Americans are the friendliest people

Where does this meme come from?

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By the fact that we are you piece of shit. Go fuck your mother.

American slob tourists are still the stereotype

are you an american or a foreigner?
And do you live in the us?

in the US, we’re all virtue signaling twats. outside the us, or when in contact with a foreigner, we forget this psychological malidy, and are generally quite bright and cheerful. it has been observed that americans are charismatic. often times, its been remarked that i smile a lot and are all around happy. have come into contact with many forwigners. maybe we save our personality for people we think its worth putting the time and effort into.

but anyway, where do you live?

When we say "friendliest", what we really mean is "most obnoxious".

Because it's probably true?
There's no where else in the world where strangers will just start talking to you like you're friends.

Rude noisy obnoxious and generally dumb as hell

dammit, you will be our friend, even if it means i have to twist your arm

From people who only ever interacted with white Americans.

I can't recall the last time a stranger started talking to me like I was their friend - unless you think the cashier saying "How are you today" counts for anything.

People in this country are assholes. And those who smile are usually being fake

I'm pretty sure thats Canada's thing.

>A culture where it is considered acceptable to say "Yeah", "Yep", and "mhmm" instead of please and thank you is friendly
Pretty sure Leafs and Scandinavians are stereotypically the most friendly.

>t coastie
Being white in the Midwest is comfy

The 1980's, when it was true.
Now...not so much.

The fact that, no matter how much of an asshole any Burgerstani is, everyone else from every other country is even worse, just for the militant authoritarianism they layer on top of everything.

Please explain your name

Remove the flag

Are you staring at your phone all day or have headphones on? When I was at the airport yesterday, I chatted with the person in line with me to get on the airplane. Maybe you don't see social friendliness because you're antisocial

fem God...

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Portland used to be comfy until all the hipster wannabes from nowhere towns and california communists moved here

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Dark souls 7

where do you live?

i live in a small city doing a lot of country work. smiling has become a thig i do on the regular, as well as speaking, generally in an effort to see if whoever smiles back and is human. i find when im back home in the city, folks do not smile, nor do they make eye contact. in these areas and well to-do suburbs, is where i tend to notice thes epeculiarities. as far as fakes, i cant say ive met many fakes. none stand out inmemory.

have noticed the head nod is also a good evaluator of where you are and peers. head nods are usually shared in understanding. but then again, i work with mostly all dudes and construction bros

Trans God...

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No one in America is friendly. Everyone is out for themselves and sees everyone else as a potential threat or victim.

Is that Obama?

>tfw you know exactly who moved to portland
>tfw they are are out and outright commie pinko ass holes making zoy faces and being generally distasteful

Some of the nicest people I've met were American. Canadians in my area don't like talking to anyone, but an American will always say hello.

It's a subset of the "Americans are the Xest" meme, caused by lacking interaction with the outside world in a broad sense.
It fosters delusions to have no perspective.

From kikes who insist on flooding us with niggers, in order to make it look more attractive to said niggers.

NO we are not nice, we kill niggers in sight.
All the rumors you heard were true. Niggers will only find nazis in America.
Stay away.

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America could be a lot nicer to their Gods...

I believe that Native Americans are polytheists

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I only ever heard about this meme when it comes to fake friendliness and I absolutely can confirm it.

Depends where, New York, Boston area people are rude as shit, north, south, or west of there people are nicer


Every other American is out to pull one over an another American

Canada and the UK are probably the only two countries in the West that are worse than the USA though, so that's not saying much

LMAO amerimutts aren't good in any way , maybe Israel pushed that friendly meme idk

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I've friend in Travel industry.
Americans are most obnoxious and weird people out there. They're pretty dumb as per international standards.
Jap tourists are based.

Thank you Mr. Sir

Every time I visit America I can't get over how friendly the people are. It's one of America's major strengths in my opinion.

The south is the nicest place because every one is just glad ur not a nigger

Are these strangers you are referring to or employees at shops?

Poo in loo

And to add to that, Europe and it's snobby, unfriendly people can lick my balls. ''Oh I'm so fancy'', ''oh I'm so old'', ''oh look at all the stony old buildings and old paintings and stony roads'', and all their dumb fucking languages, fuck off Europe, America so much better than Europe it's not even a competition.

>major cities
Well yes people in the city are usually always rude. That sort of enviroment puts a tax on your morality.

This. There are nice people here, but any naive kid who thinks white people view each other as brothers and won't rip others off should wake up.

Poo in mart you fuckin fat subhuman cunt.

>Pajeet, I insulted the sirs on 4chen!

Both. Customer service is the best in the world in America, bar none. But I'd be walking around and people would smile at me and a lot and will ask ''hows it going'' or start up a conversation. This is in Vermont and upstate NY, where I'm most familiar. Maine was also like that.

>poo in mart
It's start in mart you sensitive brown twinkie. Get it right.

Lol. Go to a city...

We are. I just saw some handicap man pull over and attempt to help a woman change her tire.

