>It's the year 2050
>Your grandchildren look like this
What do Jow Forums?
>It's the year 2050
>Your grandchildren look like this
What do Jow Forums?
Allow the kid to teach me how to speak Mexican or else I'm racist.
>What do Jow Forums?
Looks like I'll have to gas them myself, we have enough retarded beaners running around, no need to add more problems to the world. All Fields
I go back in time and become a Catholic priest.
I build a time machine and bring back neolithic celtic bitches
i'm telling my kids to marry other sephardic jews because they are generally successful and have a good sense of community
Cut them out of the will, something theyll learn of a few days after my funeral. Gift the money to whytppl
drink my verification can
step into the white cleansing booth
reincarnate in the middle east
lead a revenge jihad on the western world
My parents taught me at a very young age that race mixing is disgusting, I'll teach my kids the same
Gringo/mestizo childs are mostly white tho. Unfortunately you guys only get full indio manlest kek.