It's sickening that I get shit for being a black man that doesn't believe in "white oppression"...

It's sickening that I get shit for being a black man that doesn't believe in "white oppression". In any situation in which majority blacks are left to take care of society, we fuck it up. Look at Africa.

There are bastards that are raised not to tell their parents "you shouldn't have had me, you couldn't afford me amd you didn't care for me" but instead blame imaginary racist white people for their lives problems.

How the fuck does "white oppression" and "supremacy" cause us black men to kill each other? To leave women single?

How does it cause us to not perform well in school even when we're given the same opportunity?

Why can't we finally admit that police see us as criminals because of how violent we are and how our communities have rampant crime?

If we take responsibility then we can all try to make the black community better and actually potentially get closer to whites and Asians and contribute something to the world besides rap music and ebonics.

Also if you're black and don't like America why are you still here? Go back to shit stain Africa where there's no whites for you to bitch about.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Lol nigger!


Seriously what is it that attracts Blacks to Jow Forums?

Embrace it

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Even though you are right in many things, a uncle Tom approach is not the best.

Epic larping. Retards will believe it.

What was that ?

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How is asking legit questions being Uncle Tom?

This is what I'm talking about. I'm called a Coon and shit for calling out black people being hypocrites and being a liability.

Me being told what to do,

Who to like,

What to listen to,

How to act,

All of it is sickening me and I needed to find a place I could be myself and think witu logic instead of identity politics. Possibly even try to learn why people believe this retarded liberal shit.

This would be offensive if I placed value in my skin instead of my mind

Well what does your heart tell you? Do you want to become a leader of your people and try to give them a better future? If so that is highly respectable, and you must not let your race stop you from striving towards such goals. Human beings are different, and our differences are beautiful and should be cheriched. It is a mainstream belief to think that endangered animals are to be protected, but it is "far right" for someone to wish to part ways from our multiracial society to preserve their culture. Blacks are in a tough spot, but YOU, can make a change for YOUR PEOPLE!

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Who cares, we're at a point where the oly question is what we can salvage from the current mess.
Only the jews decided describing someone was an insult to begin with.

Most niggers have crab bucket mentality. You're either with them or against them.

same thing that attracts dudes to femdom

Thank you ! I am currently I college to be a software programmer. I was an honors student in high school as well, but even then other black kids belittled me for "being nerdy and white " cause i spoke properly. Itll be hard to lead such a mass of ignorance. All I can do right now is be a good example myself. I spend alot of time in NYC and the country as well and I'm respected in both areas so I think I'm on a good path.

I'm just kidding bro no hate

Hey Op,

I think the problem is this, you are thinking in terms of tribes, while I agree there is strength in numbers, you will find it is only the individuals that make a difference. The black tribe is not yours to control or steer, make your own tribe.

Find individuals, regardless of race, that are high I.Q. and more like the type of people you'd like to model yourself after. Start businesses. Become a black person other blacks will gravitate toward and model themselves after.

If the rest of the blacks are not doing this, do not feel bad, most of my (((fellow white people))) are the same way 2BQH

In other words, fuck'em, Op, do your own thing

I have a good family so I'm doing my best to secure a job as a developer or technician, anything that contributes to technology. I feel guilty knowing I'll be pushed up because of my color so i at least want to perform as well as whites and Asians

Don't soak this shit in too deep my man. There is no excuses to not succeeded in america as a black man now. But don't start to hate yourself for things you can't control.

It's hard to be with them when we're so self destructive. I often have to remind myself that these people truly believe that i NEED to think like them. It's baffling

So accounts for the chasm between yourself and other blacks?
Were you raised differently, outside the 'hood, etc...

Thank you for your time OP.

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*what accounts

Thank you. I've managed to find many friends that have the same ideas as me. The problem is that they're white, so they're dismissed cause it's "racist" no matter how logical. And cause i don't act like a thug I'm not even taken serious. I will do my best though to try to shift the climate. I don't know what I'll do if America falls, I love this country too much.

Me being myself gets me shit so it's annoying but I'mma keep on going. Hopefully I don't get killed for having a difference of opinion.

