Why do Trump supporters tend to be less educated? If you aren't smart enough to get a degree or go to college...

Why do Trump supporters tend to be less educated? If you aren't smart enough to get a degree or go to college, how can anyone take your political beliefs seriously? And why would they? It's like taking a recent high grads opinion over someone with a bachelors degree. Obviously the person with the degree will know more than a person with only a high school diploma.

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Come on you dirty right wing scum explain yourselves.




>you can identify a smart person by how much they put themselves in debt in such a fashion they cannot declare bankruptcy.
>If you're not indoctrinated by marxists, you're dumb. You can't explain that.

Most Trump supporters crave a hero figure to follow. They need someone to tell them what to do.

Despite what Faux news tells you, you actually learn about a lot of different subjects in college. It really gives you a well rounded education. It's things like environmental sciences, economics, and critical thinking that really help you to make sense of the world around you in an informed manner. Honestly, whose opinion would you trust more? A High School graduate or someone with a 4 year degree from a good school?

Maybe, but the same could be said of the opposition. The difference is that the leftist hero (and God) is always the state.

I can get a well rounded education on the internet without putting myself 60 large in debt.

Assuming both people are 26? I'd probably trust the high schooler since they have four more years work experience and thus better life experience.

The religious right has abandoned Christianity and now worships wealth and authority. Trump is their new messiah.

Why did Blacks, by far the least educated race, vote overwhelmingly Democrat?

I see you want your narrative crushed

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It's just not the same. I've worked with people who don't have degrees in the I.T. field. They tend to know one area really well, but then have huge gaps in there skill-sets in other areas that they would have know about if they had gone to college.

Hillary Clinton won the religious vote at every angle except for Evangelicals and Protestants, though she only won the Catholic vote by a razor thin margin. You're reading far too deeply into the God-Emperor meme.

>Why do Trump supporters tend to be less educated
TrumDumpsters are far more gullible because of their stunning ignorance.

hello faggots? nothing?

why do antifa LARP working class then get their asses beaten by the real working class?
Life is full of mysteries we may never know

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What is marxist indoctrination?

Commie nigger looking for a quick b&

fuck off

sage all fields.

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That doesn't crush anything. I don't know why you right wingers keep using this. This could be explained by there being a larger number of recent grads/millennial's voting for Hillary who are still early in their careers and don't make as much. Secondly, it does show the sample size, maybe there are more overall "rich" people who supported Hillary, but the numbers are skewed by a much larger number of early career voters who don't make as much.

I find most people who come fresh out of college need more time to be trained than people who didn't spend 20 grand on the relevant studies and 40 grand on crap for the prestige of a piece of paper but instead focused for free on an organic interest.

You don't need the 'correct opinion' on environmental science to fix a stack overflow, and that time spent not wasting their money tends to be spent more productively.

Can you prove your theory? No? Then nice fairy tale.

>Hire a blue haired feminist who probably got 90% of her classes off by Marxist professors to go protest Drumpfydumpf, while the remaining 10% was granted because she claimed she was raped
>hire the kid whose been doing nothing but IT work for 4 years, and has the potential to learn more

Hummmmmmmmmmm........... Tough one.

I disagree.

Arguably studying Leftist horseshit for 4 years denigrates ones critical thinking ability.

I took several philosophy classes, waste of time in a sense but really did provoke thinking.

I had to take a feminist diversity requirement and it truly was indoctrination... there was no real room for disputing what was said.

You have a bachelors in ______ studies?

You’ve learned how to GoodThink, not actually think.

>more high school grads
>more "some college"
>less low income earners
>more in the next two income brackets

fucking poorfags lmao

>You don't need the 'correct opinion' on environmental science to fix a stack overflow, and that time spent not wasting their money tends to be spent more productively.

Those extra classes provide wider depth of knowledge and understanding. Having taken environmental biology and meteorology classes I have much better understanding of how climate change effects the environment. What sort of formal science education does your average climate change denying right winger have?

you think (((educatoin))) has no liberal reatarded bias?

why not examine the academics to see if you're claim is true

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I love how right wingers paint this picture that the only people who go to college are blue haired feminists and onions boys. Having a college degree is a minimum in just about any professional job out there.

