The American Healthcare system is just organnized crime

>Go to multiple doctors with complaint
>All of them basically either prescribe drugs that have been pushed on them in their office by snake oil salesmen or do nothing and tell me to go home and deal with
>Say "fuck this" and start googling (doing doctors' jobs for them)
>Find inexpensive solutions that work with minimal side effects
>"That's not what that drug is for."
>"Well, I understand that, but doctors HAVE prescribed it for this reason."
>Warn every one of them this will keep getting worse
>When it does, then we can treat you
>It does; now there is possibly permanent damage
>Treatment remains the same
>"Okay, now I have this condition you helped cause by refusing to treat me. Give me what I told you already I needed."
>"That drug isn't for that condition."

So now my only options seem to be to start doctor-shopping and pray or finding a relatively inexpensive NON-NARCOTIC WITH MINIMAL SIDE EFFECTS on the fucking black market. Was this the plan all along?? Not to mention these fuckers won't order a test for ANYTHING to save your life. And the nearest emergency room has actually gotten in trouble because the ER docs are such rude incompetents who literally make people suffer intentionally (happens all over the country - even if the ER is empty, they'll make someone wait for 3 hours to be seen, then do nothing and give you a bill for over $1,000). Not to mention doctors only see you for about 5 minutes when you're scheduled for an hour because they all quadruple book.

Do other countries have to put up with this fucking shit? I supposedly have good insurance too, yet the reason always seems to be that the doctors are all afraid of the insurance companies.

They should change the American Hippocratic Oath from "Do no harm." to "Do fucking nothing."

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i jave been in your exact position i'm a biomedical engineer and i have gone to a doctor to get a drug to treat something before. i wanted to use the varicella vaccine to prevent cold sores. i came with a folder of primary research studies, clinical studies, and had drawn out both the molecular and macro physiological mechanisms of how it would help me. the dumb faggot refused to even consider the evidence. luckily i work in a lab where i can just order almost amything i need so i cloned the virus from my lip discharge in neuroblastoma cells, purified viral particles, confirmed with pcr, deactivated the virus via heat amd pH shock, confirmed deactivation in a new line of neuroblastoma via qrt pcr, and injected the deactivated virus into my deltoid.

cold sore free for 3 years and counting.

i work with doctors regularly and they never fail to impress me with how fucking dumb they are

i should add that i did the same thing with a varicella virus in the neuroblastoma so i dunno if it was the self-made herpes or varicella vaccine that worked to prevent my cold sores

The state of ((healthcare)) where you have to actually brew your own bootleg vaccines. Doctors should no longer be the gateway to drugs, you should be able to crowdsource diagnosis and order whatever meds you want.

Say dat in engrish

he bootleg brew some herpes juice to fix cold sore nigguh muh dik

>i jave been in your exact position
Everyone has. This shit is everywhere. I found the same sort of behavior when I flew literally to the other side of the country on vacation. I've had family members that could have died because doctors didn't want to do shit for them which was easily treatable.

>i work with doctors regularly and they never fail to impress me with how fucking dumb they are
They're the pets of insurance companies and drug pushers. That's the problem. This shit is so absurdly, obviously corrupt I don't grasp why people let their family members die rather than to violently resist it.

Can you make an Ebola virus that only kills niggers?

Doctors are not insured to provide you with experimental treatments. If they prescribe you with a treatment for something you do not have or need they can be sued and lose their license. If you would have just said that your aunt had shingles and you are her primary care taker, then you would have left that day with a dose.

holy shit! you made yourself a vaccine, this is awesome, respect user!
What is your opinion on gene therapy, is it over-hyped or can it be a game changer and replace a lot of "traditional" therapies?

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>gene therapy
trash. kicks the can down the road. with germ-line genetic engineering we can eliminate genetic disorders permanently

by his own account he already had the virus, pretty sure vaccines prevent contagion but if you already have it they do nothing. By all means correct me if I am wrong.

look into varicella vaccines and their prevention of hsv outbreaks

Fucking agreed. I was recently sick for over a month and doctors just kept wanting to give me antibiotics. The last two didn't work, why would this one? Can you please just check this tickbite that hasn't healed in 4 months? No? Ok, a zpack it is then.

healthcare in america is a for profit private business. But its also an effective monopoly, that has also bribed the government into letting them fuck over the citizens.

and people will insist it isnt, because the propaganda is very pervasive and effective.

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There are doctors which frequent Jow Forums.
What was your issue, we can explore your problems with their proposed solutions.

jesus you absolute g

Like hell I'm giving out private medical info on fucking Jow Forums.

We're cattle to be milked for shekels. A sick goy is a good goy since it keeps the shekels flowing.

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are you sure? Doctors will run every test on you as they make the labs money.
ER docs are rude because they deal with spics and niggers all day without healthcare

>are you sure? Doctors will run every test on you as they make the labs money.
I don't where the fuck you live, but you need to tell me so I can fucking move there. It's the total fucking opposite here.

>ER docs are rude because they deal with spics and niggers all day without healthcare
And I knew Jow Forums would pull this brainlet shit. Uh-uh, my area is like 98% white, so you can shove that brainlet propaganda shit straight up your ass.

Then make it anonymous ffs

I know bitching about things is cathartic, but ive found 90% of complaints on this board against medicine are bullshit. Lew Rockwell, "Dr Mercola" type stuff.

Literally everywhere. They order every test under the book on the east coast in order to charge you more.

Its an anonymous board you mong. No ones saying you need to have your name and ssn # attached.

