''Please, Mr. Trump...MAGA. Here is my financial well-being! Please come fuck my wife--she looks like Ivanka!''

''Please, Mr. Trump...MAGA. Here is my financial well-being! Please come fuck my wife--she looks like Ivanka!''

How, exactly, are MAGA hats anything other than cucks?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Good, I hope he comes in person with an army to burn their homes to the ground. And you know what? I'd bet actual money that at least some would be okay with that as long as he finished destroying their land and families with "I hate niggers."

It's actually a pretty common theme--which makes me think ''economic anxiety'' isn't really why legions of people voted for Trump.


Now, as his bosses cut back hours and warn they may have to let 200 more workers go in the coming weeks, he worries he may lose his job as a result of the president’s policies.

But Coffer is still gung-ho about Trump.

“I support him 100%,” he said last week. “In fact, I’d like to shake his hand. He’s doing a great job.”

“Most workers are behind Trump, no matter what,” said Diane Brogdon, 54, a machine operator who has worked for the company for 12 years.

“It’s just one big mess,” said Brogdon, who fears she may struggle to keep the large, brick home she bought just a few months ago. “He’s looking at the big picture, and I understand that. But he’s got to stop and look at the small towns around here that are really going to get hurt.”

Agricultural exports literally don't matter to the country

It's far more important to ensure US manufacturing and industry returns to US soil

Which is why we need to bring back factories and industry and ignore basedbeans and other cash crop Agri business which is relatively unimportant

Why do you think American manufacturing is in peril?

>It's actually a pretty common theme--which makes me think ''economic anxiety'' isn't really why legions of people voted for Trump.
You're just now realizing this?

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>Let's ignore this one sector of the economy controlled by giant interests, this other sector controlled by giant interests is different.

Because it has been shipped overseas and we have a hundreds of billions of dollars going overseas to purchase foreign made goods when they should be going to high paid American workers in this country.

The US loses hundreds of billions of dollars overseas a year in trade, end of story and that is mainly in industry and manufacturing goods which means those jobs are getting shipped overseas

I'm not American. I wish you all the best, though.

Honestly, I'm trying to get the fuck out of this third world shithole. Is there anywhere on Earth where the corporations haven't turned the country into Brazil?

Agriculture is a tiny percentage of the GDP while our trade deficit based on outsourcing manufacturing jobs is enormous, literally in the hundreds of billions a year last time I checked it was something like $350 billion we lose every year to overseas produced goods

Agriculture is relatively tiny in comparison

>implying Trump supporters haven't been cucks this whole time

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Okay, if the factory for a widget is moved to America and Americans are paid high wages you'll agree the price of the widget increases, right?

Great. Who is the customer? Americans? Sure, some might buy the more expensive widget, but a lot won't. There is a reason Wal-Mart is so popular, cheap goods right now--quantity over quality.

There is another possibility, you could put tariffs on widgets from other countries. Now American-made widgets are the same price as foreign widgets...in America. Exports of those American-made widgets drop, so the firm now has a limited market reach and minimal growth potential. American consumers end up paying more for, American firms lose market share, and Americans are no better off than before--they're paid more but everything costs more.

This is basic stuff, very basic stuff.

>Agriculture is a tiny percentage of the GDP
Not in rural states. Serves the rednecks right, honestly.

>which makes me think ''economic anxiety'' isn't really why legions of people voted for Trump.
You really think so? What other reason could people have to vote for a man who insisted that Obama was born in Kenya? I just can't think of anything...

Or had three literal neonazis as top advisers?

the internal market for basedbeans is large enough to support our farmers

If the price increases because employees are paid more it means that the employee is paid higher wages and can afford to buy more goods and services

The whole point of keeping jobs in America is so that Americans can be paid well and have a higher standard of living

Shipping jobs overseas means lowering wages and decreasing living standards for working class people and that has happened since the late 1970s when the US began outsourcing all it's jobs overseas and especially in the 90s when Clinton signed NAFTA and invited China to the WTO

Then why tariffs? That makes offshoring an even better deal for manufactures.

