How or why are toll roads legal?
How or why are toll roads legal?
How or why are roads paid for?
Taxes? It's a bullshit double tax. Don't you have familia in NYC or some shit? Call them and they'll explain it to you
Toll roads in the United States
Seems like a pretty fair tax to me actually, why should everyone be forced to cover the costs of something only a select few use. You use the infrastructure, you pay for it.
helps allocate funds to keep section of road in shape based on usage. or they could just tax everyone, even those that work from home or that bicycle/walk it around.
Yeah it's annoying but it's literally the best way to fund public infrastructure.
There are many toll roads in the United States; as of 2006, toll roads exist in 35 states, with the majority of states without any toll roads being in the West and South. In 2015, there were 5,000 miles (8,000 km) of toll roads in the country.[1]
Some states have an RF tag that automatically bills the commuters account electronically for tolls. Examples of this are the E-ZPass electronic toll collection system used on most toll bridges, toll tunnels, and toll roads in the eastern U.S., as far south as Virginia, as far north as Maine , and as far west as Illinois; California's FasTrak; Florida's SunPass; Kansas's K-Tag; Oklahoma's Pikepass; Texas's TxTag (and within Texas, Houston's EZ Tag and Dallas's TollTag); Louisiana's GeauxPass; and Georgia's Peach Pass and Cruise Card. Traffic in these special lanes can move near the speed limit with minimal slowing.
Toll roads, especially near the East Coast, are often called turnpikes; the term turnpike originated from pikes, which were long sticks that blocked passage until the fare was paid and the pike turned at a toll house (or toll booth in current terminology).
In early US history, many individual citizens would maintain nearby stretches of road and collect a fee from people who used that specific stretch. Eventually, companies were formed to build, improve, and maintain a particular section of roadway, and tolls were collected from users to finance the enterprise. The enterprise was usually named to indicate the location of its roadway, often including the name of one or both of the termini. The word turnpike came into common use in the names of these roadways and companies, and is essentially used interchangeably with toll road in current terminology.
Eventually, companies were formed to build, improve, and maintain a particular section of roadway, and tolls were collected from users to finance the enterprise.
>gets upset about having to occasionally pay a road toll
>lives in a shithole flyover state that doesn't have fully electric tolling
>hurrdurr double tax
Hey, taxes go to public transit and people still have to pay a fare to use it. Taxes go into road maintenance but tolls will also help to maintain frequently traveled highways because they get trashed, especially in states that get snow.
Yup. Both of the main toll roads I've used in the past are no longer toll roads because the cost was paid off. I'm honestly shocked that the government didn't just keep taking money though.
A select few? There are millions of people that drive every fucking day. Fair tax my ass. I know they love taxes up there in Commieland but come on now.
I know what toll roads are you dumbass, I'm saying they're bullshit and should be illegal
Actually I have to use them every fucking day but nice try
Province builds a toll road, sells it to a Spanish company.
-Government has sold highway 407 for $3.1 billion dollars. ... A Quebec-based engineering firm and a Spanish partner
-The total cost of the highway that opened in 1997 was $1.6 billion, but the amount of money spent in the 1970s to acquire the land that the highway ran along amounts to over $100 billion.
-Highway 407 could be worth up to $45B in a decade.
I would much rather pay toll and drive on a privately maintained road than have it taken out of my taxes and still drive over the same potholes every year.
So you'd rather get taxed twice, that makes sense
Yeah, and those millions of people get to pay the tax for the infrastructure that only they use. If it was realistic to do so this should be done with all roads, you pay tax based on the amount of miles driven on the road per year. Don't want to pay tax? Easy, don't use public services and infrastructure.
you're being taxed everytime you purchase something though
sorry to break the news to you like this
Gasoline tax used to pay for roads in the past. Still does, but now they have these fucking toll roads on top of it.
Maybe if the government wasn't so inefficient with money we wouldn't need toll roads.
Only until all roads are privatized. The more roads sold by failing governments the quicker this will happen. And if the govt doesn't own a road nor maintain it, they can't very well charge a tax for it's upkeep.
