A Serb from Bosnia, General Mladic, protected Muslims civilians and gave them buses, food and water for to leave fighting zones (as you can see). There was no genocide over Muslim population in Srebrenica like main stream media want you to believe – there was no genocide over Bosniaks because all Bosnian Muslims victims were jihad fighters who had been killed during fight (in war). Even the so called „tribunal“ in The Hague for ex-Yugoslavia admitted that there was no genocide.
Now, you can see here zlj13051967.wordpress.com/2016/10/02/srbi-su-masakrirani-u-srebrenici/ how jihadists have treated the Serbian population – the content is very hard, not for sensible persons – there are photos of Srebrenica Serbian victims (use Google Translaton from Serbian language into your language).
In Srebrenica, there was a massacre over Serbian civilians: youngest victim was a 4 years old boy who was found with cut arms and a cross like open Intestinium wound; the oldest is an 84 old man – done by Naser Oric jihad army.
The English/US war manipulators will bring Srebrenica „genocide“ in next weeks into the mass media – so, the misinformation that is the pure war manipulation will go ahead! Please, study the question and find the Truth for yourself! Don’t let them manipulate you. Don’t let them create a new consent for new wars in The Balkans. Serbs can not hate their Muslim bothers in Bosnia because they know that those Muslims in The Balkans are Serbian children that Turkish invedors gave life through rapes, harems jail and In/voluntery conversion to Islam from 1389-1913 ! Unbelievable, but Bosniac nation does not exist because Bosniacs are called only those Serbs who were turned into Islam and who speak the same language like their Christian brothers – yes, Serbs from Bosnia speak the same language and have same origins and same culture like their Muslim brothers. It’s one people and one land.
Here we present a photo album of massacred Serbs by local Srebrenica Muslims in 1992-1995 either in Srebrenica or in surrounding villages followed by the graveyards.
It is estimated that in 1992-1995 up to 3.500 Serb civilians of all ages were brutally murdered by Bosnian Muslims.
Doubt it. The war generations would have to die and war propaganda would have to stop. And it never stops here, every day is some special war anniversary, one day a grenade fell one someones roof, other day a couple of guys got killed, etc.
Anthony Torres
muslims started the violence right? i remember muslim savages gloating over decapitated serb head
bosnia is cursed land, powerful demonic spirit dwells there, spirit of heresy
Jeremiah Sanchez
the fall of yugoslavia, created some of the greatest heroes. i love them all. all had character. might do my masters in the fall of yugoslavia