Name has
in it

Indians are disgusting sub humans. I can smell your superiority complex along with your poo from my house right now, Pajeet.

I live in a city in Canada that I guarantee is less friendly than American cities (Montreal). Either way, REAL Americans don't live in cities, I don't expect niggers and spics to be friendly.

I dont think overall we are, but the meme is that Southerners and midwest types will just start talking to you out of nowhere and be really nice about it

I've never heard this
I thought everyone knew americans are fat retards

>REAL Americans don't live in cities
80% and growing of our population lives in cities.

Americans act as if they are in a hollywood movie. Literally no personality, just an act from what they see on tv

>t. Bunch of rednecks covered in slime and vomit.

We are, though. Faggot yuros just stare when a concert is over and consider saying "hello" to be too much effort.

Based leaf

>Fack you, sirs

literally no one believes that kek

>Pretty sure Leafs and Scandinavians are stereotypically the most friendly.

Funny because I live in Canada and the only foreign countries I've been to are America, Norway and Mexico. (And the Netherlands but only the airport). Scandinavia is NOT friendly. Like at all. Probably on par with where I live, very unfriendly and cold people. Canada's a mixed bag, Quebec is abhorrently unfriendly, the rest of Canada is polite and friendly in most parts.

No idea. Walk around a major city and try to make eye contact with a stranger, and they’ll either think you want to fight them or fuck them

Rich coming from a street shitter

how do you mean? can you elaborate?

Our liberals obsess over Scandinavians, thinking they live in some utopia.

When is your arranged marriage to a Pajeeta? It seems to me that all your women prefer strong White men!!! ROFL

>Where does this meme come from?
Americans are friendly by nature, and we like to help people when they are in need of helping.
It's just a natural trait that we developed as good people. In most countries when someone is being attacked no one cares unless an American is around, and usually that American will do the right thing, and help the person who is being attacked out. It's almost as if an American citizenship not only grants a person freedom, but it also issues out a soul.

We are, but only when you realize "American" means a resident of the united states who is white.

Its the south. I have never talked to a tourist or friend visiting here in texas who didnt gush southern hospitality.

Nobody was talking about you new jersey yank trash

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>Quebec is unfriendly
With anglo faggots like you, probably

I live in your mom's vagina, you dumb nigger.

Any Americans I've met have been friendly as anything.

Truth stings. I know babe.
Oh really?

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I know the old mutt canard of "It depends where you go" is annoying, but kind of true. People in the middle, rural parts which have been unaffected with city diaspora are very polite. But much of this country is pathologically self-centered and individualist so "How do my actions and words affect other people" isn't something really going through their mind.

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It's really a meme. Southerners are passive agressive pricks. Northerners are just aggressive pricks. Midwesterners are paranoid passive pricks. Westernfags think they're tough shit cowboys but they're just pricks.

Oddly enough the nicest people I've met on all my travels have been commifornians and other west coasters. Go figure.

Culture shock, unless you met them here. Most Americans have never been on an airplane, cruise ship, or even left their state.

Its about the superficial friendliness people have to always project. Eveything has to be "super" or "great". When an American says hes ok or alright you know aomthing id wrong.

>Bunch of rednecks
God damn right I'm a fucking redneck and proud of it. I bust my ass all week in the sun while you sit in your own poo answering people with tech problems. Fuck off Pajeet.

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I don't think I can explain it in a way you can understand, because it might just be the norm in America. The only way I see it is by contrasting it with Old school Afrikaners with the new young ones who grew up on your media and then Americans. It's like everything is a forced over reaction and doesn't seem genuine. Like, everything you say has to be followed by a shitty joke some manchild finds funny. Everytime I see it I go "Yeah I saw someone say that on tv more than once before"

It's probably because you're only meeting the people who are PAYING to go over to Ireland and thus are going to do their best to have a good time. The average American is a sociopath I believe.

>Has a US flag while living in India.
How fuckin dense and inbred are you?


>superficial friendliness
Trust me muhaamad you would know if an American didn't like you. We aren't like the piece of shit british who side step, and go trhough round about means to tell you that we don't like your faggot ass.

Not the inner city, which is where I assume the most unfriendly people are (shit skins).

*Canada i mean.

Inside her.

Ehh, it varies. Some suburbs people wave at each other. Others, you don't know any of the neighbors


i own a vacation home in miami and the white folk are always nice

I don't want to fucking live here. You can have your country. Having been well traveled in this country I support separation, Quebec is too different. I want out. Montreal is one of the worst cities in the West, fuck this place.

You look like a burnt nathan patreli.

Americans have the fluoride stare.
t. Worked with them.

*white suburban Americans

From Americans

>t. Worked for them.

>IQ so low can't figure out what country to type

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Look at this guy for example. Is he an Afrikaner or an American? (More American that Afrikaner because he is literally the embodiment of American hollywood culture)

we're friendly as long as you're not a cocksucking faggot nigger spergtard
guess you failed at that, queermo