Does the Jew/Anglo despise Asian guys the most?

In America, it seems like the (((media))) is hard bend on trying to demoralize Asian men. They always try to make them look the worse, while they give media affirmative action to negro man.

In the west, the average Jew/Anglo feels more comfortable if white women bang negros. The Asian guy not so much. As they are the most taboo.

It's most likely because China is the biggest threat to USA/west. The Chinaman having social parity in the west, disrupts the status quo.

Should we Asian fellas (Chinaman) just destroy the west? What do you think? Also I like having sex with white women desu.

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What up buddy?

Kys idiot

Lol destroy the west with what? Your skinny arms and hairless bodies?

Amerimutt let's just have a normal discussion.

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I'm Chinese, you're well aware that out of all the races, Asians are actually competent to destroy the west. That's just the reality. No offense, but the safety of your favorite groups, the negro, spic, and the Jew are at risk. The future of this world is Chinese/Russian dominance. I'm sorry, but we ain't politically correct under our rule.

I don't have any problems with Asians. I used to, in the 80's and some of the 90's I fought lots of them constantly.
But then I grew up and stopped walking around in groups of people in places where people fight and not one single asian has ever bothered me since.
As far as China being a threat, I was thinking about it...and everybody that I have been told all of my life is a threat was on the same side as my grandfathers when they fought for the survival of the anglosphere.
No Asian nation has ever done anything to my bloodline. And they have in fact apparently forgiven the trespasses that my ancestors committed upon them.
Especially here, they helped build this country.
I remember when I was a little kid in the 70's when a mud was a rare curiosity my city still had a chinatown, it was strange and funny and smelled weird but it was perfectly safe and friendly towards me. We went to eat at a restaurant there and they recognized my grandfather from when he played for the stampeders and won the WHL cup, and somebody paid the bill for two long tables worth of us, and they were all still drinking and laughing when me and my parents left. That's as about as Canadian as it gets, I'm fine with them.

This to be true

I hate nogs spics and kikes as much as the next guy. Russians and Chinks are castrated half-men that long for the days of Communist rule and living under the yoke of big daddy government. Fuck Slavs and chinks. The only thing you milky cunts could ever destroy are your own assholes when you bend over to take that big Marxist commie dick you all dream about. Keep your feminine rape fantasies out of my country you rice eating ladyboy.

Mental health and neuro-psychological assessment of the typical politically incorrect poster.

Pepe Frog, MD, MPH, PhD, Wojack Feel Guy,MD, PhD
University of Meme,Kek State

Behind all the hate.Behind all the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone sheeit comics,gifs,demotivational pictures, and webms - pol/ users secretly admire the Negro.Every three or four threads created on the board you will find one discussing them.The raw brass confident masculinity that they possess which they are quick to compare to a feral animal,and yet at the same time acknowledge is what women truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.Their intrinsic ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical activity that they enter.The amazing sense of rhythm that they naturally seem to possess that they liken to ape gesticulations and yet are oh so majestic to witness.Then there is the stereotype of the black man's sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a bodily protuberance of myth and legend.There is a reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and Blacked generates anger and solemn disdain.For where the asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a threat to be taken with utmost seriousness,for there may be a kernel of truth to it.Is it a coincidence that of all the races of men it is the black man whose masculinity has become a meme? Based on our assessment,Dr. Wojack and I have thus concluded that pol/ is a board populated with manic depressive autistic shizoid individuals afflicted with a sort of Jungian-Pavlovian psychopathological negro-complex.

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i must be the only person on this board that doesnt have a problem with asian men.
must be cuz of my finngoloid ancestry

>destroy the west
I say merge.

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It doesn't matter the political policy of a nation. As long as it promotes Chinese or Russian supremacy. You need more imagination Amerimutt.
You are a nice Canadian. Sadly, nice guys finish last. Every race wants retribution, so forgiveness ain't something that won't happen.

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I don't like her nose. It's too flat.

Post a pic of your nose.

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Look up Asians on Twitter and see the degeneracy

Lol that guy looks fucked

I know, they will get gassed.



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we've already won
vote for khanh tran

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Spoken like a true closet marxist faggot. This is why chinks can't have nice things. You guys don't care what you make as long it superficially resembles whatever you're trying to copy. Thats why all you do is monkey other people's developments and mass produce shit tier versions of everything you can get your dirty nails on.

You should probably address your people's masculinity crisis before you start talking about who you're going to destroy. You zipper heads are pinker than wild caught salmon inside and out.

Marxism, facism, democracy we don't care. Only Chinese supremacy.

if it comes to that we will just DNA target bomb you and be done with it. you are too many to kill conventionally and once it's done you will no longer exist

you will try the same but shoddy workmanship will make the bomb explode and kill only people in the immediate vicinity, which will be Anglos and will be the excuse given to bomb you out of existence

sorry, not sorry

These kind of hapas only come from Jap mixes. What would we do with all the chinese?