If your company uses steel and an input, American steel & imported steel just got a lot more expensive. However, if you manufacture the product overseas you can use cheap steel and avoid the tariffs.

a hat can't be a cuck you dummy

you vastly over-estimate how smart the average trump voter is. its more about fascism ie a strong alpha male leader promising to solve your problems and make you feel safe and comfy, than about actual solutions

Trump will get Japan and Taiwan to buy basedbeans.

Japan and Taiwan love basedbeans.

Then why are they bitching. Funny how now it's "Support our soibean farmers", isn't it. I thought you retarded faggots were boycotting soi because you were afraid it has girl magic in it.

Patriots realise that a little bit of hardship is worth more than a nation full of shame.

Unlike the rest of the people onions-type.

That's utter nonsense.

The price increases not because Americans are paid more, but because American manufactures either (1) buy imported steel for higher prices or (2) buy American steel whose price has risen due to tariffs on imported steel.

They're is no reason to expect Americans to get paid more, unless you're a steel executive. Why would I pay my employees more? The only change is my costs of materials has risen and the demand for them is either steady of falling.

i really am quite enjoying this downfall and degeneration of our country and culture by both sides of the political extremes who constantly vote against their own interest and then blame the other side

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its called giving a shit about the wellbeing of anyone other than just yourself. being generous and not a greedy egomaniac

A little bit of hardship? Mate, farmers have had it hard for a long, long time. Suicide among farmers is skyrocketing--this isn't about asking the well-off the sacrifice, it's about kicking working men and women directly in the teeth and then expecting praise for it.

Good. The end of s o y bean farming means the death of millions of low test beta cuck faggots.

I hope their civil war breaks out too

Wrong agriculture is a small percent of GDP even in rural states like Iowa or Kansas. The major GDP composition with always be in manufacturing and industry or services and any state with a majority agriculture GDP will always be backwards and poor. All focus should be put on industry first not agriculture.

So you're gonna die?

Basedbeans and corn are horrible because of farm subsidies. Farm subsidies need to be eliminated, they're socialism of the worst kind.

Because we need to bring jobs to the US so America produced it's own products stimulates it's own economy and pays it's workers decent wages where they can have good living standards

>implying their loyalty doesn’t piss you off

Nixon was a commie?

The only people who are sacrificing are those who aren't greedy egomaniacs. The former are convinced the sacrifice is noble by the people who benefit from their sacrifice. It's called being fucked over.

How old are you? Do you have a college degree? I ended up moving to New Zealand because my company had operations there, I love it.

It's amazing how Democrats have become hardcore shills for Capitalism.
They want Free Trade
They want open borders

>he is looking at the big picture
>i get it but I dont actually get it

Tfw im too much of a brainlet to economics

It's often painful to rid oneself of an infection

g8 b8, m8. I r8 it an 8.

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its just brietbart. those niggers are owned by trump since the election cycle of 2016. others have run articles showing a decrease in support from farmland america for the president

>How, exactly, are MAGA hats anything other than cucks?
Only now you realize? They are all statist fucktards that want big daddy state to fuck them in the ass.

Tariffs exist to protect the wages and jobs of domestic workers, that's why they exist. When you abolish tariffs you are demanding that American workers get lower wages or even have their jobs sent overseas.

When you raise tariffs you are increasing demand for domestic labor and increasing wages. America was built on tariffs and abolishing them has led to the workforce being mass outsourced to countries with far lower living standards.

Wow it’s almost like they’re staunch patriots who value the country as a whole winning the economic struggle with China over their own personal wealth

What terrible people

Tariffs do the exact opposite of what you're claiming is good. Why would they? Why would an American firm willingly make products here when doing so raises their costs of business? It would be far, far easier to make stuff outside of the U.S. and import it.

What you're asking is this: ''X company should make their stuff in America and make less money.'' What the fuck kind of business operates like this? How long do you think they can stay competitive?

Unconditional loyalty to a politician isn't the trait of a citizen, it's the trait of someone who has decided personal agency is too much responsibility.

why not just support strong unions, isn't that a much more direct way of supporting workers?

Called hicks. I support it.

No, it's not. You're blatantly lying now for some bizarre reason.

