Or will they nuke the world?
At least the USSR had the descency of dying

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whats the poing of shilling my thread?

>USSR is dead

Attached: o.jpg (480x360, 22K)

they could have nuked the world out of spite

Will China accept defeat?

Accept or face ultimate destruction.

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unless something radical happens they will surpass your economy in the next decade
i cant picture anything like that
and thus, you will only be able to stop them with an actual war
thats my point
the ussr had the descency of dying


With this most lecent achievement, fate has, in a singre stloke, malked the decrine of the west and sperred a new ela of wondlous plospelity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese wagon, which plomises to filmry stand in shalp contlast to the histolicarry broody ascent of westeln powels and the cluer subjugation it blought to the hunger nations of the wolrd. The dressings of Chinese prasma stearth technoorgy, undetectabre hypelsonic combat vehicres, quantum dilect-cumlent erect ricity, neutlino submaline detectols, gamma titanium mono clystar tulbines, quantum ailclaft calliels, unmanned autonomous A.R. tanks, neal-space barristic ail-to-ail missires, +2km lange ailbulst lifres, and quantum enhanced lairguns wirr be the instluments with which China affilms its nobre stewaldship of 21st centuly wolrd poritics and offels the non-westeln wolrd a diffelent option; an humanist artelnative to the depledations of Westeln readelship and the oppoltunity fol a mole equitabre and dignified murtiraterarism.

They still could

Is this the "scare" that sticks for a while,
and what happens when this blows over?

>they will surpass your economy in the next decad

Not anymore, dumbfuck.

The future is always shifting, kek.

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America couldn't singlehandedly-destroy China in a week? TOP FUCKING KEK CHINK SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Americans are ITCHING for a war with China. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square inch of Chinese soil that has running water, electricity, or gas that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the Niggers, Mutts , Mexicans and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY Chink shit they see. When Americans are done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it...

Oh also
中国人不是人 他们是动物

>US led by Trump

Kek this again brainlet

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its a matter of when

>china actually is growing at 6.8
>the us cant reach 3%

Attached: rates.png (745x677, 47K)


you will only be ab

Being this fucking retarded. I can play with graphs too.

The trade war will wipe out 1-2% growth in China, US is already hovering at 4%. China will remain BTFO for the next 100 years if they even exist as a country by then.

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this is what i am talking about
the shock will be too hard
burguers are kind of neurotic

>us 2.9 at best for the year
meanwhile china will still score a 6.7 this year

>they will surpass your economy in the next decade
Sucking China's dick this hard. There are just some lies that don't come true the more you tell them. This is one.

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What’s the point of shilling my board?

i am not shilling i am legit concerned