The morons of the religious right are completely detached from Christianity and reality.

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>all degrees are valid and equal
a 4 year degree has been diluted to pointlessness
>having a degree makes you a better person
t. college grad in STEM

I have bachelors in management information systems. You sound like someone who failed out of community college.

Actually people with bachelor's degrees vote Republican, you're just making shit up without backing it up like a retard, because that's what you are.

Why is "beating people's asses" a metric of success for you? I can guarantee you that people with real credentials and real jobs don't sit around patting themselves on the back for hypothetically being able to beat people up. Your class is showing.

Are you implying I can't get a wider depth of knowledge and understanding using the internet?
>Oi M8 I need to see your learnin loicence
>You didn't get this idea at a state approved institution!

Education through life > Education through state
Also when you call it "denial", you're treating it as though it's a religion as opposed to a science, and everyone who doesn't share your groupthink (the '97% of scientists' line is both an appeal to authority and an appeal to majority, without addressing it any deeper) is readily branded a heretic, with some of your most influential having the audacity to assert that such heresy should be a criminal offense.

The EPA has been around since Nixon and the environment has apparently gotten worse despite giving the EPA more money most years. Maybe giving the EPA more money isn't the answer, but that would require some critical thought, which prussian model state education aspires to kill.

The Kingdom of Heaven is surrounded by a wall. There is a gate to get in, but also an extreme vetting system. Burn in Hell if you can't cope.

You obviously lack the critical thinking skills to make sense of what I just said. Without knowing sample size and demographics this comparison doesn't mean much.


lol Liberals

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ahh a biology man, what do you think of the IQ gap?

Set: Argumentum ad verecundiam Subset: Inductive appeal to prestige.

This is hilarious considering that you can't even spell "there" as the proper possessive pronoun. It's a homophone, my phone did it, spare the excuses, you're dumb.

Your line of "thinking" would lead anyone with actual critical thinking skills to infer that in the scenario of you walking past a bum on the street in 2007 that was talking about the housing crash being imminent because of sub-prime loans, a lowering of underwriting standards, repealing of Dodd-Frank and general demand being exhausted, that you would reply with: "Well you don't even own a home!" *Smugface

You're that little shit that needs its ass beat because your mother didn't abort you once she found out you had trisomy 21. I graduated with a Bachelors of Electrical Engineering in 2006 so don't even try with your rote ad hominem responses you disgraceful arts major dropout.

Continue with your anecdotal, pathos driven, low brow commentary. Your thread is trash, thanks for showing your extra chromosome.

Herbs to you.

The weak should fear the strong

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If you needed someone to teach you critical thinking, you're an idiot.

Thank you OP

Keep believing this shit... never stop being you... double your efforts.. push harder...

not tired of winning... Dems never more

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>Why do Trump supporters tend to be less educated?
Because the president communicates with them at an intellectual level they understand.

>If you aren't smart enough to get a degree or go to college, how can anyone take your political beliefs seriously?
This is America sweetie.
Even niggers have the right to vote and they can't even read.

1. You infer too much from a typo. I've worked with Lawyers, Engineers, and Doctors who make all sorts of writing mistakes
2. That analogy doesn't makes sense, it's not about whether the bum owns a home, it's about whether or not the bum has a background in finance or banking
3. You sound like blue collar trash and I doubt it.

It's a study by pew research. look it up if you want specifics if you haven't gotten BTFO enough by the 'poorly educated'

Sure, but how can dirty right wingers be so confident in their beliefs if they don't understand the things that they are talking about?

I'm a CPA, so there's that

People at median IQ or below are largely immune to emotional manipulation based on symbolic thinking and/or class division. People two standard deviations above normal IQ have the cognitive ability to see through propaganda and indoctrination. This leaves the midwit normies who believe themselves to be oh so smart. They just aren't though. They know enough to be dangerous, maybe even approaching expertise in an isolated area or two. Their arrogance knows no bounds, as they rarely come in contact with exceptionally intelligent people. And when they do, they want to argue to shore up their internal doubts. These are your Hillary supporters, your "American Socialists" etc. etc. Obama and his "technocracy" (it wasn't) are the epitome of the midwit phenomenon, hence the affinity with college indoctrinated dilettantes who can't stop sniffing their own farts long enough to imagine, "hey, what if I'm wrong about everything..."

