When will you stop letting this happen to your country?
Does it have to be your own daughter’s head that gets cut off?
When will you stop letting this happen to your country?
Does it have to be your own daughter’s head that gets cut off?
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Why is there no other baby beheading thread? What's up Germany? When do you guys do the whole Reich thing again? I seriously want to help you this time.
America is a Jewish state. I also want the help of a mutt.
because he beheaded his own shtiskin kid so no one cares
why aren't you making more threads about black murders and crime?
Oh really? It was his baby? Oh well, fuck it. Who gives a shit? My bad.
It was a German womans baby you islam cum slurping cuck
Oh? See, now I'm getting conflicting stories here. If it was a shitskin baby, then just chalk it up to shitskin antics. If it was a white baby and mother, then I say we start WWIII right now. What do you think?
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its a mixed turd you 56% tard
It's still the absolute state of how truly degenerate your country has become, you 100% nigger.