Hit and Run

Can anyone find this driver?


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We arent the cops
We dont get a pension
Kindly go fuck yourself

>ya never know
>it could have been me
> my truck may be in a collision shop in the next county over already

first of all what the fuck is the bicyclist so much in a rush for that he has to go through a red light and wait in the middle? He was literally asking for it.

Second, are you a friend of this biker?

Third, fuck you for linking a site that MINIMIZES THE GOD DAMN VIDEO to show whats next in the playlist AS HE GETS HIT, virtually reducing the possibility of IDENTIFYING the trucks plate or driver! GENIUS!


fuck that's a boomer thing to say.

That's a person who pays property taxes so useless faggots can enjoy their retirement while I get none, thing to say.

Who cares?

/n/ here. Delete this thread and try again with the actual fucking video. Not some half ass news report. You fucking cone wrench.

brah why you let niggers rain on your parade? maybe you'd feel better if you vigilante some hit and run drivers

fuck cyclists.

People who cycle in traffic are retarded. This guy is double retarded for crossing on a red.

>rides 30+ MPH under the speed limit
>clogs up lanes
>runs through red lights
>weaves in and out of traffic
are cyclists and motorcyclists the niggers of the road?

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link to video where it automatically played an ad in the middle of me watching it. jfc dude, I was going to help you but come on.

Ooh look it is a bicyclist ignoring traffic rules and pretending to be a pedestrian - but even with that caveat he is jaywalking and breaking the law. Fuck cyclists they are a menace to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

god damn you cyclists all need to get hit

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not your personal army faggot

>pedal-head in middle of intersection against lights
newp, not wasting a drop of energy on that

>cone wrench
I'm totally going to try to use that toward at least two people tonight

>light is green
Fuck em

Did the driver pull a MAGA hat off the bicyclist?

Only black bike week. Cycling is about as white as it gets.

Technical precision in your slurs people..

1 percent biker gangs, = trailer trash.
Critical mass= Commie hippies and crustpunks
Spandex road riders = gay, european or both.
JDM tuned honda fags and crotch rocket riders = weeaboos.
BMX/MX = dirt eating, weed smoking dudebros.

You'll have to catch me first. And if you can't, then I'm not in your way now, am I?

>Only black bike week. Cycling is about as white as it gets.
lurk more you fucking tard

Pinellas, anything south of Hwy 60, Niggers.


hes in the middle of a fucking 4 lane street, during a green light, and somehow its the motorist's fault he got hit?

fuck off. he deserved it. and the truck driver deserved to get away.

wait til its your turn to cross the street dont just go halfway and hope that traffic stops to let you cross.

only reason I would be interested in finding the driver is buying him a beer for a job well done!

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lmao, thanks for the laugh OP