Well, kill them, but girls like Natasha are Chinese, I would base choice on aesthetics.

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>DNA target bomb
We are actually beating the west at Eugenic warfare.

The don’t purposely demoralize Asian men.

The simple fact is the Negro serves a special purpose for anti-white Forces. They want to emasculate white males while creating a dysfunctional, divided low-iq population.

Asians aren’t really seen as useful in this regard. You are just there.

Our goal is to come out of no where and stab the Jews, whites, and blacks during their conflict. And take the rewards.

And I wouldn't say that the 'kind of Eurasians' you're referring to are exclusively Japanese. See, the Japanese and the Koreans are both extremely mutted Orientals, unlike the Chinese (in a sense).

Pic related is Korean.

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We can abort the Asian women and take in the white women.

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Why? Why at all would we do that? The Asian male and the Asian women are both beautiful and fine specimens, much like the white man and the white women. Both people's are strong, both must succeed together, and destroy the lesser forces of man, sending them into the stone age, nuking them, and killing them. Enslaving them would be an unwise choice, as self-sustainability is the most important part of a nation, relying on another race is a sign of weakness.

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yes, just recently you made the tallest person in China by combining two tall basketball players

cutting edge stuff

Of course. I don’t say Asians are dumb. The Asian leadership will look at the current west as an example of what NOT TO DO.

In the west I see an Asian technical class and a Jewish creative class emerging. In Asia itself China will reassert itself as dominant..hopefully coexisting with China.

The most important thing is to keep the Jews out of positions of power within China... and I have heard that many Chinese are aware of the Jew issue... you have a massive advantage in looking much different.

The Jews have basically altered the west irreparably...even if things turn around now, we will never be what we were before the Jews got thier claws in us.

We got shafted in the most unbelievable way.

DNA targeting isn't eugenics

this is what I am talking about:

Fuck off cunt

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Asians can do all sorts of shit we can’t because thier morality is not the same as ours.

They have no Christian hang ups... or post-Christian Gaia worship hang ups.

It’s why they will be powerfull, but thier society will still be pretty shitty.

I'm a fan of Orientals desu.

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You're weak. If you have pride in your people, you must love your women. But you lack pride in yours? Going after the other races of men's women? You are weak.

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t. asian

> Asian women are both beautiful
I'm not interested in Asian women. I want to dissolve the men of other races and bang their women.
I'm not Eurasian btw. Chinese and he is your problem mostly. He is half white.

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Incorrect, Asian women are a huge detriment to Asian men. So we'll replace them with women of other races. Either through conquest or diplomacy.

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IVF? You can still make white children without a white woman.

You have disdain for your own race, going after the women of other race of men. You are weak.

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We can trade. You can have European women and we can have Oriental women.

That would be the weakest course of action, you seem to have promotion for 'Chinese supremacy,' what kind of supremacy has women with it's own disdain?

I'm an ugly gook.

It's called being intelligent. Women are the demise of every civilization. Your loyalty to your race is the men of your race. The women of other races can be the vessels of your seed. That is how I think.
No thanks, I'm interested in crushing your nation.
Nope, whites have recessive genes. If I mate with a white woman, my son/daughter is Asian. Can't say the same with you white folks when you breed out.

My rationale is very clear.

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Alright, but don't say I didn't offer fair terms when you have no women to breed because we took them all and gave you nothing.

Fair enough and I'm Chinese. We are on track to crush your multicultural country. When China replaces your country as top spot, the Chinaman's sexual market value increases exponentially. That is why I'm pro-China. I'm very rational in my thinking.

You absolute moron, the Asian man and the white women will not create an Asian child, but a superior specimen, the Eurasian. Go ahead, seek your white woman, but having self-hatred for your own people? Disgusting. Show some respect. The European and the Oriental is a beautiful mix, that can only bring a betterment upon the world, where the too greatest races combine to create a superior world, to knock the inferior races to the stone age, keeping them out of the way.

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Wrong. When every time a white woman breeds with an Asian guy. Her kids, always get the ethnic side. That is why if I deposit my seed in a white, latina, and arab woman. My children are Asian. Their genes are recessive. That's why no race of man, will instinctively not tolerate the woman from their race breeding with a nigger. Because the child looks like a nigger. You understand this American? Asian and nigger genes are dominant, while hispanic, arab, and white genes are recessive. Common sense.

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Having disdain for your own women. Women of all races prefer the white man most of all. And you expect the white women to preserve the Asian lineage while despite your daughters are sons still going after white women? Your logic is flawed. Your Asian lineage would not be preserved.

