Would you support a primary challenge to Trump in 2020?

Would you support a primary challenge to Trump in 2020?

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I'd support you shutting the fuck up. Stop trying to fuck with the greatest President in US history.

Rand Paul coud easily win It's just a question of whether the president could do another term on maximum overdrive like he is now

>greatest President in US history
Um, not really dude.

Is Don Jr. planning on running for something? Listening to his speech in MT, he sounded pretty well put together.

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Oh, sweetie. It will be ok. I'm sure you will get your negro-trans-feminist-socialist elected next cycle. "It's its turn"

We need Trump to take power from the corrupt regime running our country. Our own elected leaders sell us out swearing their allegiance to foreign nations, no other country allows this!

Only way to clean it up is for the Emperor to take power, keep power, then pass it on to Glorious Don or Barron!

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i would not

Donald dtrump Jr. is planning on running as vice president of england.

rand would have balls if he primaries trump. i'd follow him into the abyss at that point. rand 2020. let's get it started, boys.

In a heartbeat. At least Rand hasn't ducked to the Jews, at least as far as I know.

Look at all you shills trying to feign a concensus. How pathetic are you people?

Sweetie, your president is the biggest cuck for Israel in presidential history and that is why he won.

Israel, zionism, the rothschilds, the clintons, the kikes who make this world shit will face judgment this summer.

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Backward ass TOGGAF

What a sycophantic retard.

How come there's no war with Syria, Iran or North korea?

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Shill? You're mentally handicapped aren't you? Is Trump not ducked to Israel? Please provide proof he isn't.

How come there's no war with Syria, Iran, or North Korea?

jokes on you. i'm no shill.

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4 Life

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Yeah, then why the meme flag you worthless kike?

fuck him he a traitor, only Ron Paul.

you're not wrong. trump ain't all bad. but still. rand 2020.

You're a paid shill and you're too low IQ to even shill properly. Get the fuck out of here you dumb kike. PUTIN AND TRUMP ARE GOING TO HAVE AN AMAZING SUMMIT AND ISRAEL CAN SHUT TEH FUCK UP.

Wait until his second term cuck. Why did Obama pull troops out of Afghanistan and then send more back in once his second term started?
>inb4 "Obama shill"
I hate that nigger just giving you a dose of reality. It's politically unpalatable to go to war in a first term of presidency unless a crisis happens.

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pic related fone fag

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>meme flag
not an argument.

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Butthurt trumpfag? Some people have to work for a living and can't be on a computer all day. Fucking neets.

You haven't made one argument in this entire thread.

israel will never stfu. get real, magapede.

nah lolbertarians can get fucked
they only care about money and pleasure
they’d only give a shit about culture if they could buy and sell it

THIS IS YOUR JOB SHITSTAIN. TO SHILL ON Jow Forums. You're a junkie, a lowlife and a degenerate. That's why this is your job. You're so fucking worthless at everythign you do this is the best you could come up with.

Actually, memeflaggot are confirmed shills. Show it faggot.

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what do you want from me. i'm an unambashed rand paul supporter.

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How delusional are you? Seriously though, you are the epitome of
>doesn't agree with me, just be a shill

I see the NEET remark pissed you off. Get a job and stop eating tendies.

Rand blew his time on tv trying to get trump to promise to support the Republican nominee
Way to go Rand

Have you guys forgotten how incredibly poorly he did during the last election cycle? He got absolutely stomped. If Trump hadn't been there then he still would have lost to Cruz. Imagine being such a lifeless, 5 foot nothing piece of shit that you lose to a creepy fucker like Ted Cruz.

Ok that is interesting. Post more

So you guys can't make arguments and namecall whenever you can't say anything intelligent. You truly are inbred morons. I can't wait for you to watch Israel crumble.



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Only argument you be made is
>doesn't agree with me therefore shill

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id support him in 2024

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>guy forgets script
>inner circle swarming with jews
>"guys! he walked away from netanyahu! he's good to go on the jq!"
puh-lease, chump

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Well see where this goes. I'm still voting Trump over any other neocon or den so don't trip.

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kek, a poorfag calling me a NEET. Classic.

Back to OP, no if Trump runs he has my full support

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>Trump’s Nuclear Experience: In 1987, he set out to solve the world’s biggest problem.
>Donald Trump with the power to destroy life on earth. At the heart of the near hysterical (and mostly justified) Fear of Trump that escalates as he approaches the Republican nomination is the Fear of Trump With the Trigger. That explosive temperament combined with that explosive capability.

>But it has largely been forgotten that Trump is not new to nuclear matters. He has beenthinking abouthow he’d handle nuclear weaponsand nuclear proliferation for more than a quarter-century, at least since 1987, when heclaimed to me that he was “dealing at a very high level” with people in the White House (that would have been the Reagan White House) on doomsday questions.