Do you agree with Trump's trade war? Do you agree with protectionism and tariffs?

Why are you liberals and democrats so anti-White? You support the genocide of the White race, how do you justify that?

you onion boys who love eating onions so much need to swap 'indoctrinated' in for your instances of 'educated', its such a clean/appropriate substitution, and the world will soon make sense...

Educate *yourself*, don't sit like a wide-eyed naive child at the knee of a ((master)) who seeks to turn you into a consumerist cog in a soulless machine, by any means of deception and disinformation necessary.


Hell yeah, we don't really need any imports now that we're not reliant on foreign oil

>Do you agree with Trump's trade war? Do you agree with protectionism and tariffs?
Do you agree with the genocide of the White race and the anti-White beliefs of liberals and democrats?

Maybe stop listening to Alex Jones and the like. I don't know any Democrat or Liberal that would identify as anti-white. Perhaps there some extremists out there but they certainly don't represent the mean.

So you like the idea of raising prices nationwide for consumers to save a few hundred jobs that were probably going away anyway?

>Maybe stop listening to Alex Jones and the like.
What does that have to do with the fact that you're anti-White?

>I don't know any Democrat or Liberal that would identify as anti-white.
I wouldn't expect them to admit they're anti-White but their beliefs and policies are anti-White.

> Perhaps there some extremists out there but they certainly don't represent the mean.
Then why will the White race cease to exist under liberal/democrat policies?

More or less, yeah

Well there's your problem.


>prices rise for imported goods
>"hey, I can make money by manufacturing things locally and undercutting foreign competition!"

>Well there's your problem.
So Conservatives say we should care more about money than the existence of the White race and that's bad.

But you Liberals say we should care more about non-Whites than the existence of the White race and that's good?

Then I guess you don't know anyone at the DNC then. The whole platform is "fuck whites, fuck men, fuck christ, fuck Trump"

Sanders? Clinton? Waters? Warren? Obama? All such extremists. The list goes on.

I don't think that most Democrats consider race when talking about policy issues. Racial discrimination seems to be more of a right winger thing.

I fail to see the problem

Those that gleefully condemn others may have a bit to worry about.

>I don't think that most Democrats consider race when talking about policy issues.
Oh they do. They consider the non-White races. Because they know as this country becomes more and more darker that their power increases.

That's why Democrats support illegal immigrants, open borders and "civil rights"...all at the expense of the survival of the White race.

>Racial discrimination seems to be more of a right winger thing.
But Liberals and Democrats love discriminating against the White race. So what gives?

Hart-Cellar Act
Affirmative Action

When minorities were less useful
Jim Crow

all of these are Democrat institutions, and all of them consider race.

>Why did you lock him up, Democratic President, FDR?
>Because they're goddamn Japs!

>I don't think that most Democrats consider race when talking about policy issues
>I don't think
well there's your problem, you're adverse to reality.

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That's not how it works, if it could be made cheaper here it would be. The problem is that the U.S. producers aren't going to under-cut competition or lower their prices, they are going to have higher production costs and American consumers will have to pay the price.

Who is more educated in your view? Someone with a masters in women's studies or master electrician.

Faux news and Alex Jones aren't reliable sources on Democrat ideology or values.

Because idiots don't like to admit they're stupid

>Faux news and Alex Jones aren't reliable sources on Democrat ideology or values.
That's why we base our beliefs of you on your actions. Which are anti-White.

You can't be the party of niggers and spics on the left and claim muh high iq.

>I don't think that most Democrats consider race
lol, that's the basis of the Democrat's entire fractured platform

that's exactly how it works. but I guess if your economic policy rests on refuting the law of supply and demand, you have to invent all kinds of cockamamie models to explain what is actually very simple:
people like money and will follow the path of leadt resistance to acquire it.

