You Lose Faith In Humanity You Loose
Post pics that test your faith in what's left of the common decency of our world.
You Lose Faith In Humanity You Loose
Post pics that test your faith in what's left of the common decency of our world.
but he's right, you can't criticize gays for being born that way but mock pedophilia.
Actually, we should be using this to redpill normalfags who shrug the gay movement off as "born this way"
please no be real
>unironically defending pedophiles
We needed a purge yesterday
> youngsters from 11 to what? ??
What da fuck
Being attracted to children is not a choice, being a pedophile is a choice. This kid goes in the oven.
The IG report.
I'm rather sad that the Jow Forumsacks here didn't all sign the petition to release the unedited/draft/unredacted versions.
This place should be nuked from orbit
That dude looks like he's dripping in onions.
>from 11
not pedo
Lol fucking bootlicker. The chimpouts are our proxy force for physically removing statist incursions
>the absolute state of 2016 fags
it's okay retard, I'll break it down for you in a way maybe even you can understand
>fags spend years pushing the agenda "but we didn't choose to be gay!"
>biggest talking point is that they can't change it
>it's not a mental illness "cuz we say so"
>now that fags have gotten more or less everything they want, fringe movements are picking up traction
>pedophiles are also "born this way" and can't change it
>normies will see this argument and realize that the only difference between fags and pedophiles is a loosey goosey definition of mental illness
>fags (and especially disgusting tranny subhumans) are now thrown into the boat with pedophiles which will sink their movement
Haven't you noticed how many tranny enablers are now trying to make it super clear that "oh these guys aren't with us?" It's a golden opportunity
You get the rope too
One rage-inducing story with a happy ending
There is unironically nothing wrong with pedophilia
>look at the dates
Inb4 a repeat of the "Threre's nothing wrong with being Jewish" post.
what's wrong with this
it's spectacular
Glad I could crush your spirit Kiwi, have another
i have a feeling the nanny didn't commit those murders
please make sure this shit spreads on Jow Forums and /v/ (filled to the brim with linux and windows 7 cucks)
what the absolute fuck
Let's laugh at these failgets.
Degenerates can and will be purged, we need only the will to do so. Since antiquity, hedonists have been the source of endless strife within a society.
>imagine the shistorm that would ensue if republicans did this to a black hillary supporter
Forgot pic like a retard
I fully endorse the pedos rights to out themselves. Saves proper lads the trouble of searching for em. This little shit will be found in a ditch within a month, mark my fucking words.
How does he manage?
>Clear my DUI and you got a deal
Semi-believable until that point
>this man is literally going to build ovens to gas the Mexicans and Muslims
>ovens to gas
Libs have the ape brain. Can't argue with facts, logic and reason, thus resort to violence. Look at all their protests.
Rise up, white man
Yet another reason to buy AMD.
I really hope someone is hunting this little shit stain down.
Holy fuck I want to believe that's fake......
I believe the circle area is the failure point of that feminist STEM designed bridge in Florida.
Can someone report him to the police
AMD has similar technology in their newer chips. Basically, if you're running a PC with modern hardware it's compromised
That answer reinstated my faith in humanity though.
I think you mean discover that increasingly infinitesimal shred of faith in humanity you didn't even know you still had until you lost it
The scroll is there for breaking news before they have a chance to film a proper report, numbnuts.
I hate CNN as much as the next guy but your image only serves to make you look as retarded as them.
This is my favorite
>second civil war letters
>all these obvious bait posts
You fucking boomers will fall for anything.
Kids with Downs are “born this way” but there’s research to cure it... or abort it in the womb
> you didn't choose to be gay.
He just called you a faggot, guys.
If America ever was lucky enough to have another civil war I would be there faster then you can say niggers.
>2nd Civil War letter
>post a white guy
So once again, whites will be fighting for shitskins. Not sure who is more worthless here.
Poor weight distribution.
What's funny, I'm not an engineer, and I'm fucking horrible at math, but that's a pretty easy thing to spot with half a brain.
Oh wait
>Feminist constructed
>fully communist in 30 years if not for Trump
How delusional can someone be????
I think that person is larping as an extreme leftist. I used to do that on reddit. Pretty fun sometimes.
Is this why they really ramped up the fake save their own lives? Jfc.. Trump needs to just make the purge real.
I don't know if you made this info graphic but there's a typo:
>speaking of Hitler's oder (order) to halt combat with British troops fleeing Dunkirk
I love infographics with the sources on them. There needs to be a general rule about that I think. Even though lemmings don't independently look up shit themselves, at least it couldn't just be dismissed. It would at least make it seem more convincing
Eat a tide pod faggot
Shit I'm gonna start demoralizing these faggots. They're about to blow their brains out already I can only imagine what a little push would do to them
You're right, I'm sure they covered it afterwards and not how many scoops Blurmpf had at dinner is how tiny his hands are
He never said what kind of gas.... Propane? Natural gas? Gasoline?
What the fuck. Pedophiles should be executed
>if you prefer cops to niggers, you're a bootlicker
Pretty new here still, but how the fuck do you downvote something on Jow Forums?
If you type "sage" into the "Options" field when posting something then the page number doesn't get updated, so the thread isn't pushed to the top of the page as is the case with normal replies
When I read “youngsters” is when I reached max rage. I cannot wait until we build ovens in minecraft
Dude holy shit that is Seoul Taco -- A restaurant in my town
not even the proponents of masturbation machines and holocoasters tried to pass off a myth of natural gas gassing.
Jesus that would be expensive.
Are we totally sure that this isn't just us trolling more of us thinking we're trolling Libs? This shit reads like absolute bait.
i dont care about this i wonder what's next
It's bait.