>agriculture.ks.gov/about-kda/kansas-agriculture Agriculture is the largest economic driver in Kansas, valued at nearly $67.5 billion, accounting for 44.5 percent of the state's total economy.

Literally took me like 5 seconds to google this. Die, red states. FUCKING DIE.

Democratic party has always been capitalist. Lay off the Fox news retard

They put America first, not their own profits. America could do with more of that attitude. I know that's a foreign concept to a kike like you.
>b..but I'm not jewish!
Your attitude is Jewish, you're the literal definition of a shabbos goy. The hatchet men of the kikes gets the rope, too.

>How old are you?
Too old.

>Do you have a college degree?

Yes, but you're leaving out one critical point;

Tariffs benefit a select few industries as the expense of all the rest. It's essentially a tax on consumers for the benefit of a few industry executives. It also doesn't directly raise wages, it raises *prices*. Employee productivity and wages haven't tracked close in decades.

None of these people are willing to do sweatshop work. Even if factories did come back They would die or go to vietnam

>Then why tariffs? That makes offshoring an even better deal for manufactures.
Check out China's import tariffs for the past 40 years.

No, the Democratic party used to be protectionist. It used to be Republicans that pushed for free trade and open borders. Then somehow Trump came along and there was a role reversal.
It's fucking stupid as fuck
I hate liberals so much because they don't even think they just mindless regurgitate whatever journalists and academics tell them to think. That's why they support importing migrants for cheaper labor and why they're so hard against tariffs.

Nixon introduced price controls, affirmative action, the EPA, and extended the LBJ welfare state, and he was the one that "opened China" to trade which led to outsourcing there, so was perfectly fine with subsidizing farmers.

The problem with subsidizing corn and onions is that food processors get an incentive to stuff corn syrup and onions in everything regardless of the health problems they can cause

Become?? It's only incessant dishonest republican propaganda that's convinced Americans that everyone left of mussolini is somehow a communist.

Democrats have always been for the same shit as republicans. Why do you think nobody fucking votes? American voters know it doesn't fucking matter until corporate money is driven out of politics with torches and pitchforks.

Dude just get over it, Chinks are literally the worst crooks in the world and redneck Trump voters are willing to put up with a little hardship or even a lot to see them in the dirt with the Western boot on their throat again which they heartily deserve

God bless rednecks

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>Too old.

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The point is to sink the chinks dude

If tariffs will sink the chinks that’s what matters

Tariffs will raise the wages of workers and increase demand for locally produced goods and services

Abolishing tariffs leads to overseas manufacturing, outsourcing, and lower wages.

Wow, are you telling me if those factories came back they would have to pay good wages? Oh shit better import millions of migrants to bring the wages down.

All I have left to hope for is the fulfillment of my vengeance against those who took my life from me. And I'll fucking have it.

Do you expect China to keep this going or something? They will drop the tariffs after a deal is made with the US which will probably happen in a few months, this shit is hurting China way more than it is hurting the US.
China entered a bear market as soon as the first tariffs were set, so how do you think their economy will feel in a 6-12 months?

I was talking to some of my friends online that are investors and they are all shorting the chinese market at the moment and from what they have heard, everyone is shorting that shit. Not because they are protecting the US or anything, but simply because it will generate them profits.. that alone should tell you that China are screwed in the long term.

We should have strong unions and high tariffs. Those go hand in hand just like unions and strong border control which keeps out cheap scab labor.

I wonder how many Jews sitting around a table collectively came up with the talking points in this slide thread.

How smashing American's economic system making America better? How is reducing the quality of life enjoyed by Americans making America better? How does making America worse make it better?

Is this really the thought process here: ''Okay, we'll have a lot less but at least we'll be better!''

You will have less, you'll be asked to sacrifice. Your leaders? Fuck no, they'll take whatever they can from you and when you have nothing tell you how noble you are, would that be worth it?

No, that's not true
You're a libtard if you cannot realize that as shit as Republicans may be they're superior to Democrats who are incessantly demanding the borders be opened for limitless cheap labor for rich elites.