>nigger thread

I don't hate myself and I have plenty of opportunities, because instead of blaming others for failures, I look within and see what I can do, and I've made a good life for myself.

Its probably macabre for them at first, finding the racist wh*te hangout, which becomes addictive in its own right, and then they begin to see that everything we say is true.

I'm the same way. I feel like I'm too smart and aware to be black. To the point that if I say I support Trump or start redpilling some black folks I'm around they'll say I'm "one of them". Even with my own family I have to keep my power levels in check. I used to not understand why whites didn't like blacks until I started hanging around niggas. Now I understand and I myself also hate them but it's not a hate of them specifically but moreso their tendencies and predisposition to violence, ignorance and overall lack of discipline.

I was born I the hood and most of my time in school was spent in majority black schools. I've always felt there was something quite wrong. Something just wasn't fair. And I always got shit for it. Even my family doesn't understand why I am how I am.

You would know

if you have charisma you could always make a youtube channel. i've seen some other wellspoken blacks who seem to have the same idea as you. the best hope is that some of you guys start to catch on and influence young blacks to step away from the nigger rap and improve themselves.

Bix nood mifugga you rite but we got to stick to our own nawamsayin? Let whtey do whitey and let us do with we do. We need to ensure place for our people just as much as white folk need secure a place for they kin. 14 words for the negro nigga

Reminds me of this

I have some disinfectant for you

I've had these ideals all my life cause I was never clouded by the bullshit. This just confirmed I wasn't alone.

Legendary and nothing at all was learned.

I'm glad to see this. I hope you go far brother.

Same here man. I’m Lebanese, most middle easterners are absolute trash especially when they come to the west. I’d rather just associate with people I share things in common with. I love my heritage, but I won’t let hezbollah shills and Arabist retards drive me insane

(((They))) are the enemy of every race and nation. We are all just livestock to (((them))) to be trained and worked as such. Fucking white kids were calling me a race traitor for not voting Hillary. It's utterly insane how racist the SJW types really are when you challenge their beliefs.

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Same brother.

My family is separating themselves from me cause I talk properly and don't contribute to that. All through school getting called an Oreo cause ylu don't say nigga every 3 seconds and know how to be respectful and give a fuck about yoir grades.

I don't particularly support Trump but I want him to succeed, he's our president and i wish him the best. What I won't do is spend every waking moment bitching about him, especially when he doesn't effect my life directly.

Good luck user

I've been meaning to do so, I just need to get a decent set up and a mic. Might record content off my phone desu, just something to get my foot off the ground.

Thank you. Everyday is a step forward. Unfortunately I can't say the same for alot of us...

Welfare is the biggest problem. It replaced the strong black male father figure with the state. Deconstruction of religion in black communities is the second largest problem. Whether you actually believe in God or not, religion reinforced the family structure that put a strong black man at the head of the family and strengthened family and community bonds. LBJ knew exactly what he was doing with his "Great Society" programs.

Couldn’t give a fuck. You’re America’s problem.

That's rich coming from (((you)))

I can't even imagine what it's like for you to not want to be apart of all that. Best of luck my man.

Suck it loser

As much as anything is to blame is the Democrat brainwashing in K-12 and their fucked up plantation of "social welfare" programs that undermine the integration of Blacks and Hispanics into the middle and upper classes.

If public schools were funded from pooled property taxes at a state level, the war on drugs were abolished, and K-12 history textbooks spent more time on Europe, Asia, and Africa / the M.E. instead of beating the slavery/civil war/racism dead-horse for 12 years, I suspect that would go a LONG way towards eliminating the inequality gap.

Hollywood and the music industry at least are finally doing some good in this respect.

I wouldn't read too deep into some sort of genetic/eugenics conclusion.

The "nature" biases are relatively small, and only shift the center of the distribution. Environment is the primary driver of outcomes, and Free-thinkers such as yourself aren't doomed to be dragged down by the averages.


And for what?

See now, I would be ok with civil discussion and disagreement.

I like red. You like blue. That's that.

But people actually get upset over this. People actually feel like you MUST be liberal like that. What the fuck went wrong? ...

Good on you OP. I wish there was more of you. This country could truly be great again if black people as a whole wake up and get off the Dem train to reach more potential as a society. Don't be afraid to voice your opinions and concerns outside of Jow Forums. Good luck to you.