>“Those people think that because we have it and the Russians have it, nobody will ever use it because they’re assuming everybody’s not necessarily mad. They don’t see Qaddafi walking into an airplane and slapping his subordinates and screaming like a madman on the airplane to the pilots. The man is a psycho.

>“I mean, what if he’s got the bomb and something happens like the time we shot down two of his planes. And he’s enraged and he can’t see straight and he’s got twenty missiles pointed right at the United States. Washington. I mean, do you think there’s a chance he won’t press the button?”

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Whatever you say. This is pol, what you say doesn't matter without proof.

>“And then there’s the briefcase bomb.”

>“Carry it in your briefcase, right. I’m not even talking about airplanes and missiles. You’ll walk in with your damn tape recorder,” he says, pointing to my innocent Sony, “and you’ll say it’s a tape recorder and nobody will be able to tell the difference. I mean, that’s where it’s going to be in 20 years.”

So what is the deal Trump thinks can be done? What is the Trump Plan?
>It’s a deal with the Soviets. We approach them on this basis: We both recognize the nonproliferation treaty’s not working, that half a dozen countries are on the brink of getting a bomb. Which can only cause trouble for the two of us. The deterrence of mutual assured destruction that prevents the United States and the USSR from nuking each other won’t work on the level of an India-Pakistan nuclear exchange. Or a madman dictator with a briefcase-bomb team. The only answer is for the Big Two to make a deal now to step in and prevent the next generation of nations about to go nuclear from doing so. By whatever means necessary.

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>Would you support a primary challenge to Trump in 2020?

NO, not as long as there are more innocent Jews rotting in jail that need to be pardoned.

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You're a shill because you can't even spell the name of this board right.

The text below was first published in Manhattan, inc., in 1987, and later collected inManhattan Passion, under the headline “Trump: The Ultimate Deal—In which we see the world through the eyes of Qaddafi’s pilot.”

>Forty-eight hours before our scheduled lunch, Donald Trump called to cancel it. He’d had severe second thoughts, he said, about the advisability of revealing the extent of his involvement in the delicate—and explosive—subject I’d wanted to discuss with him.

>“I’m dealing at a very high level on this,” he said. With people in Washington. In the White House. There was too much at stake for him to risk the wrong kind of exposure on The Subject.

>“My uncle who just passed away was a great scientist,” Trump is telling me as we make our way out of his office to the elevator. “He was a professor at MIT. Dr. John Trump. In fact, together with Dr. Van de Graaff they did the Van de Graaff generator. He was the earliest pioneer in radiation therapy for cancer. He spent his whole life fighting cancer and he ended up dying of it.”

>It was his uncle, Trump tells me, who got him started thinking about The Subject.

>“He told me something a few years ago,” Trump recalls. “He told me, ‘You don’t realize how simple nuclear technology is becoming.’ That’s scary. He said it used to be that only a few brains in the world understood it and now you have a situation where thousands and thousands of brains can easily understand it, and it’s becoming easier, and someday it’ll be like making a bomb in the basement of your house. And that’s a very frightening statement coming from a man who’s totally versed in it.”

Trump pardoned that kike because he ratted out other kikes.

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I feel like he would actually be a 1488 pres

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>Trump pardoned that kike because he ratted out other kikes.

Trump must be a huge fan of Soros then.

Which other kikes? That rabbi was given a hero welcome here in israe...i mean there in israel.


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He pretty much is.

Mods just deleted a nice Christian thread: This is just one example of the great hostility to Christianity that can be observed in modern culture. Even our politicians lie and pander to Christians while pushing Satanic agendas that harm their very constituents. Shouldn't those involved in the pro-nationalist counterculture embrace Christianity as a unifying force among Western/European nations, as well as a healthy tradition and a meaningful way to realize humanity's spiritual potential? Why is it that our enemies, and Jews in general, hate Christianity and actively seek to undermine and destroy it?? Should that not by itself be evidence of its importance to Aryan civilization?

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Sure, why not.

Always been a Ron Paul fan, Rand is almost as good, really anyone who isn't a jew or jew puppet is good in my book.

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Fuck no

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Don’t get the haters coming here from faggit and leftyfail

Trump will run as independent in 2020 and fuck both dems and rep in the ass.

Is a new world... everyone is invited. Except for canadians.

I only vote for candidates that name the Jew.

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I really wanna see the sheer autistic rage again though, all the screaming, crying, and levels of JUST from the left was an amazing thing to behold when he first came in.

>a conservative woman is bad
>he's rather get a stupid fucking cunt elected president instead

Shill spotted, floppy to be slotted.