>"Dr Mercola"
Oh god. No, I assure you, my concern is valid, I'm still limiting the degree of personal info I give out online.

NOTHING online is anonymous. Nothing.

Doctors are basically just used car salesmen. They are not there to fix your problem, they're there to unload whatever was dumped on them by the pharmaceutical companies while making sure all the papers are in good legal order so you can't sue them for malpractice.

>i jave been
>i'm a biomedical engineer
>biomedical engineer

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Fair enough and I respect your decision. Wish you all the best with your health

>"I didn't do at all what doctors told me to do and now I'm sick! This is proof american healthcare system is theft"

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J and H are right next to one another. This isn't a professional forum, so who cares about re-reading what you've typed to vet out typos.

I was sick before, dipshit. I don't expect a smug anime girl poster to argue in good faith or have an IQ higher than 70.

"This is a drug... for the world... to give worms to ex-girlfriends."

>not knowing what vaccines are
>implying a vaccine can cure a disease
>biomedical engineer

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> (((The American Healthcare system)))

>Go to urgent Care clinic
> Fake symptoms pertaining to drug you want
>Go to pharmacist one hour later and get whatever
If you have the insurance you can get whatever you want. That's how people get lean/xans/opiates in Mass, not everyone has a doctor that hooks them up, some just play the game better than you

Your healthcare is in hands of Jews. Now you understand why the rest of countries kicked the Jews out.

Well, maybe just doing what people whom studied for at least 5 years to cure your shit would help a lot.
>"muh internet is a professional doctor"
>"ur iq is less than 70"

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The AMA was brought into being in order to protect and promote 'patent medicines' -- which they do to this day, and any MDs who don't go along with the program are shunned.

Yet people will defend doctors to death.

If you have ever looked into a doctor's eyes you just see nothing. They have no soul, they are vermin in a lab coat.

You don't understand.
In USA they prescribe you the hardest opioids for the most menial problems. To get you hooked to opium.
In my country that would be a crime that would revoke your license.

whats your point?

I haven't had an outbreak in over 4 years from simply switching to a healthier diet (and cutting carbonated drinks).

How can you be sure that the virus is really gone?

That's badass. It's like the new asshole safety inspector that doesn't care what the job order says, it has to be by his book.

You guys don't understand the joy of Nyquil induced sleep.

He just made a flu-shot kind of booster for his own cold sores. With the technology you can order on the internet and some youtube walk-throughs, anyone who graduated highschool could learn to do this. But they would never let it happen. I mean by this that most of the raw materials for purification and checking to make sure you did it right are restricted, even though they are totally non-dangerous.

10/10 larp

most doctors are just permission note writers
surgeons and specialists are still somewhat respectable
but most of what doctors do is write notes giving you permission to take drugs or get a test or miss work or validate your disability
the easiest way to fix doctors is to make all drugs legal for any adult to get at the pharmacy
>how does that fix doctors?
>doctors no longer have to figure out if patients are a drug seeker or a person with an actual problem
>doctors have to start diagnosing and treating ailments again, rather than just trying to get rid of the drug seekers
>doctors who can't do anything but throw pills at people quickly disappear

I'm actually fortunate to have a doctor who cares about me, he's just TERRIFIED of my insurance company. He's also one of these people who thinks doing nothing is the best medicine. But he's not unique. Every other doctor I've talked to in other counties of my state acts exactly the same. None of them wanna do shit.

>most doctors are just permission note writers
That's why I now do all research on my own for my medical conditions and just spend my time at a doctor's office trying to find ways to convince the doctor to actually write me my prescriptions.

But people do this. ffs the guys who discovered the ulcer causing bacteria literally gave it to themselves.

same here
just wish I didn't have to waste an hour or two of my day and pay some asshole $150 for a permission note to get a $15 prescription

You're not kidding. I had to have surgery to lance an infected lymph general anesthesia, just a local. The only reason I had to spend a couple nights in the hospital is that it was a nasty strain of strep that required heavy IV antibiotics.

They were seriously considering a psych hold because I refused to take the Vicodin they wanted to give me "for the pain." Protip: The pain of the healing abscess was much less than that of the hugely infected lymph node that they twice diagnosed incorrectly.

This is absolutely true. I worked in an ER in a city with 90+% whites and about 1.5% Somalis. In an average day I would see about 18 patients and at least 5 of them would be Somali or Mexican with no English. This absolutely fucked up our wait times because wed have to wait for translators, and because they're all on welfare or avoid paying the hospital would lose money with each one.

i was phoneposting while on the shitter

Welcome to talking out of your ass 101, today we learn how people trick other people with big words.

this is me:
all doctors do is memorize shit and then forget it and look everything up on google.

feel free to explain

If it's so easy why don't you graduate from medical school yourself then? You get some nice fat stacks from it and just have to "memorize shit and then forget it and look everything up on google".

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because i didn't want to go to medical school and i don't want to work the amount of hours they have to work

Smart people commercialize, you’re a nobody kid.

t. Biotech investor

you failed to explain and rather tried to distract

Doctors are legally tied. They can't best help their patients lest people sue.

You get to see your doctor for an hour? What the fuck?

It has nothing to do with non-whites. In fact, it's probably the opposite and SPECIFICALLY has to do with whites. From what I've heard the reason they do shit like this is because of all the opioid abuse, not like that's a good reason to make ERs completely non-functional and kill people who need medical attention. American is a third world shithole.

I get to wait in his office for an hour or two...see him for maybe 5 minutes...

Ah, I wondered if you were going to say that.

He was also an MD

Can we make our own bio-weapon now?