How the hell is Ireland getting cucked so fast?

How the hell is Ireland getting cucked so fast?

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Well, the Globalist just noticed them, and with a national average IQ of 93, they're pretty easy to cuck.

So, another opportunity to vote no.

Any idea if those will pass too?

All the countries that used to be the most manly are being cucked the fasted.

>constitution can be changed via popular vote


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It's just terribly ironic for a country that spent most of the 20th century killing each other over whether strawberry or cherry Jesus is better

It's feminists who are of the same social class as the journalists and politicians of this country and who have the ear of both government and media to push this shit. A lot of the people in media, politics and NGOs and feminists groups would have went to the same schools and lived in same affluent areas and they are all known to eachother.

Our constitution isn't worth the paper its written on.
We were one of the only countries that allowed the public to vote on the Lisbon treaty a few years back and when we didn't vote for what Europe wanted they made us vote again and spread propaganda saying the minimum wage would fall 90% if we voted no again. We had an unconstitutional second referendum and the no vote passed. Gay marriage and abortion both passed recently and most people didn't understand either referendum.

Almost everyone I met was against gays having equal adoption rights so when I told them to vote no for gay marriage and wait for another referendum that allows gays to marry but not adopt they said I was a bigot. We vote for whatever RTE tell us to vote for.