Based on IQ testing, Jews have the highest average IQ. That explains why so many of our smartest people have been jews. What do you have to say to that you anti-semites?
(((They))) have highest average IQs
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Alright. They are smart, and no moral restrictions. No one denies they are smart, they are just the cancer of this world.
The smartbois can smile when the extermination squads arrive.
>What do you have to say to that you anti-semites?
Highest verbal IQ only. Chinks have the highest math IQ, and whites the highest spatial IQ.
get a load of that 3rd world retard jealousy
how2get jewish gf who isn't sketchy
Ok, memeflag suspect to be a paid pajeet, chink or mutt.
Kinda jealous desu.
But honestly if my experience with Jews is a good indicator of them as a whole I would never trade my soul for a slightly higher intelligence. They honestly seem most happy when they are victimizing others.
>Jews have highest IQ
Yeah, That's why Norway a white country with a smaller pop outperforms Israel on every discernible category get out of here kike