So be it. You're not entitled to cheaper shit and expecting other people's unborn children to foot the final tab. Americans get some headway, investiture allows for research and development to improve the business model, cheaper shit may still come as a result. Either way, America is stronger. Money stays inside our own economy, cash flows, rejuvenates.

Colleges are leftist training camps. It stands to reason that people who don’t attend would be more conservative on average.

Someone who has a 4 year degree will have a much broader level of knowledge than someone who went to a trade school. It's not even a competition. Sure, if I need someone to install an outlet I will call an Electrician everyday, but if I want to have an informed debate about the sciences, economic policy, politics, or technology I will trust someone who has a 4 year degree.

>Someone who has a 4 year degree will have a much broader level of knowledge than someone who went to a trade school. It's not even a competition. Sure, if I need someone to install an outlet I will call an Electrician everyday, but if I want to have an informed debate about the sciences, economic policy, politics, or technology I will trust someone who has a 4 year degree.
So what good will all those degrees be when you're in a completely non-White, anti-White, third world country that looks and acts non-White, anti-White and third world?

the eternal midwit.

Less educated but with more money.

Smarter less indoctrinated people tend to be Trump supporters. The more "Cathedral" (as neoreactionaries call it) indoctrination you get the less likely you are support to Trump who is an open heretic when it comes to progressivism.

It's about the factors of production and cheap labor. If someone in china will do the same job as an american for pennies on the dollar the price of the final product will be much cheaper. There is no way an American company is going to find a way to pay their employees pennies on the dollar, Not to mention that the raw materials are likely cheaper in China, and they have the scale and factors of production to make products faster and cheaper.

Then we fundamentally disagree on intelligence as anyone with a functional level of intelligence can get a degree regurgitating feminist rhetoric. Since we fundamentally disagree on the core definitions of the topic no discussion can be had.

You keep saying that, but you haven't proved it. Sophist elitism is one of many reasons into why you fail.

Don't ever bitch about tribalism when you so openly display your own in-group preferences.

>It's about the factors of production and cheap labor.
Which you always gear to assist the non-Whites at the expense of the Whites.

> If someone in china will do the same job as an american for pennies on the dollar the price of the final product will be much cheaper.
With the added "benefit" that you're taking a job away from a White person and giving it to a non-White.

>There is no way an American company is going to find a way to pay their employees pennies on the dollar, Not to mention that the raw materials are likely cheaper in China, and they have the scale and factors of production to make products faster and cheaper.
But even if the job was in the USA, you'd demand it be given to a non-White before a White person.

...Ignoring my posts doesn't prove you're not inherently anti-White.

>he's never seen the "I wish I never learned Chinese" copypasta

> (You)
>It's about the factors of production and cheap labor. If someone in china will do the same job as an american for pennies on the dollar the price of the final product will be much cheaper. There is no way an American company is going to find a way to pay their employees pennies on the dollar, Not to mention that the raw materials are likely cheaper in China, and they have the scale and factors of production to make products faster and cheaper.
you just made the argument in favor of tariffs.
And outlined the immorality of the current arrangement. Remove the artificially low price of goods from unethical, inhumane and opportunistic foreign competition, the market will adjust. You think people are just going to abandon the hugest pot of consumer power in the world (by an exponential amount)? They will bend over backwards to get in on the business, or be replaced by someone inside the country.

>hurr look at this pic a fat guy likes trump trumptards btfo hurrrr

I come to Jow Forums for this kind of high level discussion.

you don’t understand logical fallacies but you reference them to seem smart.

>I come to Jow Forums for this kind of high level discussion.
Hey, at least OP isn't a hit and run shill like 90% of Jow Forums OP's.

Do I?

I did not.

Maybe you’re wrong about lots of other shit, too?

thanks for the bantz m8. heading out.

Here you go

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You say artificially low prices, but really you're advocating for artificially high prices, and you want American consumers to foot the bill. In the free market whoever has the lowest price wins. If American companies can't compete with China for cheap labor then so be it, but don't make American consumers pay more just to protect a few jobs that pay more than the market will bare.

remember, dear neoliberal, that the bourgeois intelligentsia will be the first to get purged

>I have a degree from a university, now I have morals, wisdom, critical thinking skills and have memorized the correct opinions