Why are dumbass liberals so obsessed with "cultural appropriation"...

Why are dumbass liberals so obsessed with "cultural appropriation"? Isn't every non-white culturally appropriating us now if they're not wearing a beaner hat or fucking African clothes?

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I personally think people of color using electricity is cultural appropriation.

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This thread and this post were posted less than 5 hours ago. Stop spamming nigger

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Fuck off to cuckold ya faggot

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>asking a conquered people for their permission


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>Dear sub-humans,

>The modern textiles industry and associated >printing technology, universities, etc. were >made by whites. Before asking yourself do any >of these belong to me, get the fuck back to the >shithole you crawled out of.

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So they think any shirts are gonna sell if white people are banned from buying and only members of the ooga booga tribe of Papa New Guinea can buy them?


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Incels BTFO

faggots BTFO

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They aren’t when it comes to elizabeth warren

heres an example

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Kek, perfect

i think its a coping mechanism for blacks
they truly have no genuine culture at all beyond ghetto thuggery
The nogs that are smart enough to understand that probably do evwrything in their power to make their "culture" appear to have depth
yeah niggers might have invented dreads okay
westerners made every form of government in the world today oh my

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I am white axis. where is my sign?

I’m one of the fortunate ones who will never have this quandary. I have no plan to buy your ugly ass tribal shirt anyhow.

Makes life extra easy, how it should be.

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Exactly I won't buy anything from non whites. Problem solved. That's what I'm supposed to do here right?

that's what happens when you let niggers, and 4 footers tell you how to run your country. Jews got into the history books and flipped the narrative. I know how they feel though, every time I see a non white on a motorcycle or in a car, I get upset.

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africans wearing oxfords isnt cultural appropriatio?

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Or if they drive cars, wear a suit, use electronics etc. How about each race only uses exclusively what they invented? That's sure to be maximum equality according to SJWs!

That mouse on the right is a cutie. I'd let her eat the cheese off my dick.

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"Cultural appropriation" turned "building on success" into a bad thing.

I'm Mexican and I don't give a crap who wears a poncho, sombrero and a fake mustache, if anything I just shrug.

I don't get the politically correct mindset, SJWs always want to be upset over something, it's like being offended is what they live for.

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lmao the streamer girl did nothing wrong this guy is a total basketcase and a sad excuse for a human being

Cultural appropriation is just an excuse to be triggered when white people are honoring different cultures.

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I paid for an escort to cuddle with me last night and it is pretty much certainly the most pathetic, self-defeating, embarrassing thing I have ever and will ever do. She looked very little like she did in the picture I saw online, but even so I could just tell within seconds that she didn't give a fuck about me or even really acknowledge my existence beyond the money I was carrying and the function she was supposed to perform in my company. I made it clear I wasn't going to try anything more than just cuddling as agreed (£500 for an hour) but she kept interrupting me about the payment, and plus she was Slavic so her English just wasn't good at all. I thought he may wear some nice lingerie or even take a shower before hand. When I suggested we shower beforehand together she first said the "water is no working" and then said "how much more you have?" obviously meaning the water was in fact working. So I took off all my clothes anyway, and it was a really cold night so my willy wasn't erect which made me feel like a cuck. She went down to her underwear, which looked well-worn and to be honest a little stained (I don't know why). I was going to ask her to be nude but I knew she would just waste more time explaining I hadn't paid to have sexual intercourse with her. I only laid there for about 15 minutes with her spooning, with me behind and holding her. It felt so one-sided and non-intimate that I eventually just said I was going to leave early. I half expected her to apologize and say sorry, I'll be more friendly. But she immediately put on a bathrobe and spoke on her phone standing by the window with her back to me. I left and walked all the way home which took like one and a half hours because I was too guilty to pay for a bus since I'd wasted so much money already. What a waste of time. I'm lonelier than ever. And it rained this morning but my childlike excitement was extinguished in seconds when I realized I'd just end up walking around alone.

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I love it when shitskins treat their “allies” like shit. It’s exactly what they deserve.

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jesus fucking christ

sort yourself out

>broke the ice with a 500 dollar donation

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lol. that was pretty funny lol. i feel bad for that guy lol. he seems pretty genuine lol. you arent a faggot lol. keep up the great posts lol. lol.

>Why are dumbass liberals so obsessed with "cultural appropriation"?
Because they know that the only decent argument for accepting colored immigrants is that they bring their exotic food and culture with them.

If white people start copying the good parts of immigrant culture, then all immigrants are is a bunch of poor, uneducated losers.

>African clothes
so, nothing?

Because every non-white in America is doing it.
And they KNOW IT

is this cultural appropriation?

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thats cute. bet they were alrdy on good terms and this was one of the *better* antics.

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Haven't seen that one before. That was a rough read.

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The entire world is appropriating white culture by just being on the internet.

Manufacturing outrage...

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>Isn't every non-white culturally appropriating us now if they're not wearing a beaner hat or fucking African clothes?
Yes. In many more ways, too.