Thank you.

Fucking this...

The "niggas ain't shit" mentality alot of hood "queens" have.

They fuck thugs and then shit on the smart guy, then get mad when we chase white women then have their sons be bitter and say fuck men and fuck whites.

I know alot of us are a problem in America. I'm doing all i can to not be apart of that demographic.

Well, you're definitely not alone. There are plenty of youtubers who are in a similar space. I wouldn't want to be the focus of hate from my own race like they (and probably you) are. Like I said, good luck.

That's all anyone can ask

That's a bit refreshing to read.

Cool. If only there were more like you...

A lot more.

It's sad when I'm in the city i have to be quiet but when I'm in the country I can speak freely.

shoo twelvie, grownups are talking.

I left all the shitlib stuff behind when I realized the faggots screaming "RACIST SEXIST XENOPHOBIC" today were the same people screaming "BURN THE WITCH! BURN THE HERETIC!" 500 years ago. Essentially they believe in a religion in which Equality is God, Racism is the Devil, being White is Original Sin. An artificial religion and culture created by (((them))) through the education-media machine and it's purpose is to destroy every race, every culture and blend them all into a gray, genderless, gay paste with no "pre-capital influences". Even the ridiculous shit they say about Hitler isn't as evil as what they openly promote.

It really is sad, The jews manipulated your communities since they were the easiest to manipulate. If you freed yourselves from (((them))) we could truly build a better word

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I literally thought about this earlier.

It's a cult mindset, using past crimes and guilt to destroy white society from the inside out.

White people are nice and generous but it's time to stop. Us blacks need to be held accountable and fix ourselves. Funny how libtards hate Christianity, yet follow a religion themselves

Not voting for the slavery party is exactly what every black person should do. Dems didn't suddenly stop being racist 60 years ago. They just changed their con.
Come home to the republican party. We love conservative blacks.

For every million stupid niggers there is always 1 smart one. They're attracted to truth and see through all the fake pats on the back that the kikes give them

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Well done. You're truly "woke"

I'm a Police Officer in the south suburbs of Chicago in a 90% black community. I am 1 of 6 white cops in my town out of 40 or so. I get the typical racist this and that thrown at me obviously, but the black coppers get it just as bad. "Uncle tom, coon, slave catcher, 'supposed to be one of us'", et cetera. The whole group think, tribalistic mentality needs to be broken. It is not healthy for a society to have a population demographic ousted for having different ideas. I know this is Jow Forums but having a strong black middle class would be great. The culture needs to change though, not sure what it is going to take.

At his core, a man wants to provide for his family. The hyper masculine behavior many young black men adopt is to compensate for the fact that the state has robbed them of that role in lower income neighborhoods. The say "niggas ain't shit" because Uncle Sugar provides. And the truth is, they're comfortable living in the hood off the government dime. They can maintain the self delusion that they don't need no man, and never have to actually learn to live with a strong man or learn the art of compromise.

Once I get enough money and a career I'm going into the deep country

Look I try to be nice. Look at this nigger, he knows what is up. The Jew put you in this shit mate:


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Damn. My grandma believes most cops are racist, so I suggested to her (even though I think most cops are good hearted people) that to expose how bad the black community is that we should have our own people police each other. This is just fucking sad. But I appreciate you sharing this. And best to you man don't get killed...

Fuck off retard. Black society breaking the conditioning is a good thing you faggot.

Well shit you are real nigger. Well do you know that it was the Jews who made you slaves? This is a webpage made by a black professor:

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One of the problems is "bright flight." Smart blacks living in the hood that don't end up running criminal enterprises get the Hell out as soon as possible. Not that I blame them, but it means that you're left with the brilliant sociopaths and the stupid people on the neighborhood.

Hi Kanye.
Dont listen to the 15yr old edgelords itt.
Keep up the good work senpai.
Lets deport the beaners and MAGA.
And then go interstellar and KAG.
The innercity nogs need heavy reform though if they expect to be accepted.
Stop the CIA/gangster rap.

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Look the niggers will have to go back to Africa at some point, but Whites are not ungrateful. As a parting gift we will make the helpful niggers kangz of Africa

You're the type of person I referring to in this post.

