Considering how much Russia spends on military and police, is it even possible to overthrow the current government in Russia?
Is it possible to overthrow the current government in Russia?
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Just kill Putin and Russia will destroy himself.
What a beaut.
See 2012 protests
Yes. Wait for economic crisis or rebellion among police/military
Rebellion among police/military is impossible. Those guys get all the benefits they can possibly think of. Due to this, any attempt to overthrow the government will result in them beating your ass and sending it to gulag.
Russia could make a great ally now that the Cold War is over. Why do we hate them again?
you did it once pavlik, you know what you have to do. down to the basement....
>overthrow the best president you ever had
but why?
Russia is pretty much mexico 2.0. Only the govt. is the biggest criminals. If the smaller criminal got together than yes.
Get the Latvians to do the dirty work for you again?
There are fail safes involved with Russia. The fall of Russia would result in nukes flying. This is why there is a push to get off of this planet within the next 400 years. If everything is eventual then eventually Russia will fall, when they do the world will die. The only way to be safe is to be off world.
This is cold war era tech that is stored in DUM silos and have dead man switches. You can't just have Putin go turn it off.
i doubt you can use twitter/facebook to organize a revolution in russia.
total media blackout and the omon are sent on the streets.
They're too big and we compete with them economically more than we depend on them
If the economic situation gets bad enough yes. But i'm afraid Russians are too stupid and brainwashed. no offense.
We only had two presidents, one of them being an elderly alcoholic. I doubt Putin is the best president for Russia.
Yes but. The sad truth is that Putin is right about
west trying to destroy russia.
People power will always trump government.
You have to remember, military and police are public servants and live among the population. Unless you have a situation like NK where being in the military is better than starving soldiers and police will always side with the majority of the people, only if enough get involved. Just look at the Arab spring situation.
Depends on the future actions of our government
Right now this moment - no, there arent any strong groups of population against putin and any foreign movement will consoludate people into 100500% putins support of exterminating everything non-russian
mein fuhrer. i can walk !
why? there is nothing to gain from it. your probably just some faggot from europe who thinks russia needs to do what the west wants. despite the fact the west has ruined itself
if every one did what you wanted humanity would have died off already. calm the fuck down and mind your own business
Putin might be right about that, but I don't give a shit when the government literally steals millions from its people.
All governments do that.
Police won't side with the majority since only autistic people actually become cops. Those people are generally the ones getting brainwashed.
Wrong question OP. Ask WHO could overthrow the government in Russia. And the answer is, maybe the military and police, and that's about it. Just MAYBE organized crime has an outside shot sometime in the future, but not right now.
I don't see any parties outside of russia taking over, at least not without using nukes.
At some point, Russia will need a new leader. Either by putin's death, appointment of a new guy, or a full on revolution while putin is gravely ill. And THAT'S when shit gets interesting. And by interesting, I mean fun to watch from a bomb shelter.
Then the people power isn't there.
You need the majority of the population to be mad enough to even start a revolt. From what I know Russia is either split, oblivious, or just doesn't care. Why does there even need to be a movement? For what? Why not just all get along under your happy nationalist Anti American utopia?
I went to Moscow a year ago, and was told by a bar tender how there's been a agricultural and culinary revolution since Putin got into power, go with that!
Revolution is impossible, imho. The country is huge, and military is too powerful. Army itself will not rebel as all the positions are filled with Putin's puppets. Same applies to police.
No. Not currently.
A good portion of people is mad, but not mad enough. I just wish police fucks up, and accidentally kills few people on the next meeting hosted by this pseudo oppositioner Navalny. This should make people more angry, eh?