How would white women ACTUALLY behave under White Sharia?

How would white women ACTUALLY behave under White Sharia?

Attached: 33349409.png (477x493, 397K)

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like shitskin women

Attached: 1527019812948.webm (1280x720, 2.06M)

Just like how beautiful muslim women from caucus mountains behave. Whites are destroying themselves with christianity. Christianity is the reason why whitoids lost the cultural battle and now they can only express themselves on anonymous boards. You'll never see this happen to an Arabian or Iranian ethnic man, why is that?

Obidiently,since anything else would get them stoned.

But Oman isn't Sharia-ruled state and is half black?

In a good way.
They will leave their feminist ideological seeds growing in their brains. They will shut their mouth. They will provide babies and they will focus on raising a family.

>Whites are destroying themselves with christianity.
This. If at least my country fell under Orthodoxy I'd be happy but no, it had to fall into catholishitism.

I'd like to see a Shia France.

They wouldn't. We'd have to kill them all.

fuck off weev

Attached: white sharia.png (1879x327, 113K)

Same as under Christian law: ignore it until they need an excuse to hide behind.