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>trump is acting like a real president much to the dismay of his establishment handlers ("us officials") who are trying and apprantly failing to stop trump from getting his job done.

I'm pretty sure the president is allowed to call foreign heads of state.

I dont think what Trump did is illegal though?

This has been debunked repeatedly.


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this is highly illegal ,as all things the president says must be recorded and archived.

>uses vague article
>tries to make the point that this can incriminate Trump.
>Thinks this is treason
>Hillary is better because calling world leaders is worse than money laundering in different countries, uranium 1 and defending a sexual predator.

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It's fine, the NSA has all the calls anyway so they're already federal records. Just give it the old ctrl+c and v and it'll be all good.

>implying his phone hasnt been tapped since obama was in office

How is it possible to have so little oversight of the fucking president?

>two minute a piece casual conversations between world leaders compared equally to hundreds of thousands of pages of classified data held on a private server
Gassing is too good for people like you

>tfw you will never receive a phone call from donald

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you realize his personal cell number is wired right?

Trump has a Q phone.

Except his phone is tapped so the know who he is talking too faggot. It's a honeypot, like putting a hairy asshole in a room full of faggots.

not true.

He called the bogdanoffs
He's got them on speed dial

This is effectively the same thing Hillary did with her emails, but far less worse. It's illegal when Hillary did it and it's illegal when Trump did it, but considering I have professors who jokingly say "her emails!" and think what Hillary did wasn't that big of a deal, I have a hard time caring that Trump has now done the same thing. Best thing Trump can do now is not lie before Congress and stop doing this immediately.

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What they spend hundreds of billions to wiretap every phone in the country but they can't figure out how to record Trump's single personal phone?

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it's not. records, if made, should be archived.
but they dont have to be made.

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>call trump hitler over literally everything
>call trump hitler just for being alive
>trump finally maybe does something slightly questionable
>nobody gives a shit

Good job leftists, you did this. I don't even believe this media story to begin with because the media no longer has credibility left at all, but even if the story was real I wouldn't give a shit. Fuck you, I hope Trump shits all over your civil rights like Obama did to conservatives by weaponizing the IRS.

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(((situation room)))

THEY ARE CRIMINALS. Nobody cares about your stupid Trump scandals. You need a new one every week because you insufferable fucking assholes are evil people. You're all traitors to the united states. ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE. ENEMY COMBATANTS. I say we strip the rights away from every fucking treasonous journalist, executive, producer, NGO employees, superpacs enployees and then we have swift trials and executions. Your bullshit has gone on for far too fucking long and people are sick of it.

>needing to defend Trump
Uhhhh keep crying lol

You're gay. Enjoy AIDS

And OP is reportedly a fag. Who really knows for sure???

Not a real law

fake news is gay news.

This, it can't be that hard and since he's essentially a government employee I'm sure there's some way to make it legal.

fake news

So, you're saying it isn't illegal. Gotchya.

Fuck off, CNN shill.

He can talk on the phone to whoever the fuck he wants, retard, but Hillary violating an oath she took to secure her communications and not disseminate classified information or put it across non-approved channels would have landed anybody but her in prison.

>It's a honeypot, like putting a hairy asshole in a room full of faggots.
you missed your calling as a poet

He's the president. President makes the rules.

She was a subordinate who broke the law.

She should be in prison.

The entire story about her IT infrastructure being in a "janitors closet" was to downplay the level of sophistication that went into covering their tracks.

This. He's acting like the leader instead of the faggot deer in the headlights golden boy candidate the handlers chose to occupy the white house.

What kind of memes do you think he sent to their group chat?

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Soon, brother. Soon.
I already consider them domestic enemies I've legally sworn to kill.

>lol it was just a compooper in a closet lmao
>not like we spent countless manhours wiping every fucking trace of certain documents or anything xD

This to be completely honest.

>he’s president
>president makes the rules

You’re not even trying to hide your fascism

How long until trump receives the call?

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All you have is stupid little labels because you're a stupid little person.

because his main line was being recorded and leaked to buzzfeed
fuck the IC

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>these fuckin libs keep pointing out how trumps a dumbass corrupt president just like hillary would have been
>mr president I would gladly suck your cock

Log off you might miss infowars

Trump is just larping as president. Kind of funny actually.

Donald trump randomly picks citizens' numbers and calls them every week just because he can

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Trump is the best President we've ever had and people like you who are paid to post on Jow Forums need to be executed for treason.

