This is why the white race is in decline. Not immigrants, not minorities but fucking white women

This is why the white race is in decline. Not immigrants, not minorities but fucking white women

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white men allow this to happen. blame yourselves.

Don't worry, niggers will go extinct eventually. It's the course of nature.

Future is a motherfucking boss

Women gravitate towards dominate males. Are white men acting particularly dominant atm?

Why the fuck are you blaming niggers! White women are the fucking problem!

Cockroaches are very resilient. So are viruses. Unless the Chinese decide to kill them all they are here to stay forever.

Exactly. Women are amoral.
For 1,000,000 years of our evolution they just fucked whoever had power over them. Usually this was a large aggressive male. They did this or they died.


This, it's an entire generation of shitty/absent fathers that have done this

Women are programmable. This is a biological (take that as you will) adaptation that allows a woman to bear children with whoever takes her. Unfortunately ((they)) know this, and as soon as women are conscious, they're programmed explicitly, and implicitly, to view white men as evil while minorities are sexualized and idolized. Schools teach inclusion and diversity which has room for everyone but white males.

He doesn't know how to tie his shoes. She's just helping him.

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I'm not white, I live in the USA and I can tell you guys that white men have a lot of traitors within them. The women are all whores. If my people acted like this, we'd kill them all.

It's sad to see desu. Have some balls.

Shut the fuck up, women aren't in fault, the elders are for being pathetic weak beasts who le the jews decide for them.

wrong, stupid

The problem is small-minded bigots, racists, nazis, and conservacucks

Conservatism is a serious mental disorder

>Implying that men needed women to allow them to fuck them.
They either got fucked or they got fucked.

Perhaps but I think race and masculinity are linked. Many blacks are raised only by single mothers yet remain dominant.

How can you be a 'MAN' if your people are being conquered by forigners and fucked on film for the Jews amusement?

I unironically want all women dead. Even le based women are still a cancer on humanity. Everything that hasn’t been achieved in scifi movies and shit is due to women.

> Women aren't at fault.
Look at how this guy quickly argues with me defending women when the proof is right in front of his face. Holy shit you are the disease.

good goy

no woman has ever created anything as beautiful as she has destroyed

White women race mix less than white men. White women race mix less than any other ethnic group.
I’m reporting this thread, fuck you jew.

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I don't think Africans traditionally have families like Westerners.

Start with your mom first
She decided to not have the abortion

Well they're being women. They're meant to follow what men tell them. But government, media and public education have replaced the influence that men and religion once held

Their brains are actually wired for this shit. Ever see a women cut contact with a male she knew intimately and fucked for 12 years like it was nothing?
Thats the evolutionary programing:
>new male in cave,
>old male deposed,
>fuck new male for food and saftey

Women submitting to stronger men, as nature intended.

I don't crawl on your level so I avoid posting a white man being fucked by 3 niggers in a row. You're a pathetic man. Grow some balls and plan on taking your country back you fucking mongrel.

Oh wow thank you bong for your incredible insight nobody could have been able to see it besides you, now that we know the reason we can change things.Thank you again you saved us all.

That's nice Schlomo, but you're going in my oven regardless. You can't escape!

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No neither do I. I think the way we raise our young is very different indeed. African children develop faster.

Dominate in what way? Fake ass posturing with no class, or self-awareness? Then no, probably not.

Yawn...don’t you get tired of being such an obvious faggot?

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White women view miscegenation more positively, even if they engage in it less.

And they lend more assistance to the proliferation of subhumans.

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White men are severely outnumbered in this world and every time they try to establish a place for strong white men to be self-determinate they are kicked into place by the global majority and their eucivic ideals of personal responsibility and the humanism are used against them dishonestly. There is really no option for white men, and at this point the cultural war is essentially lost. Our only route out of this is through hyperviolence and humanity may not survive the next bout of white men's righteous indignation

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That's Future right?

It's not woman's fault dipshit, they are more exposed to falling for social norms I.e. Feminism.
And do you know who spews out the garbage that they absorb?


In Russia & China they have taken steps to remove females dependence on the state (de-criminalising domestic violence and combatting feminist ideas) where is in the west female reliance on the state is increasing.

Yeah, I'd love to see this guy have that kind of swagger when Shalomo Shekelberg isn't sheilding him from any and all consequences of his actions.

Nah coalburners like this are more than just virtue signallers -- they have been molested by their racist white fathers and are a psychological clusterfuck of trying to take control of their sexuality, get revenge on daddy, and codependently identifying with a fellow victim of daddy, and other shit that all just spirals into eachother downwardly. They are a mess and broken forever, literally they are only good for being sexually used.

I'm convinced race & masculinity are intertwined, but that's my opinion.

These women were raped before they where whores. Human trafficking is pretty sad OP.
It usually starts out with raping, gang raping, and beating a young girl until they become obedient.
There's a lot of physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse performed on a girl, and the end result is a whore that makes you money.

you really can't blame them, they have no sense of honor or objective morality

they're like fish, they just kinda do stuff

White 'hyperviolence' will be checked by other whites if it erupts.

it's like blaming a retard for smearing feces on a doorknob

you can berate him all day, but he still probably won't learn

Ignore Jewish shills

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Yes I've had this happen to me and she was a nice Christian girl who was abstaining til marriage.

