What the fuck is wrong with anti vaccination dumb ass faggots who believe staying all “natural“ is the better and healthier choice? Just like the death plague (that subhuman asians gave to us between trade) should be accepted and rats protected because nature knows better AM I RIGHT.... god....
Just watch the videos those subhumans really believe such things like rabies/Tollwut should not be destroyed once and for all with vaccines instead just letting “nature“ doing their thing....
Those views are mostly green voter faggots who are ALL ABOUT MUUH ANIMALS MUUH ENVIRONMENT... BUT they ironically support literal viruses and parasites who are destroying the entire world and their animals....
Being anti vaccination should be jail sentence and children should be taken away from those freaks and don't even start with muuh it causes autism because usa has by far a ridiculous high sum of autists and they're rather against it and pro vaccination europe has a very low rate of autists
Here in CA, you aren't allowed to go to school or work unless you have the shots. This is complete kikery. Do whatever the fuck you want in your country Krautnigger but here we believe differently.
Dylan Lee
Thats Jow Forums anons on a normal day. I see nothing wrong with it.
Nolan Williams
We need vaccines but anti-white liberal maniacs are the ones distributing them. What do?
>all anti vaccination people are the same >all diseases are the same >all vaccines are the same
fuck off with your black and white bullshit and educate yourself also Recht auf körperliche Unversehrtheit means you can't force me to put needles into my children if your immune system is shit and or you are some old Rentner stay the fuck away from me, because I don't care if you die to some cough