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That’s the best you came up with

But O.P. Is too stupid to tell the difference.

Keep is simple, stupid!

>the "Situation Room"
>you will never be in a room with such an impetuous name
why live

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isnt that exactly what she did and marxist obma fags said was A-O-K?

Dont like the taste of your own shit huh?

So Trump's personal cell is public record and now his call logs can be subpoenaed?

Is this a great timeline or what?

>left cant meme.

>but this is my personal number so we can't talk about secret stuff
Fake news avoided.

For your reasons, this

This is the beauty of Trump. We know how he is and don't expect him to act any differently.

he wants to build a wall and deport illegals

Shit. I wish I was paid to post on Jow Forums.

But seriously the guy is just larping as president and its working.
Where other presidents just kind of became president and things happened around them,
Trump is like I want to do a trade war, I want to do walls, maybe some cold war type stuff, fly me around on the plane, let's do deals and things. He's in total control of his "presidential experience" where past presidents just went along for the ride.

Email server* ...big difference between email and an email server, like a delivery truck and a warehouse.

No. Every President since Woodrow Wilson except for JFK and Nixon have been LARPing

Trump is the first President in a long long time who is an actual leader. He's the greatest President this country has ever seen and is going to be remembered as one of the greatest world leaders of all time. Ignorant people like you are insufferable because only the ignorant are the ones who think they know everything.

When the President does it, it's not illegal.
Failing to record communication is not at all the same as storing classified documents on private servers and distributing them to people without clearance.

I'm not worn down by the Anti-Trump hysteria, the daily accusations, or the entirely misleading angles the media/activists take. I have lost patience with the cancerous left. Is that the strategy?

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Does your pussy hurt?

This dude knows what's up.
If they takes him to court of this, he can just say "we all know the NSA has copies of it, if you need them, they're just down the street."


"Hi. This is Donald Trump. I'm the president of the United States. I just called to let you know you're doing a great job down there, and to keep your eyes out for those fake news media folks. Lets Make America Great Again."

how dare the president speak to foreign leaders without the input and control of the deep state?????
doesnt he know how important their input is?
he should be impeached for this cuz its unconstitutional for a president to use a phone without the approval of the congr.... wait? wut? its not???
time for another amendment! we cant let this maniac anywhere near the phonebook!

Deep state on suicide watch


If you can't tell the difference between the two, you are a fucking retard.

It's weird how a guy actually doing his job that he was picked for can elicit such vitriol.

He can shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Avenue and nobody in book club would give a shit. Know why? Punishing you as a proxy feels good.

More like he's turned the office of president into a reality television show and he's lead creative director. He loves drama more than he loves governing though and it's just a matter of time before he makes a stupid decision he can't easily take back. Like cratering the economy with his bullshit tax plan.

Clinton email crimes were serious because
1. She stole classified document by storing them on unsecure network. Made worse when the excuse was that she didn't know tgey were classified. Let off the hook by pleading to be an idiot.
2. The second email scandal, although not a crime, were leaked emails detailing how to punish and rig the democratic election against sanders, rig the republican election by ensuring trump is the nominee, and other scandals.

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US officials (who?) insisted (under what authority) trump adhere to the federal records law (which law specifically?) and route all calls through "the situation room" .
wolfie blitzer is not the president and CNN doesnt get to decide what trump might say on any given subject.

That is absolutely not true. You dumb.

But her emails contained classified information that was property of the U.S. Government that was stolen and illegally stored on a private server that was subsequently destroyed in violation of a federal subpoena.

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He tried to circumvent the leaks and spying. Of course they spy anyway. I'm sure Obama did no backroom deals.

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"I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.”


>believing this horseshit

200% fake news

Trump should tell them all to fuck off.

This. As if the NSA doesnt have Trumps cell phone bugged too? Please.

so when hes soiling the sheets with melania, theres a secret service agent with a camcorder in the corner?
when he walks the dog, a federal agent is there recording his declarations of "whose a good doggie? you made good poopies!"
when he plays counterstrike every one of his utterances of Nooob! and Pwned! are duly recorded by a stenographer?

Not illegal to privately talk to people in other countries.

That's actually good. Fuck the crooked swamp listening into his calls.

lol trump said poopsies

this is how liberals react when people call them out on their double standards and hypocrisy and they can't respond, they make a meme about it

>tfw don never gave you his personal number
guess im not a world leader

Trump can give his phone number to anyone he wants. SAGE.