Because women are different. The man protects, makes networks, creates, builds, provides food/money. The woman takes care of the family's equilibrium, kid's education, cooks.
That's how our biology works. There are women ou there who wait for a real man who can handle things especially her. Women need to be controlled by a man, that way she'll naturally do what the nature expects her.
Some women are brainjacked by psychological parasites, but we can eventually save them. You can find a good woman, you just have to be a man. That doesn't mean beating or disrespect women, it means just stop being a pathetic boy who cries for everything. Be a man, fight the world and control your woman.

>white women

Yea right lmao

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Just checked her Instagram. The black Baby was adopted and there’s a white baby in that belly. So not so bad.

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> White women race mix less than any other ethnic group.

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the women that gravitate towards negros already have a rough past and are worth avoiding. The black man does you a favor by making it painfully obvious to avoid her

A woman brought up with respectable values and a close knit family rarely have dated darkskins. SHOCKER i know

Nah it's the kikes who spearheaded the sexual revolution and feminism, do your historical research.

Eve picked the apple.


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lol all the crazies are you fucking leftists faggot.

Let’s say for the sake of argument that you could “dominate” in this way. Would you? Shit is cringe to the max. Just because you get away with it doesn’t change that is really is just a way to cope with feeling inferior. Hey everyone look at me! I’m such a badass aren’t I? Aren’t I!?

I can’t believe that Jow Forums thinks people will race mix to virtue signal. They will virtue signal after the race mix but the reasoning is often to do with psychological damage.

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See a 'healthy' white society would not allow it. He would be lynched on the spot in another era.

But our society is not healthy so he gets to act like a 'big man' by parading the female of another race around like a pet.

Do you think this black man would do this if he KNEW he would be lynched on the spot?

The white baby is disgusted by her nigger sister lol look at her facial expression and eyes.

Women don't have agency idiot, they're like children.

Don't worry onions boys and whites not following the 14 words will easily be controlled.

>acting like a cavenigger is being dominant


No; the act demeans all parties involved. But it still the responsibility of white males to stop it. The black male onlookers find it amusing.

>Women need to be controlled by a man, that way she'll naturally do what the nature expects her.
Imagine having this unhealthy and awful a view of human relationships.

Yes, but in coalition with the global majority of nonwhites, using the Marxist rhetorical weapons that have caused the subversion of the demos we are currently experiencing. White races have been systematically Jewed out of their right of self-determination and there is no way of recovering, we will never have soil of our own again

>A woman brought up with respectable values and a close knit family

How many of these still exist today? Maybe not even 10% of white women.

Anyway white men are weak today and it shows in their women. Weak men raise whore daughters and faggot sons, strong men raise alpha males and women that are wife material. Its pretty simple actually.

shut your mouth, elders did nothing wrong, it's the Jews that subverted them!

Artificial wombs and sexbots will make women obsolete.

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white women can do whatever the fuck they want because they arent our women anymore
and if theres any roasties reading my post i want you to remember, feminists said for years that you are not our women, so we are not your men
have a good day

Is that Apple milk? Jesus she’s aged like milk.

>kek wills it

>Women don't have agency idiot, they're like children.
This meme again, I swear to God you deserve women fucking everything up every time because people think like you.

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not much that can be done, white roasties cut our balls off with .gov, and white men don't want to give up shekels and goto jail like niggers

It's because of the Kali Yuga we live in.

t. nigger

Oy vey, traitors you say?

LARPing white Americans need to STFU. They are getting conquered with no more resistance then electing some clown with an orange tan.

divide and conquer much?

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this pariah must finally go

>It's not women's fault.
Women solely target white men.
> It's not women's fault.
Women open doors to immigrants changing our demographics
> It's not women's fault.
Women are the most likely to cheat and break up families with divorces that always goes their way
> It's not women's fault.
White race dies out...
> It's not women's fault.
I was born in a weak and pathetic race.

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This is the full scale of the problem

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This desu.

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You're avoiding admitting that making a woman perform such a degrading act brings you shame, as it rightfully should. It's not about looking insecure, it's about looking and behaving in ways that disadvantage women for men's pleasure, which jives naturally with the human paradigm of women and children first.

Niggers are more r-selected, meaning there's less contribution from the male. The little niggerlings mature fast and can feed themselves with the abundant vegetation and fauna in the jungle, and the mothers need less shit from the fathers so the fathers usually just fuck off and get back to fucking and producing more niggerspawn.

As a result, black men usually treat women like shit. Some species where one male mates with a bunch of female, like Geladas, have men that contribute more to the happiness and satisfaction of their women. Alpha geladas spend a lot of time grooming their women, making sure they're happy. They need to be, because they help protect him in case bachelor males come looking to steal his women.

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Trump will be president forever
Have more white children

Boy, have you seen portland ? Whites here everywhere are waking up just like around the world. We don't need infighting

I'm fucking human!

That's why I'm married to a black woman.


>What is Hypergamy
Women are naturally lower IQ than men and are Hypergamous. The kike infiltration of mainstream only made things worse.

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Are white males natural cucks? The entire concept of a "step father" is european in origin, no other race of men do that.


>White women have nothing better to choose from.
Unfortunately for them white men do.

my english brother for this beautiful post i gotta say....
its coming home

shoo shoo, jew

We are psychologically evolved this way. Why do you think Chad makes the girls wet and the onions-boy dose not.
They don't give a fuck if Chad is a 'good' or 'bad' person. IT DOSE NOT MATTER TO THEM.
The characteristics of 'good' or 'bad' are trivial to females. All they want is dominance.

>niggers pay a whore to tie their shoes
>white race in decline
wew lad

Good you've learned lessons of feminism well, even when women do something wrong it is still men's fault.