Nobody is kissing my ass. People are glad to see that some of us aren't caught up in hive mentality. Why did you have to make it a point to try to insult them. The image should be of all us getting a beer and enjoying our freedom while you libtards sit outside and cry cause you can't live like us.

I think it'd be fair at this point if blacks got their 40 acres and a mule in their own separate state in north america and whites had their own. Ideally every race would have their own continent to live in though.

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Rural Alabama and Mississippi are nice. Large populations of country blacks. It's a completely different culture, though. Emphasis on church, fishing and hunting. It might be a bit of a culture shock, though. Pic definitely related.

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everyone likes dank memes and bantz

Too difficult to keep seperate then, much easier if they are in Africa. Plus the climate fits them better anyhow

Ah a Redditor.

So upset that you lost one huh?

It KILLS you that I'm Black and don't subscribe to that.

Listen up.

The blacks that you wanna support so much will kill you in a second.

I'm around them. They don't care about kid. They want your money and they want to fuck your wowen. They're laughing at you behind your back cause they know you'll do shit like this.

Keep thinking you're doing a service by shitposting this garbage.

I'm glad I'm nothing like you :)

lmfao this pic is gold

OP, as a current programmer to a future programmer: The best thing you can do is start at the basic family unit. Have a healthy family, and let your wife stay at home if she wants to give the kids a more respectable family related upbringing. You will make enough money to support this lifestyle, and if you provide a positive image from your relationship with your wife, and give quality attention to your kids, you will have made a difference.

Also, if eugenics are ever used to deal with welfare in the US, you should support it. What this means, is that if laws are ever voted on to offer lifetime gibs for sterilization, you should be for this. Those in our country that are antisocial trash parasites from all creeds will be unable to resist the gibs, and the problem will sort itself out for our grandkids

>tfw i pretend to be white online all the time because i barely identify as a black man anymore

I've been in the country for the past 7 years. I'm used to the hunting and fishing and bonfires and random trips into the forest and the religion. I'll do well there! Thank you.

Woke redpilled blacks well be on my side for sure. Remember everything they have brainwashed us about is to cover up the Jewish tracks

Your race is cursed.

Lol the "gibs".

And definitely. I can't run out on my child or the mother. When I'm out of college I'll be looking for good areas and hopefully be taking a good woman with me to help raise some kids and have them contribute to society.

How am I pretending to be white by being myself and being respectful and not being ignorant? Are you saying whites have better morals and think more logically and critical?

I don't hate you, I am furious at what has happened to your kind and how blind they are to it. I want the best for all peoples. A safe place for every race. So I hope that in some small way your words and actions affect the blacks around you and change them to be more self caring instead of destructive. I want to trade sciences and cuisines with foreign countries, not mix our people until our identity is erased. I want niggers to succeed, far away from me. I want chinks to excel, somewhere else. I just want our peoples to be proud of what we can accomplish together. I don't hate you, I just want us to be separate and succeed on our own.

And most of us don't care to stop it

I was referring to blacks hating other blacks but I'll entertainin this comment

I agree. When a population hits that critical mass of Muslims or blacks then it goes down hill. Imagine how far America could be. I don't think there will ever be an Africa that can compete with Europe, look at what they did when whites left them to manage major cities? They were HANDED a free society and RUINED it.

>spend a lot of time in NYC

Fuck man. As a spic I'd love to meet a minority that isnt brainwashed by the fucking media. I'm from CT but I cant be part of my Latin community because most are illegals or hyper libs and the blacks in my area hate me for being a spic

You complain about blacks acting like niggers, but when a black person calls this behavior out and advocates for his race to be collectively better and become contributers to society which would improve quality of life for all, you call him a nigger? Im not a civic nationalist but that way of thinking is fuckin retarded, nigger.

I used to be afraid of civil war but how? Feminists amd gays teaming up with Muslims? No.

Blacks and Hispanics putting aside gang violence and biases? Nope, won't happen.

I keep to myself here anyways.

I'm pretty racist myself but I always reserve judgement until I've met someone. Work hard and dream big. Be creative and compassionate. You'll be okay.