I strongly suspect OP is a Western-born chink who blew in from aznidentity or something

Wrong agriculture is 5.5%


You have some serious cognitive dissonance

>some people have values above their economic self interest


better to go bankrupt than have to live around a bunch of mexicans

Yeah OP is a chink or maybe a Jew

Fucking this.

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call people bootlickers but the only people literally tasting boots are you gommie faggots

Tariffs help everyone because they raise the wages of the workers who then stimulate the rest of the economy through increased demand i.e. buying more stuff so everyone benefits.

People would work in factories if they paid decent wages

Manufacturing is never a high paying job without unions. Americans are too lazy to do this work in the first place. It's one of the main reasons it has been outsourced.

They're superior in that they can actually win by appealing to their base. That's about it. Even establishment dems are less cancerous than republicans.

>who are incessantly demanding the borders be opened for limitless cheap labor for rich elites.
Stop being a brainlet one-issue racist voter, you fucking moron. We seriously need to start implementing IQ tests for voting. And the cut-off needs to be high enough to at least cut off the 2/3 of whites.

tariffs literally do nothing but give revenue to the government, and increase the price of an otherwise cheaper good. are you an ancap? i'm libertarian myself, but this is one thing i don't like about ancaps. they just eliminate all notions of a nation (hehe)

China is complicated because there are so many factors at work.

As you've correctly pointed out, there are ways in which China could be hurt worse than the U.S., but Chinese leaders don't have to answer to voters.

Okay, but most American consumers don't want that. That's why they fill their houses with cheap electronics made overseas. You want the benefits of a global trade system without accepting the costs of that system. It doesn't work.

A blog? I literally linked the official state site. Go fuck your retarded self.

soiybeans are just the rotation crop with corn. Corn pulls much more money per acre. Soiybeans replenish what corn needs.
Farmers would plant corn every year if they could.

The American economy was already smashed by outsourcing caused by low/ no tariffs and trade deficits

The only way to repair the economy is with tariffs


>utter nonsense
>they're is
I agree with you there

> Self sacrifice for the greater good.
> Long term thinking vs. short term.
> Patriotism

We are all away that most liberalism can't into such thinking. Please stop making it obvious. You spit on these 'fly over' country types who put food on your table and stand for the principled foundations that make this country great. You'll never understand them and a prospering country will never become like you.

Consumers buy whatever is cheapest, tariffs will make foreign products more expensive which will mean domestic products are cheaper

Sounds like a good argument for Autarky
Free trade has only fucked over the country horribly

This is just flat-out wrong.

Tariffs don't help everyone. If they *did* then there wouldn't be so many industrial groups lobbying against steel tariffs. If they helped everyone, then no one would have a reason to complain.

Factories don't employ many people because of automation; raising wages means further reasons to automate. This has been the trend in the U.S. since the 1970s.

Tariffs absolutely benefit a small group in the short-term. If you're a steel industry CEO you're loving your life right now, you can rise your prices like there is no tomorrow, and why wouldn't you?

It explains how the 44% number is deceptive. Agriculture is actually only 5.5% even using government statistics

The 44% is the calculated "impact"

>dagnold daruumpgh interrupts the s o y supply


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>revenue from tariffs
>more money stays in country
>the money doesn't disappear, it gets spent on another good if demand shrinks.
>company increases its investment in R&D.
>Long term production possibilities frontier changes due to increased capital investment create a lower product down the road.

We would unironically have a fully mechanized farming system if we didn't import 30 million beaners as the incentive would have been there.

Because they know Trump is playing the big gamble of who will blink first.

The chinks definitely will be the first to blink - any drop in economic activity and their chink farmers are in the cities rioting ASAP. They are just betting they can ramp up the pain on Trump and get him to move first. Again, the chinks are huge on saving face.
RE: The support for Trump - It is almost as if people are short-term willing to tolerate pain for some long-term correction of trade imbalances. Shocking - it is called not being a shortsighted - aka acting like a fucking negroid / retard.


Factories don't employee many people because hundreds of billions of dollars go to foreign manufacturers in other countries where there are indeed millions of people doing those jobs

delete this. Don't tell them protectionist policies in the late 19th century allowed the usa to become the powerhouse it was.