Corrupt is the word you're looking for bud
Yup that's illegal too, shouldn't be a thing either
And you think that's happening anytime soon? I'd love to live in that fantasy world youre in right now
avoid the tolls then faggot
And how am I suppose to get into Manhattan without tolls, faggot?
Sure, my city already sold it's parking meters. I am confident within 20 years their incompetence will lead them to selling other public assets, namely the police force being the first egg to crack. Tacobell presents the Police Department coming soon.
We pay niggers and beaners stupid money a hour to stand around while one or two work on road projects. Its a labor scam that runs up the costs of work.
>Google Maps can be used to find a toll free routes in your area. You can select the option of finding a route without tolls.
>Wave, another GPS app, can also be used to avoid tolls. You would simply go to "Settings," then "Navigation" and select the option "Avoid Toll Roads."
here you go nigger
Find a route into NYC without tolls. I'll wait patiently while you waste your fucking time.
give me your home/work address
just dont fucking drive on them. the turnpike here is fucking trash anyway
Yeah so your gang banging family members can rob me? Nice try faggot, I ALMOST fell for that bullshit
>gasoline tax pays for the road.
t. pennsylvanian
>go to Croatia by car
>6 trillion billion toll roads
>no alternatives
But they are well kept and weren't that expensive so I don't complain too much.
Stop fucking larping. Go drive on 3 n get off the highway in San Pedro de macoris to avoid the toll and 1 or 2 things will happen
>military stops you at checkpoint and demands money from you
>kids throw eggs at your windshield and when you stop to clean it then their fathers will jump out and rob you at gun point
Here in Chicago we sold all our roads to the mafia for 1/10th the value. But it temporarily plugged a budget deficit for one year so that's cool.
>Stop fucking larping.
larping de ke mmg?
In Massachusetts they opened toll roads to "temporarily" pay for a major highway overhaul and then left them there for 30 years. Taxes are cancer once they get a revenue stream they never let up and keep pushing it. Nobody fights back anymore though they just bend over and accept it.
>drive in croatian countryside
craziest fucking drivers in the world are in the balkans
They actually pay for a million women's salaries who otherwise shouldn't have been in the job force. They all just shit there on their massive fat asses and collect money while providing zero value. Yay feminism!
407 is the comfiest highway
>to the mafia
Wasn't it like the Swedes or something?
Have to squeeze the goyim as hard as possible, friend.
Imagine PAYING for the PRIVILEGE of driving TO YOUR PLACE OF WORK.
In Washington, to fund bridges like the Narrows Bridge, tolls are essential to paying it off and maintaining it. There was no toll before the 2nd bridge was built due to traffic jams. But I am afraid now that once the 2nd bridge is payed off with tolls, they will continue it just to milk money.
Easy , go to Albany take Dunn memorial bridge across Hudson then swing back around through BX and take any of the free Harlem river bridges for free get on FDR and you're in Manhattan queens Bk free.
Oh you wanted to go faster? Pay a toll for convenience.
You retarded nigger, no country in the world would allow you to stop paying taxes for shit like schools and other things that people who don't fuck dogs use.
Build your own fuck roads.
Oh yeah, they'll do it.
294 was the first toll road in IL.
>Tolls will be removed once its paid off.
In the 70s. Now it costs like $20 to get stuck in a traffic jam outside of Chicago instead of being stuck in a traffic jam inside Chicago.
That's exactly what they said about Staten Island 's verazzano bridge now it's $15 to cross. $5 if you're a resident. But no freeway to drive into Staten Island without paying insane tolls. But I got to say it keeps the city white.
Yeah I fear the same thing here. It's not estimated to be paid off until 2030. It was an almost 1billion dollar bridge +interest. So will see. But for now its absolutely worth it. Instead of many people driving from the west side to the east, they stay on the west and its greatly helping our economy and business growth. Plus on the east side there are lots of niggers so they don't cross the bridge so they don't have to pay the toll. We got a costco and less niggers out of the deal.
I give it two thumbs up.
They do tax everyone
>toll roads are a market solution to government failure.