16 overdoses on weed

16-yr-old cannabis addict stabs mother, severs penis in UK

>it's not possible to overdose on weed
>therefore, weed can never impact your life negatively in any way, never ever!


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Other urls found in this thread:


What Is Synthetic Marijuana?

Also known as “K2,” “spice,” “Yucatan fire,” “skunk,” “herbal incense,” “moon rocks” and more, synthetic marijuana is a compilation of dehydrated herbs and spices. Sounds harmless, right?

You don't seem to understand what an overdose is.

>Still alive
Pick one faggot. You antiweed fags are fucken stupid.

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Shes non white.

You can't overdose on weed

Happens Alllll the time. Am I right boys? Just last week I got high and started pulling out my teeth with pliers. This morning I got baked and almost mistook broken glass for my cornflakes, whew that was close. Luckily, the weed made me wash my eyes out with soap in the shower and I was able to see it first. Maybe I should try a job one day, but I'm addicted. Oh well...

She's still alive

How do you overdose on weed?

Synthetic "THC" but with a weird chemical structure. You get way higher, but it fucks uo your body and the withdrawals can kill you.

Yeah I got so fucking high I forgot to quit working and got tons of shit done in a few hours. Oh wait but I'm a user of a controlled substance.

Synthetic shit isnt even weed fag

This. All these cases of insanity are caused by synthetic shit smuggled from Asia. As much as I disapprove weed, this stuff makes me think that maybe it would be better to have locally grown weed legal.

weed is for homos. smoking is only 1 step away from sucking cawk

You can on spice

Literally read the OP retards.

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t. everyone in this thread

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Spice, black mamba. Both are a thing in the UK because weed is illegal & people want an alternative

The Land of the Free.

why don't you just say cock you nigger

how retarded are you? you can overdose and still live

And the home of the brave

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Kid takes synthetic chemical cocktail that uses THC as part of formula

Goes batshit homicidal. K2 and such ends up with a garbage pit's worth of bad in it, but they advertise it as "weed" so people think it's safer to take. Needless to say, no. It's like saying soda is "synthetic corn" because it's got HFCS in it.

It is hard to tell 2 things completely different apart but lets blame everything you dont like anyway.

>sperg: show bobs, mom
>mom: no thats gay

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I have seen weedtards go absolutely ballistic when deprived of their DOC for a few days. Their level of denial is hysterical...then they go batshit crazy.
t.treatment center orderly

what am I looking at? LA


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>cannabis addict

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Is there even any question?

Weed didn't make him do that. Kid was clearly crazy. I've been smoking weed for 10+ years and I'm perfectly healthy intellectually.

I don't see the word overdose on that page. Am i missing something or do you have an agenda?

How can Seth Rogen keep getting away with this?

oh, they are passing off spice as weed now? That shit is baaaaad baaaaad baaaaad. It's not marijuana, that is fucking asinine, its lab grade shit. they literally spray it onto other shit that you then smoke.

>severs penis
i have seen this several times

i think its because society looks so negatively on primary male expressions that while extremely high one becomes aware of this and attempts to conform with what is effectively perceived as Gods desire. Or another way, to rid themselves of what they perceive as shameful in the eyes of God.

Addicted to being permanently high. Such people will abuse anything from Loperamide to Chinese mystery substances.

I smoked spice a few times. Terrible way to get high honestly.

It's literally dried up sage and compost, sprayed down with the chemical that gets you high. The high is stronger than regular weed, but literally only lasts a minute. The places that manufacture spice are also not the most sanitary either.

who fucking cares?

> OP doesn't know the difference between overdose and psychotic breakdown (which can be cause by medication and other shit)
> It was a synthetic compound
> This thread was posted before recently
OP is a marijuana smoking faggot.

"skank weed"

>Blasts pot for what synthetic pot has done

Almost like your ear on drugs is killing people, bootlickers

Moon Rocks arent synthetic

Who girl and why does her baby look 56%?

All these over the top "reefer madness" stories being shilled here. Seem to be coming from UK these days?

it doesn't say he was smoking synthetic marijuana. he was smoking skunk which is the term the uk press use to refer to any high thc strain of hybridized cannabis. it comes from the original strain of hybrid cannabis plant skunk no.1 which was first bred in the 70's. many, many of the cannabis strains you know and love today have their genetics traced back directly to skunk no.1. the moar you know.

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I would drink her piss.

she's down with that

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Dude zion kek.


It's not in the herbs at all. You can but all those herbs yourself and mix them - it does jack shit.
blue lotus, damania, colts foot, etc..
It's the chemical additives they add to them that makes you get fucked up, can't remember the name but that shit is baaaad

fuck, *buy

Checking that retardation.

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Why does all you faggots post a chick when this story gets posted?
It fucking confuses me and pisses me off.
Was it a trap?
Fucking niggerlovers.

lots of fags pretending like you cant get addicted to weed in here. cant tell if youre jews or what obv you can get addicted to weed. that fag you kno who thinks hes cool wakes and bakes every day hes addicted. if he stops he wont have physical withdrawls but hell be a red hot cunt like someone who stopped somcking cigs.

Skunk isn't synth weed

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Doesn't take a fucking genius to figure out that zonking out on some nigger urb is degenerate. That said, as far as drugs go it is breddy mild.

that's the second story i hear where a guy tries to chop his dick while high on weed

> the son began sleeping “with a tennis racket in his bed because he thought people were living in the walls”.

dude was schitzo

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I'd say. This would've happened with or without the weed.

JWH-xxx usually JWH-018.

An overdose is when you die of it, not if someone else dies of it

some asshole trademarked "skunk weed" as a brand name for his chemical poison
these misleading threads are posted constantly, usually by bongs

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