Spic here I support the invasion of the glorious han empire

this chink gets it, the children of these mix-breeding pairs will always identify with their most prevalent phenotype regardless of how mutt they may be, this is coming from a "mulatto"

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Incorrect, whites have declining demographics. Offspring will pick either an Asian or white. Since I'm the father, they'll pick Asian. Unless they don't want to get decapitated. I'm the father after all.

>Also I like having sex with white women desu.
why is every other race obsessed with our women

Yes please come on colonise the UK already I think asians are aesthetic

>In America, it seems like the (((media))) is hard bend on trying to demoralize Asian men.
what the fuck? lmao ur a dam faool

but you should still choose your women over others to continue the existence of your kind

You're selfish, irrationally selfish. Shitting on your own nationality just because you prefer white women.

white women are attractive but we shouldn't mix breed for the sake of both of our peoples

they do make Asian males kinda look like perverted pussies SAME with how they fuck over white dudes

You need to stop advertising white women to other races then. For me, I'm not interested in advertising Asian women. They can be aborted or help Asian men by default. It gives the idea to other non-white men, a reason to have sex with them. That is why I don't advocate helping Asian women at all, but throwing them to the fire.
The UK is very stinky and smells like curry. The streets are paved with the poo of the Negro and Paki. I don't want your nation anymore.
You are right nigger. How do you feel about China colonizing Africa?

>The UK is very stinky and smells like curry. The streets are paved with the poo of the Negro and Paki. I don't want your nation anymore.
That's why you should come here and take us over, think about it if you have no territory here it becomes arab territory which is a potential threat. I'd rather see alpha asians colonise us.

it's kind of hard to blame niggers for being so interested in white women, apparently these hideous troll-like abominations are the female gender of the negroid race

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well gook, I'll be honest, if its not by passive eugenics to make sure only smart Africans breed at record numbers while dumb mother fuckers starve, I will be forever bothered that you choose my Donky Kong land of a continent, if smart Asians breed in I'll let is slide because there genes will be assimilated into the whole overtime

they don't all look like dumpster fires like what ever the fuck that is

there are plenty of attractive black women, they just dont look like white women

is nowhere like a trailer park or a home for incel boys run by a kind elderly couple

As everybody knows, according to the views propagated by the Western scholars, humanity as a whole originated from one single mother in Africa. Therefore no race can claim racial superiority. However, according to the research conducted by most Chinese scholars, the Chinese are different from other races on earth. We did not originate in Africa. Instead, we originated independently in the land of China. Therefore, we can rightfully assert that we are the product of cultural roots of more than a million years, civilization and progress of more than ten thousand years, an ancient nation of five thousand years, and a single Chinese entity of two thousand years. This is the Chinese nation that calls itself descendants of Yan and Huang.

Our Chinese people are wiser than the Germans because, fundamentally, our race is superior to theirs

Will the centre of the world civilization shift back to China?

The first pressing issue facing us is living space. This is the biggest focus of the revitalization of the Chinese race.

Only countries like the United States, Canada and Australia have the vast land to serve our need for mass colonization.

Therefore, solving the issue of America is the key to solving all other issues. First, this makes it possible for us to have many people migrate there and even establish another China under the same leadership of the CCP. America was originally discovered by the ancestors of the yellow race, but Columbus gave credit to the White race.

Only by using special means to clean up America will we be able to lead the Chinese people there. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.

We are capable of achieving our purpose of cleaning up america all of a sudden.

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Yea they despise.

Check this out

They hate it.

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your kind of a snake for that, cant see you as a some kind of leader in your community if you unironically think that, not in a thousand years

You did nail one aspect: China is the biggest security threat. However, to think Asian countries would be the west is hilarious. The Chinese get massacred in every war they fight, and you think they're going to win with technology the west made? Their navy sucks. Their air force is behind. The main thing they excel in is cyber, which while important is not a deciding factor in an all out war you're implying. The U.S. alone invests more overtly in defense than the rest of the world combined. Asians are waaaay behind.

Well nigger, we don't have a track record of treating our own kind nice. What makes you hope we will treat you nignogs any better? The aim is to extract Africa's resources like a vampire.

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>I like having sex with white women

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no one cares Asian males, not even Asian females.

>In the west, the average Jew/Anglo feels more comfortable if white women bang negros. The Asian guy not so much. As they are the most taboo.

The fuck you on about? Literally no self respecting white person thinks that white women banging niggers is better than white women banging asians.

>r/asianmasculinity is at it again

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I suppose we cant meet half way on this one, I'll have to say no deal, but who am I kidding, we're both posting on Jow Forums not like this conversation held to much weight

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It's an effective strategy. Asians are not the allies of the negro, white, and Jew.

don’t despise, you’re just irrelevant. If not for your women, it would be hard to acknowledgment your existence. It’s called indifference my fried