worst. I dated a girl for like 6months. I tried overlooking her flaws, seemed like it was going OK. I end up finding out her last relationship was 2yrs with a woman. The one before that was long-term with a guy who now was doing life in prison for murder.

She got pissed when I broke it off. Then treated me like I was he fucked up one. Sometimes you just got to walk away and move on.

they have been brainwashed into thinking cooking is beneath them

I don't want skin cancer or tiddie pubes in my scrambled eggs. Cover your lady bits up.

(cancer moles)

You love the hit from processed sugar. Nothing at all wrong with butter (real butter not margarine). Lose that white sugar dependency and you will shed pounds and feel much better. Check your blood sugar too!

Most of them avoid anything traditionally female, for fear of not being feminist enough.

That being said, my ex cooked all the time, and so did her best friend, and my mom, and they were all lefty women, so I have no evidence for your accusation.

In fact, I’ve never known a woman that couldn’t cook at least a little.

Is your "k" key broken?

this is now a peg bundy cooking thread

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Some can. Most can't. I hate eating the same crap all the time, so I learned when I moved out for college. My wife knew a little bit when we met (better than most who didn't know what a stove was for) and has developed into quite the cook. We, and others like us, aren't seen because we don't go out EVERY night. We eat out one or two meals a week.

We are Homs homeschooling our kids so they don't grow up useless. Our country is a shambles. Once the various economic frauds collapse, it will be a charnel house. I plan on mine having a fighting chance.

>Thicc meme
An excuse for fatass foodstamp whores to think they are hot.

oh al
it is time for nooner

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Oh yeah, I lost all emotional attachment as soon as I showed up and found her car in the middle of shithole nowhere, Tennessee. It became clear very quickly that I had been rused hard. The scary part is that you might find someone you think is perfect but they're hiding that kind of shit from you because they're so selfish that they don't care what it'd do to you if you found out. Truly good women are so fucking rare it's insane.

Cooking is a seast as following directions, if you don't know how just Google it for fucks sake. People who can't cook are just lazy assholes who won't even try to learn a new skill.

Sexually attractive women have never been forced to make food in this age, user. You need to bang a fat chick to get what you want.

Really it's so simple that complaining seems almost disingenuous...

>You probably got them from shitty places like Louisville

40004 but yeah close enough.

I was told the ones in the mountains do pills and meth. Pike county was scary.

If you didn't go to church to begin with you don't deserve her, stop trying heathen

>k key
>doesn't know that ck stands for crip killer
>doesn't know that coastal american niggers are crips
>thicc adds that much more niggatude
How new are you?

The funny thing is when they get suspicious of you because you seem too normal. Then treat you like you're the weird one. It's pure projection.

>"This guy seems nice, has a good job, isn't into any weird sexual shit, has normal hobbies and a normal family. He's hiding something, something must be wrong with him."

Boomer “parents.” Prying their fat lard asses off the couch to prepare home cooked food for their children, let alone show them how to make their own food, was far too much to ask of these sperm donors and incubators we call American Boomer mothers and fathers.

There are tons of restaurant delivery services now like Uber Eats, Door Dash, Delivery Dudes, and so on, because the Boomers can’t even be bothered to take a five minute drive to pick up their take-out food anymore, let alone cooking, bwahaha

Normal food preparation, recipes, food culture, that was another inter-generational compact the Boomers ended along with the nuclear family, community, religion, any traditions whatsoever, that is, everything that gives us meaning and purpose above and beyond consumerism and blind, mindless self-indulgence and immediate self-gratification.

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>>if all is good, she'd move here and we'd get married, start a family

plans to marry before meeting in person. kek

>>a few days before I go, she stops texting/calling suddenly
>still travel hundreds of miles

Yep, all her fault

Find a tranny. Many of us cook quite well. Just last night, we had baked herb chicken, homemade macaroni and cheese, and grilled asparagus. I cook every night for my bf and I, save when he wants to eat out.

I've talked at length with a few of my really intelligent friends about this whole debacle. One of the really big red flags a buddy identified that I hadn't explicitly mentioned or taken note of directly was that they will disappear on you and act emotionally distant and then lie about how busy they were to make you feel badly about getting upset at them. Not exactly the same thing you mentioned but it's all an interwoven web of deceit and insanity that these girls have going on in their fucked up retard brains. I wish AIDS was a much more powerful, aggressive virus so we could get rid of these people. They are a cancer.

She said she was at work a lot when that was actually the time she wanted me to leave her alone so she could be around that poor doofus and not risk him finding out she was having someone else interacting with her on the side.

>derp all your fault
Thanks, bud. I'm glad I'm a moron who is at least willing to take a chance instead of being some shut-in, half-white syrupnigger who bashes others online to feel better about his pathetic state of affairs.

I married a compulsive liar. Told myself it was a phase. It was, but DAMN! It lasted a decade.
We have kids, so I stuck with it through a lot. When she started cheating and wouldn't stop (and attacked me for picking up the extra cell phone she hid in her shoe and she called the cops when I hit back) I filed for divorce. A few months went by and she wanted to work it out. I laid out the terms as unconditional surrender. Her opinion and feelings meant jack shit. If the cops get called, she'll be out on her ass (my family owns the house so I could back that up). I tolerate nothing and she shows me anything I ask without delay. It took awhile, but she eventually calmed down.

What really helped is when I accepted Jesus as saviour AND began studying the Bible AND started doing it every night with our whole family. I cannot explain how much of a change there has been. There are the occasional bipolar flare ups, but most of the time we have a peaceful house. Our kids are healthier mentally too. So am I. We are just more content, even though our basic living conditions are the same.

God rewards a man for leading his family spirituality as He meant for us to.

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I’ve never slept with a woman bigger than myself and I’m only 155 lbs so fat chicks are out...just a weird standard/hang-up I have, don’t want to be injured by an overly aggresive heavy lady

That sucks ass, user. I'm sorry you're stuck with that horseshit.

Yes. You are correct. There are a lot of them, though.

>no arse
>entire pelvic region hangs like a damp rag

If you like "women" with hips like that there's a good chance you're a poofta cunt.

>women who fornicate with random men cant cook and would probably make shitty wives
Wow great insight OP

My wife is an excellent cook. Maybe try not being a degenerate?

Jezebel spirit. It is alive and well. Look it up and see if it's not a perfect match.

I was too, for YEARS. I tell you though, God healed our family. I have no other way to describe it. I know it sounds crazy, but it is true.
I actually love my wife again.

There is no such thing as not knowing how to cook. Anyone can cook, people just don't do it because everything can be bought ready.
It's your job as a parent to show your kids that they need to prepare their own food instead of you being lazy and feeding them crap. The reason people don't cook is because boomers loved the convenience of prepackaged food, they never taught their children that they need to cook.

Cooking is extremely easy. All you have to do is follow the instructions. People choose to instead eat shit.
It's so easy to cook some meat and veggies, and that's all you need. You don't have to know anything about cooking.

My girl cooks, you must be getting some bottom of the barrel "American Girls"

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Simple. Your dating losers that just like you for your accent. Get over yourself